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Posts posted by pimay11

  1. Red Shirts And Multicolored Shirts To Rally For And Against Charter Change

    A positive indication of the effectiveness of Yingluck's reconciliation efforts. rolleyes.gif


    You'd think Thailand had more pressing issues just now.

    For sure there are more pressing issues. Education, flood prevention, debt restructure to name a few. But these are all down the list. It is evident that the ruling party will put the Thai populace at risk of more violence and even worse in order to absolve Thaksin of his jail sentence and return his ill gotten gains. Sad but true.

    RT@Aim_NT: Chalerm: I'm straightforward. I will bring Thaksin home. It depends on open chances and pol situation. I'll propose reconciliation bill soon

    I rest my case!

  2. Red Shirts And Multicolored Shirts To Rally For And Against Charter Change

    A positive indication of the effectiveness of Yingluck's reconciliation efforts. rolleyes.gif


    You'd think Thailand had more pressing issues just now.

    For sure there are more pressing issues. Education, flood prevention, debt restructure to name a few. But these are all down the list. It is evident that the ruling party will put the Thai populace at risk of more violence and even worse in order to absolve Thaksin of his jail sentence and return his ill gotten gains. Sad but true.

  3. Pimay11, #45

    Correct I have never been near a PAD rally and don't intend to be. I do not support this bunch either.

    False nuetrality is chicken-shit.

    Birds-of-a-feather flock together.

    You sympathise with one, you sympathise with them all.

    I prefer to use the word 'sympathise', as technically us inconsequential Farangs don't support anyone.

    As political junkies, we just spout off.

    Well Calgaryll have fun posting your driatribes, nonsense and calling people liars until you get banned. I will not be responding to you troll posts and personal attacks.

    • Like 2
  4. Peau Thai and UDD need Conflict and division to motivate their supporters .. The Future of Thailand can go to hell

    Didn't see that in last years elections.

    Again, spoken by someone who has never been near a PTP/UDD entity.

    The comment attests to that fact, and is parroting of Oppositional agenda.

    Evidently you also have never been near a red shirt entity. Here in Udon during the burn Bangkok campaign they were stopping every car and searching them. They tried to stop me and I ran through them much to my wife's chagrin and screaming "stop or they will shoot us". They were armed with guns, sharpend bamboo sticks and anything else they could find. They hit my car with their sticks and it cost me B12,000 to get ithe dents out and repainted. Don't talk to me about these people being peaceful. It ain't so. You need to learn the facts before you start posting nonsense.

    Evidently, you've never been near a PAD rally. Where the red shirts might check people out before letting them in, the PAD holds an area in siege! I wandered freely around the Ratchprasong demonstrations, but couldn't set foot near the PAD's camp at Government House. Although I didn't try to crash the barricades, judging by the masked guards, I am pretty sure I would have been met with more than sticks.

    Correct I have never been near a PAD rally and don't intend to be. I do not support this bunch either.

  5. Pimay, #11

    Tell you what Calagryll. If you ever get to Udon PM me and let me know when your flight arrives. I'll be happy to meet you at the airport. It's only four kilometers from my house. We can dicuss this over a beer. I'll bring along my maid. Her brother is one of the ring leaders of the Udon red thug mob. She detests everything they do and stand for. She can enlighten you first hand on all these things that "never happened"!

    I wont need to fly Pimay. Was in Udon just last month.

    Maybe I have met your maid's brother, and he is probably my friend.

    The fact your maid is not a Red Shirt, I wont hold against her.

    And all those things that never happened, never happened Pimay.

    They never happened.

    By the way you might want to improve your reading skills. I did not say anything about a red village during the burn Bangkok campain.

    Yeah, you are right. I checked again.

    But what you said happened, never happened Pimay.

    I know these people........... never happened.

    In closing, no one believes you because your post have no credibility. Only nonsense.

    I believe many do.

    I back up what I say, and don't make up stories.

    The Nation

    Nine red-shirt supporters in Udon Thani were sentenced yesterday for torching the provincial hall in the aftermath of the riots in Bangkok in May last year, while 13 others were acquitted because they had done their time for smaller crimes.

    Yep and your friends never burned down the Udon city hall. Nice folks, Must have been a lightening strike. Anyway you can chose to believe or not. Up to you. I think you know it's true but now you are too deep in your posts and would lose face to admit it.

  6. Pimay, #11

    Evidently you also have never been near a red shirt entity.

    You know not of what you speak Pimay.

    Here in Udon during the burn Bangkok campaign they were stopping every car and searching them. They tried to stop me and I ran through them much to my wife's chagrin and screaming "stop or they will shoot us". They were armed with guns, sharpend bamboo sticks and anything else they could find. They hit my car with their sticks and it cost me B12,000 to get ithe dents out and repainted. Don't talk to me about these people being peaceful. It ain't so. You need to learn the facts before you start posting nonsense.

    By the the burn Bangkok campaign, do you mean those bad taxpayers standing up to the armed aggression from coup-ists.

    As for the rest of your stuff about Red Shirt Villages, it is utter and blatant deception. You are probably not even in Udon.

    There were no Red Shirt Villages before R'song, and even if there were, the story you spin would never happen.

    Never happen!

    I know of what I speak Pimay...believe me!

    Tell you what Calagryll. If you ever get to Udon PM me and let me know when your flight arrives. I'll be happy to meet you at the airport. It's only four kilometers from my house. We can dicuss this over a beer. I'll bring along my maid. Her brother is one of the ring leaders of the Udon red thug mob. She detests everything they do and stand for. She can enlighten you first hand on all these things that "never happened"!

    By the way you might want to improve your reading skills. I did not say anything about a red village during the burn Bangkok campain. Those came later.

    In closing, no one believes you because your post have no credibility. Only nonsense.

