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Posts posted by prvtdetdave

  1. Temp. here in Kranuan at our house was 15.8 at daybreak.

    Al Gore? John Mc Cain? Their all crooks,

    They haven't got a dam_n thing to do with the temp or weather in Thailand or anything else I hope.

    The Politics & corporate greed of that country is why I retired here.

    The only good republican is a jailed one.

    Back to the topic,

    I would like to see how far back records of weather stats have been kept

    and what the coldest temperature my have been beenmay have been.

  2. What a load of <deleted> people are writing here.

    Only a couple of people have got it right.

    Lifestyle choices.

    You have gained it long term due to inappropriate choices.

    if you lose if quickly, it will come straight back on at the end of your drugs/diet - normally with a bit extra.

    Lose 18kg in 6 months?

    Why the <deleted> would you want to?

    You like stretch marks?

    I was 105kg - now 79. over 20 months

    Done through changing my daily routine

    1/. Cut back on alcohol, BIGTIME. If you have to, smoke, walk, or swap for sex.

    2/. Don't buy fast food. Buy Thai or cook fresh fruit, veg, meat and seafood

    3/. Cut back "bad" carbs (read: sugar, bread, potato). Increase GOOD carbs (read pulses, whole grains, brown rice etc)

    4/. Drink a lot of water

    5/. walk a little. 30 minutes a day is good.

    6/. Don't freak out and "start a diet" " start diet drugs" or "change". Just commit to minor, achievable changes that over 6-12 month will have a major, and almost irreversible impact.

    It's F*CKING hard, but do it gradually, and without pain, and don't be in too much of a rush - and in a year or two you will have self esteem, a sense of achievement and the admiration and support of those who know you.

    DON'T go the loser route of tummy tucks, pills, diets, gyms and ab-machines from TV.

    Weight loss is a suckers game and a growth industry in these hard economic times, and you owe it to yourself to resist these wanke_rs and Charlatans and it really is as easy as a 10% positive change in lifestyle and eating/drinking habits to make a massive difference without parting with your cash or dignity.

    msg me if you need to know more.

    I have been this route myself.

    Pills can be VERY dangerous as mentioned, as well as expensive and ineffective.

    You can die or have major emotional / sexual / physical side effects.

    Oh - and avoid the "veggie" tips.

    Go for a balanced diet. Google food pyramid.

    vegetarians are like religious freaks - zealots out touting for converts.

    If you don't have a moral or psychological issue, <deleted> try and enjoy a balanced diet.

    For me, being in Thailand and eating fresh local (inexpensive) food (with water, instead of softdrinks or beer\) is ALWAYS a reliable way to lose weight.

    best of luck

    This was the best and most sane post I have yet to read.

    I am a retired Criminal Investigator, I was also an amature weightlifter I was 186cm and 160kg

    Now 186cm 126kg still losing slowly. I gave up smoking, Drink only red wine. No sugar (Hard to do in Thailand) No beer, No booze. (Girls are OK ;) ) No bread, No pasta , a little red wine I walk 3.2- 4.5k 6 days a week. Takes 40minutes to 1 hour don't worry about speed records. start walkingf if only 15 min a day or 10in 2 - 3times a day

    I am at 160kg in the photo.


  3. Frankly, I'm amazed at this!

    Eat LESS, eat HEALTHY, avoid JUNK food, try - goddammit - EXERCISE! Nothing too frenetic, mind you (as if you could!).

    Want to know why you have a weight problem?

    Lifestyle, mate. Attitude. Laziness, even.

    If you want something enough, you'll find a way.

    No kidding? The man asked for a drug to aid his/her weightloss. I am sure they have heard your dribble a 1000 times before.

    Frankly I am amazed when when people ask a civil question and they get a pompus & pious reply.

    I am also frankly amazed at the ignorance of those self pro-claimed health experts that never had to deal with the issues they

    so selfrightously preach about.

  4. I have an increasing waistline from eating and drinking and lack of exercise. I wouldnt say Im obese but I can see if I dont change my habits I could end up worse in a few years. I am contemplating a meal replacement shake for lunch instead and eating less so I can gradually come down in size. Im not overly concerned about the weight, but I am about the fat. I will start regime of walking and biking to get my metabolism up.

    So, can anyone suggest a meal replacement shake that tastes good and works. I did try the Amway one with orange flavouring but that didnt taste so good.


    Hi Donny:

    Wow, u does try Amway before? That's a great product. I actually got friend in other company, they also have something like it, but the flavour is more like soya flavour, wanna try it?

    Her compnay is called WBG. I don't know what they called in Thailand, coz i'm in Malaysia now. The product call Hunza Enhancer Pro, it will give me the full feeling, and it also contain lot of others nutriens. It help to reduce our absortion of sugar and carbohhydrates, improve our metabolism which burn the fat away and improve the complexion. It is a natural ingredient, and contain also the essent of Cryptomonadales (King of Algea) which trade mark as Indinine. Next week i'll attach to you the nutrition sheet of it, i need to scan it..

    Beside that i would like to suggest you to go gym if u not intent to size down just to change your fat to muscle... Or you can try to replace you dinner with just juice from fruit, 4 carrot + green apple no sugar no ices.

    Just adding the fact i found.

    lfprobanner.jpgA great tasting natural weight manager! <A name=1831>Life-Enhancer Pro Formula


    A potent combination of 12 natural ingredients formulated to work well to help manage weight loss or maintain your ideal weight according to your needs.

