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Posts posted by prvtdetdave

  1. Qantas, Qantas Qantas, was a great airline till the unions destroyed it, high wages, huge perks for the workers and families. The only airline to buy them would be Emirates. I had a good flight with them BKK/ Auckland, have booked them again.

    I have finished with Thai.

    Unions destroyed it? Bullocks!

  2. A group of brainwashed stupid people led bu an egomaniac who is basically a criminal. They are going to ruin the lives of Millions of Thai people. It won't effect the majority of farangs. Simply move back home or on to one of many other beautiful places one can stay or holiday. When things clear up, simply return at your own wish. That won't help the millions who rely on income from tourists

    Are you referring to a man in Dubai? He is definitely an egomaniac, and he is most definitely the criminal. Convicted one. I'm certain that you are aware that Thailand lost 6 billions USD in 2010, 100,000 plus Thais lost their jobs in 2010 (small business not included, many people went bust), not to mention dead people and carnage around Bangkok, and the very same people who were responsible for it UDD/Red shirt leaders such as Jatuporn, Nattawut, Kwanchai, Arisman etc...etc...instead of being locked up for a long time were rewarded with well-paid jobs. That was a dangerous precedent. Some of us warned that letting them off the hook will encourage others to follow their path. Unfortunately, we were proven right. The country which allows proven terrorists to occupy public functions has no future. Either Thailand cleanses the whole political scene of the rubbish they've been hiding under the rug for far too long or the country will simply cease to exist. As simple as that.

    Like the yellow shirts Airport takeovers?

  3. You've got to be a bit weird to want to live in overcrowded, smelly, rip-off bkk anyway.

    Love from Issan.

    I love living in Issan. All the tam pu pla, khao nieow, gai yang that I can eat. Sitting on my patio, watching the sun go down, the paddy farmers returning home to shrieks of delight from their little ones.

    I do also enjoy Bangkok. The occasional cheese fondue at Chesa's, pork knuckle at Bei Otto, home brewed beer at Tawan Daeng, nice steaks, sashimi, Korean BBQ, pizza and pasta, curried crab, river prawns (those with the big, juicy, succulent heads)....... Oh, not forgetting that my company pays me to stay and work here as well.

    OK. I agree with everything except "nice steaks" where in the hell did you find nice steaks in Thailand?

  4. Ozymandias mentioned:


    Interesting repetition except this time round he is positioned on the opposing side......so let's see how the prejudiced crowd go from 13.

    If you pick out what happened 20 years ago, what follies did YOU commit back 20 years ago? If you don't change in 20 years, you are a living dead, my boy! So allow Suthep to change as well.

    Nobody here says Suthep is a saint.

    But then Taksin is a non-saint of much bigger proportions.

    I always get the feeling, the Reds never realize, that their mudslinging leaves then with much more dirt on their face then on their opponents face...

    And I'm waiting for the day, when the Reds start talking about content, not about persons.

    Are they for or against corruption? Suthep's follower are against it.

    Are they for or against votebuying and election rigging? The demonstrators are against it.

    Are they for or against a fair share of wealth for all Thais? The demonstrators are definitely for it.

    Are they for or against an improoved education system? The demontrators are fro the improvement.

    Are they for or against being taken for a ride and lied to and cheated by their own leaders? The demonstrators detest liars. And broken promises.

    Are they for or against a government, that is working from within Thailand or from a not-elected guy in a foreign country? The demonstrators prefer to have the person in charge to be here, right in the center, not even on permanent vacation in Chiang Mai or Dubai/Hong Kong/Montenegro.

    So in my humble oppinion, if the Reds weren't only listening to their leaders but instead ask for and demand substance, the leaders would since long be standing alone out in nowhere...


    Your full of more stuffing than a Christmas Turkey. (lol)

  5. I parked on 2nd road Pattaya. Told the gesticulating stall owner I was going to eat. Drove off 30 minutes later with a nail in my tyre...

    You have been warned, but your ignorance and selfishness have been punished, so what?