    Yeah right. I know this guy & that guy who know this and said that. Stop spewing rubbish and use facts that are verifiable. Why should anyone believe you or YOUR MAID??? Childish.

    The same offer stands for you my friend. Just let me know when you are arriving.

  7. By the the burn Bangkok campaign, do you mean those bad taxpayers standing up to the armed aggression from coup-ists.

    No. I think he means the criminals that lit fires in central Bangkok and a number of other buildings around the city ... even buildings with people in them.

    That is exactly what I meant! And their leaders calling for people to bring containers to fill with petrol and burn Bangkok to the ground.

  8. Pimay, #11

    Evidently you also have never been near a red shirt entity.

    You know not of what you speak Pimay.

    Here in Udon during the burn Bangkok campaign they were stopping every car and searching them. They tried to stop me and I ran through them much to my wife's chagrin and screaming "stop or they will shoot us". They were armed with guns, sharpend bamboo sticks and anything else they could find. They hit my car with their sticks and it cost me B12,000 to get ithe dents out and repainted. Don't talk to me about these people being peaceful. It ain't so. You need to learn the facts before you start posting nonsense.

    By the the burn Bangkok campaign, do you mean those bad taxpayers standing up to the armed aggression from coup-ists.

    As for the rest of your stuff about Red Shirt Villages, it is utter and blatant deception. You are probably not even in Udon.

    There were no Red Shirt Villages before R'song, and even if there were, the story you spin would never happen.

    Never happen!

    I know of what I speak Pimay...believe me!

    Tell you what Calagryll. If you ever get to Udon PM me and let me know when your flight arrives. I'll be happy to meet you at the airport. It's only four kilometers from my house. We can dicuss this over a beer. I'll bring along my maid. Her brother is one of the ring leaders of the Udon red thug mob. She detests everything they do and stand for. She can enlighten you first hand on all these things that "never happened"!

    By the way you might want to improve your reading skills. I did not say anything about a red village during the burn Bangkok campain. Those came later.

    In closing, no one believes you because your post have no credibility. Only nonsense.

  9. Peau Thai and UDD need Conflict and division to motivate their supporters .. The Future of Thailand can go to hell

    Didn't see that in last years elections.

    Again, spoken by someone who has never been near a PTP/UDD entity.

    The comment attests to that fact, and is parroting of Oppositional agenda.

    Evidently you also have never been near a red shirt entity. Here in Udon during the burn Bangkok campaign they were stopping every car and searching them. They tried to stop me and I ran through them much to my wife's chagrin and screaming "stop or they will shoot us". They were armed with guns, sharpend bamboo sticks and anything else they could find. They hit my car with their sticks and it cost me B12,000 to get ithe dents out and repainted. Don't talk to me about these people being peaceful. It ain't so. You need to learn the facts before you start posting nonsense.

    You may have liked former NSW Premier Bob Askin. When his official car was blocked by protesters he famously told his driver "Run the b@stards over!" (sic).

    My kind of guy!

  10. Once again, this man has spouted complete nonsense from his pie hole.

    Who is really to blame for his idiocy; the man or the fools who elected and tolerate him?

    As I always say, for all the calls for democracy, no double standards, and suitability for the job, this man is who the Red Shirts put in charge. Cognitive Dissonance, that's what it is.

    Speaking of the red shirts demanding democracy I suppose they did not hear their dear leader utter these words.

    "Democracy is a good and beautiful thing, but it's not the ultimate goal as far as administering the country is concerned democracy is just a tool, not our goal".

    And as for as making Udon Thani the first drug free province Chalerm needs to look no further than his subordinates . I'm sure this will happen. Before I moved here I lived in Kalasin. It was the same there.

  11. And his view of 'true democracy' that means dominating the political base in all areas, or dominating the Constitution-ammendment body, surely even his most-loyal & fervent admirers must agree, that would be a dictatorship, not a democracy ?

    "Democracy is a good and beautiful thing, but it's not the ultimate goal as far as administering the country is concerned, Democracy is just a tool, not our goal".

    Thaksin Shinawatra December 10, 2003.

  12. So, if it was a secret order, Asia Times wouldn't know about it. Asia Times know about it, so it wasn't a secret order.

    He denies Yingluck ordered it, but the original article says the Yingluck was being kept in the dark, so of course she didn't order it.

    The question he should be answering is, Is there a war room being set up (or already set up) to direct red-shirt mass rallies against coups, or against anything else?

    Spot on. Saying Yingluck did not order it (as supposedly ordered by her brother) is like saying the recent bombers were not from Alaska. No one accused them of being from Alaska.

  13. Any word from the GM of The Four Seasons as to why he allowed the "Tapes" to be accessed in the security area? This is a secured area that can not be accessed without security clearance and can not even be accessed by most employees. . Security Only. Bit odd and if true i know some funky shit be going down in the city.guitar.gif

    I'm sure if this is indeed true the GM of Four Seasons has been ordered by the DPM to keep silent on the matter. Especially if it was Chalerm. Developinglicklips.gif .

    On what authoritah? Couldn't they tell him to "Suck it"?huh.png

    Of course they could have told him to suck it but TIT and I'm not saying it definately was Chalerm but if it was that would be like telling the La Cosa Nostra to suck it. Not many people have the guts to do that.

  14. Any word from the GM of The Four Seasons as to why he allowed the "Tapes" to be accessed in the security area? This is a secured area that can not be accessed without security clearance and can not even be accessed by most employees. . Security Only. Bit odd and if true i know some funky shit be going down in the city.guitar.gif

    I'm sure if this is indeed true the GM of Four Seasons has been ordered by the DPM to keep silent on the matter. Especially if it was Chalerm. Developinglicklips.gif .

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