    Product Benefits

    • Reduces absorption of sugars and carbohydrates

    • Reduces the feeling of hunger

    • Improves metabolism

    • Improves complexion Nutritional Information

    Energy 41Kcal

    Protein 2.5g

    Fat 1.0g

    Saturated Fat 0.2g

    Cholesterol Not detected

    Carbohydrate 5.5g

    Total Dietary Fibre 1.6mg

    Sodium 11mg

    Potassium 108mg

    Calcium 33mg

    Iron 2.3mg

    Total sugar 2.2g

    Vitamin A 821iu

    Vitamin C 0.1mg


    Indinine3000; Psyllium Husk; Soya Bean Powder; Chlorophyll Powder; Green Tea Extract; Discoreae Yam Powder; Corn Silk Powder; Hawthorn Berry Powder; Lotus Leaf Powder; Lotus Leaf Powder; Evening Primrose Powder; Garcinia Cambogia Powder; Guar Gum; Fructose

    Recommended Dosage 1 sachet before each meal

    Packaging Details 10 g x 30 sachets

    For Best Reults

    • Reduce carbohydrates, sugar & fats intake

    • Drink more water

    Got it from:


    Pls go and see. If need any assitances feel free contact me ***please PM poster*** with headline/title thiavisa fren, so that i can notice and not treated as spam, ok?

    OK. I kow this is an(Old Post) 1. The AMWAY Products are garbage 2. Don't get sucked into that Ponzi Pyrimid Scam. 3. Fractose is sugar.

    Most of the Pharmacys in Thailand carry a whey protein mix. I get one that is 52g protien and only 5g carbos I blend my cookies & creme flavor with skim or 0%fat free milk.

    Just remember. Protein GOOD, Carbohydrates BAD!

  5. So if this occurred in Thailand. How many other countries such as Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam are having the same crime activity?

    Are other companies (criminals) doing the same thing. Maybe they also have poor Chinese and Thai girls there.

    By staying under the radar and possibly more rural areas where telephone & internet access are not so available, taking these girls out of their home country

    also increases the security of the criminal activity.

    As far as the Thai Police are concerned they maybe far from having completed their investigation.

    Meaning more and more charges will be brought forth as the investigation continues and the Prosecutor is made aware.

    In Thailand the Prosecutor has no means or authority to investigate.

    Many times the news only gives you a charge they are being held on, they (The Police) need to start somewhere.

    Also Thai Police do not bring the formal charges.

    This is done by the Prosecutor.

    Then a judicial review to see what charges are supported and which are not.

    I would always hope & wish for these things to never ever happen, but they do.

    prvtdetdave (CDI ret.)

  6. This is a strange one, to say the least. RIP to them both, and condolences to their families, but reasons and rationale totally escape me. The wife die of a possible heart attack and the husband, overcome with grief (combined with stress??) died of a "broken heart", or his own heart attack over her loss?

    I hope there is a follow up to this story that resolves how they died. Tragic, whatever the consequences.

    I strongly tend to agree, an autopsy should confirm this hypothosis.

  7. Millions of fake Baht notes ??????

    with the crap on the table and what was listed in the article it looks more like he was scamming the tourist out of money - there is no way he could have made even a single passable Baht note with this stuff

    Guess the German needed cash for beer. Of course he's trying to rip this guy off. Weird cops. So what's the evidence now? Black magic???:jap:

    In the US If you attempt to sell an illegal drug using a placebo e.g. oregano in place of marijuana; to rip off a purchaser of the illict drugs.

    You will still be charged with Transportation, Manufacture, Possesion and Intent to Deliver. If it is near a school zone enforcement enhancements will also apply.

    If a maximum is 10 yrs prison it could double, all for 10 oz. of spice.

    Many countries have penal codes that closely mirror each other.

    Even without knowing the Thai Criminal code and how protective they are of the baht.

    This guy will be lucky if he ever sees Germany again.

  8. Well I broke down and bought a used Kubota 26hp best I can figure as it is smaller but has the 4 cyl engine.

    I figure it should do for the 70 ria / As time goes on I'll get a few attachments for it.

    16.4k hours on it.

    I received a 4 dic plow with it & a pair of steel paddle wheels, so for 86k baht I figured it was ok. / May God have mercy on my soul (lol).

    I looked into the jssr thing, but the lady there wanted a 10k deposite. I do believe she was talking usd.

    Thanks to all you gentlemen who gave me some advise.


  9. Thank you gentelmen,

    I will certainly look at the Thai web site and the thank you for factoring the wet weather soil/climate

    I still have my business here in the states and my family here has an extensive farm and farm background.

    I may consider on my next trip (leaving Sept 2nd for Kranuan) of building a tractor for them. Our project over the winter months we had buildt a couple homebuildt tractors for special applications.

    A small 4cyl diesel with a 4x4 transfer case high low range maybe the ticket, add a hydralic pump and WALA!.

    Although as I think of it, I may end up being the chief engineer (lol).

    I go 3 times a year for about a month and hope to settle in January of 2011.

  10. Say fellas,

    My In-Laws use a 2 wheel Kobuta, I would love to get a small 4 wheel tractor for them, but used tractor prices in Thailand are crazy.

    I have a couple here in the states,

    but I thought I might try shipping a good Ford 8n.

    I know the shipping costs for a 20' Container is around $1,800.

    Then I could load it with other goodies. a few implements.

    I believe there must be some type of duty tax.

    Anyone know how much that maybe?

  11. the only good thing i can think of this is the baht should get weaker? financial gurus r u out there?

    I am not a financial advisor or money expert. I have investigated frauds.

    I have seen many incidents in Thailand that should have weaked the baht against the dollar,

    but I see it has only gained against the dollar recently.

    As far as to who was responsible for firing the grenade into the barracks area, it could be any

    number of factions. Even muslim extremists who want to take advantage of a high tension situation and provoke or escalate an incident.

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