    Som nam na...lesson learned?

    My wife is also pissed, when these idiots (mostly farangs), block the parking space in front of her office/shop for several hours with their cars....

    Thais tend to ask, if they're allowed to park for a few minutes.....

    This is Thailand, stop whining and adapt yourself.

    More bullocks! Thais asking to park for a few minutes? Get real.

    • Like 1
  6. This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

    It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

    Sorry.....I don't know where you got your information, but it's certainly incorrect. I'm not Thai Bashing but if you tried keep the taxpayers from parking on streets that their tax dollars paid for in any of the cities I am familiar with in the U.S. the police would be paying you a "not so nice visit" and quite possibly fining you.

    As I said above, google "parking space argument" and you will get thousands of hits. A good number are between two people fighting over a spot, but you will also find many examples of shopkeepers and restaurants trying to block off parking in front of their place. If someone does complain, the shopkeeper will likely get cited as there are quite a few cities that have ordinances prohibiting such activity. I found it much more prevalent in various European cities, but it does happen in the US.

    OK. We Googled it. Most of these are neighbors fighting over parking spaces in front of thier homes. Also many of those google stories are repeats and old news. Damn few of what your saying. I think you would get more hits searching for "Dogs with Hemoroides"

  7. This is not a Thai thing - it happens in virtually every city on the planet.

    It does get worse. Go to any city in the US or Europe, and you will find restaurant owners who place tables and chairs right on the footpath, and if that is not enough, then they remove the traffic cones they have placed in the street to block parkers and put more tables and chairs there.

    Every city on the planet? Are you serious? I don't know how shop owners in the West can claim the area out the front of their business when there are parking meters every 20 feet or so. In Australia you can't even put a billboard on the sidewalk unless you get council approval, let alone tables and chairs, and I've never had a shopowner anywhere else in the world get aggressive because I parked outside his shop.

    I've seen it in many cities in Europe, and in New York it is almost considered constitutionally guaranteed. They will put orange parking cones in front of their establishment, and move them only when they are assured that you are going into their business. Ignore it at your and your car's peril. There have been multiple shootings in NYC related to these incidents.

    No idea about Australia - been there many times, but never long enough to observe whether this goes on or not.

    OK. Name 3 incidents, be specific.

    • Like 1
  8. Tourism never came back from damage caused by the Yellow Shirts to pre 2008 levels after they took over Suvarnabhumi.

    I think the elite really slit thier own throats this time. I don't believe the Army will support the yellow shirts this time.

    The Army will not let it come to civil war.

    Command staff realize most of the enlisted men come from poor Northern and North East famlies. It would be prudent

    not to cause internal insurrection. If they do envoke a coupe, it will not to to appease Suthep.

  9. The guy is a typical southern thug liar. I wouldn't believe a word he is saying except check to see if that gun matches the one who killed the police officer.

    Too late ... No autopsy was performed ???? ... I would also assume the unfortunate BIB has already been cremated ... Not much of an investiigation ...whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

    I would assume the bullet was removed from the victim prior to being cremated and the markings can be compared by forensics.

  10. What is it with this PTP having to do everything in secret and in the dead of night.

    Push the vote for the second reading of the amnesty bill in secret and at 4.25 AM.

    Push the senate vote through in secret and at 2.35 AM when they stated that debate would resume at 9AM the next day.

    Now registering their party and their full list at 3 AM in secret. They are the only party to have totally complete the entire process.

    The EC wanted postponement until YL forced a meeting, then they turn around and defend Feb 2nd elections. Strange how they can hold a meeting with the leader of a party in the run up to the elections, I thought that would be very illegal seeing they are to be totally neutral.

    You going to try to tell me that the EC are not now in Thaksin's pocket?.... you going to be that gullible?

    Suthep is 100% correct.... It IS ugly!!

    Just one more reason why these elections can not continue, and I am willing to bet any member on here a cash wager that they don't happen.

    Blah blah blah, if there are elections are you going to vote? ............................I thought so,hmmpf!

  11. "In their new overseas home, an American family soon finds themselves caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed."

    Strange that the actor is allegedly supporting a group who are attempting to lay the conditions for a coup. He has either been conned or being extremely opportunistic.

    I don't think WILSON is in sympathy with either side. Some dick head yellow shirt probably just gave him a whistle to wear for the photo-op.

  12. Brilliant, we want more of this type of news, blast it out it may catch on. tip of the iceberg re abuse the people and the system every day.

    There is more of this type of news biggrin.png . 5 Officials were jailed for 6 years in Chiang Mai for extorting market vendors. Wa's goin' on? shock1.gif

    None of the police in this post, or any of the officials will be in prison next week, that is for sure.

    This is not good news for Thailand, this is just more of the bad news for Thailand. Prison is for the poor, anyone with a few mill in the bank will always be allowed out.

    This is one of the things that Suthep wants to change, love him or hate him. But he knows you have to clean up politics first and then the politicians will clean up the police from the top down.


  13. Great city....lets hope prices remain high to put off the TEFL gang....

    I'm wondering why you would say that?

    I believe he / she infers that most have come to believe those who TEFL, usual come with fake degrees, haven't

    put enough time in there own countries. They appear to be rejects of thier own countries.

    They generally bring down the expat image and are generally looking for away to fund thier good time.

    This is just a stereo type developed over time and in my opinion is unjust.

  14. The whole problem is the the people rebelling against a corrupt government? It was nothing to do with the additional corruption in the tourist industry? A large portion in the tourist industry is untouchable, it is controlled by the influential people and the police. Every entertainment facility must pay the police for protection. This type of operation also goes on all over the world. If you own a restaurant in Chicago or New Jersey, and you do not pay your monthly contribution, your place will have a fire. Clean up everything. beatdeadhorse.gif


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  15. reminds me , many years ago me and a friend were sitting in a bar on Bangla mid afternoon , copper was sat in there talking to the owner and showing them his "new " gun ,

    He also showed his bullets and he had one hollowed out , this one he said was special , this one he states is for the Farangs blink.png

    Well, farangs are usually bigger in stature and denser too. So a boost in shock power as well as extra velocity might be necessary for adequate stopping power. But then the variables of body-armor and drug influence can be important too.

    Wait farang! I need to chamber the correct bullet for you! (lol).

  16. 'Maybe to some degree':

    imo there is no maybe, it's certainly been proven to my satisfaction, I wouldn't touch them.

    'Why cooking with a microwave destroys cancer-fighting nutrients in food and promotes nutritional deficiencies

    Learn more:


    from the same study:

    'Microwaves absolutely decimate the nutritional value of your food, destroying the very vitamins and phytonutrients that prevent disease and support good health. Previous studies have shown that as much as 98% of the cancer-fighting nutrients in broccoli, for example, are destroyed by microwaving.

    Question: Are microwaves “bad” for food?

    Answer: It’s not worse than some other common cooking methods. While the Internet is teeming with articles that talk about how microwaves deactivate enzymes or destroy antioxidants, the truth is that many cooking methods do that, particularly boiling or pressure-cooking foods for long periods of time. Take broccoli, one of Dr. Oz’s favorite superfoods. A 2003 study examined this cruciferous cancer fighter and found that microwaving, boiling, and high pressure-cooking for long periods of time all slashed the flavonoid content, while steaming was best at keeping the nutrients intact.1 A 2009 study2 considered a wider group of veggies, subjecting 20 vegetables to a variety of cooking methods and then measuring antioxidant activity. Their conclusion? The vegetables actually varied widely in how much antioxidant activity they preserved – but a key finding was that shorter cooking time, using minimal water, is one of the best ways to retain nutrients. That study concluded that microwaving – because it shortens cooking time – actually preserved antioxidant capacity better than boiling and pressure-cooking in many cases. The authors quipped: “In short, water is not the cook’s best friend when it comes to preparing vegetables”.


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