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Posts posted by pimay11

  1. Could the one link that a killed over 5,000 people in the southern provinces have any thing to do with it.

    Road side bombs and suicide bombs are not uncommon to these people.

    And if you speak out against their views they feel justified in violence. Happens in many parts of the world.

    Nothing to do with Southern unrest....they get their support from groups based in Malaysia, not Iran. Suicide bombings also not carried out in Southern provinces as yet.

    You missed the whole point. There is a reason these things happen world wide and are all related by one factor under many excuses.

    I would have thought there is only one Excuse "In the name of Allah"

    Exactly spot on.crazy.gifcrazy.gif

  2. Why pick on Yingluck? Apart from Abhisit, who had the significant advantage of an English education

    Are you saying that an English education has a significant advantage over an American Masters degree education?

    As an Englishman, absolutely!

    Fair point, I should have specified that he learnt English as a primary language.

    Hold on there. Most of the top rated universities in the world are ... AMERICAN.


    Agree but Kentucky State University is not one of them. In a student survey the majority of students that attended there said if they had it to do over they would not attend KSU.

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  3. "Can the PM win over a foreign audience?" #1^

    No problem, in spite of the opposition's hopes otherwise.

    She is where she is legitimately as a democratically elected PM.

    Her ability to calm the political waters in Thailand after her election, keeping her electoral base in tack and the Opposition nuetralized, is significant political achievement.

    As for the charge she is a proxy for someone else, this doersn't fly either. All circumstances were fully declared and understood by the voters.

    As a result she has no difficulties with Foreign audiences. I have seen many instances where significant international figures were only too happy to be photo-opped with the well respected and photogenic Thai Prime Minister.

    "Doubts expressed over Yingluck's ability to 'think on her feet'

    Only by those who would be advantaged, if such a perception found traction.

    Her politiocal support has no such concerns, in fact they don't even think about it.

    This is pure Opposition agenda.

    "Top bureaucrats are going through some nail-biting moments as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra contemplates an invitation to attend an upcoming summit, the UN Conference on Trade and Development"

    Says who?

    The bureaucracy better be in line, recognizing their place vis-a-vis the political leadership.

    Why not mention a name?....Who is biting his/her nails?

    "Some bureaucrats fluent in English went as far as describing the performance as a "disaster".


    Should this be true, this is more an indication of the PTP not cleaning house well enough after their electoral victory.

    I have often heard accusations of the PTP electoral victory being followed by the installation of their "cronies'.

    Should the above be true, obviously they didn't do enough, leaving some of Mr. Abhisit's cronies in place.

    "Some think the invitation from Supachai was a trap so Yingluck can give the same mediocre performance as in Davos"

    I have seen this frequently mentioned by the Oppositiuon media. This opinion stated as fact.

    A little bit like saying the flood disaster management was not up to par. Another statement projected as fact, with no supporting data.

    When compared to other Nations handling similar disasters of similar magnitude, Thailand's handling of it may be deemed exemplary.

    When opposition accusations are expressed as fact, raises many red flags.

    The same messages again....

    -She is democratically elected so whatever she does is good.

    -It's the opposition's fault

    -It's the court's fault

    -It's the military's fault

    -It's .......fault

    You talk like a red shirt leader.

    He is a trolling red shirt leader so don't waste your time ...

    You are exactly right WS. He is nothing but a troll.

  4. To avoid the risk of going further off topic I would recommend that you and your "likees" do a bit more investigation and reading on a seperate case of two suspects who were the suspects pinned by the prosecution as the people who set fire to centralworld. As the case went on, despite supposed "star" eyewitnesses (who subsequently couldn't identify the "accused") it gradually fell apart - I have not seen anything since regarding the "prosecution of those two people.

    For example there are 18 pages here


    discussing amongst other things the trial star witnesses turning out to be anything but. The story fades away after the last update about one of the "star witnesses" admitted signing his approval of the police charges of arson without looking at them.

    To my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the setting fire of Central World.

    But don't let that get in the way of your allegations.

    Can anyone think of any other cases in Thailand where the "star witnesses" forgot what they saw or changed their story? DPM Chalerm's son comes to mind. And to my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the policeman's death that night.

    Sorry Phip your rebuttal is as full of holes as swiss cheese.

    What you seem to forget is that these are the very same "untouchable" Judges that were praised to the hilt during the tenure of abhisit.

    Just once, think outside of the very narrow viewpoint you hold and accept that these two guys were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and the prosecutors tried to make a very serious charge stick - remember these two guys could be spending a very long time in jail just to please an ex government that were determined to find red shirts guilty for burning down centralworld, any red shirts.

    Read the link to the TV discussions I provided and try to do it with an open mind and not just kneejerk post to please the masses.

    If these guys are innocent then I agree they should go free. The important things to remember are that the reds tourched the city halls of three provinces. This is an undeniable fact. Arisman stood on the red stage advocating buring a laundry list of different buildings and establishments in Bangkok which included shopping centers. Also there was one farang who advocated doing the same. These people at the rally were totally engulfed by emotion and finally hatred toward the ruling government. Then a shopping center was torched next door to the red shirt rally site.

    Maybe these two guys did not start the fire but someone did. Common sense tells us that the red shirts had the motive and the means and their counter parts did the same thing with the city halls.

  5. Oh dear, they didn't torch centralworld, thats the point.

    Funny, that is what the article says...

    Actually the article says that it couldn't be proven that they torched Central World, which actually spontaneously combusted as per the red shirts amazingly accurate prediction, along with quite a few other buildings in BKK, not necessarily predicted.

    The red shirts were actually window shopping before the conflagration working out how the best way to spend their attendance money.

    To avoid the risk of going further off topic I would recommend that you and your "likees" do a bit more investigation and reading on a seperate case of two suspects who were the suspects pinned by the prosecution as the people who set fire to centralworld. As the case went on, despite supposed "star" eyewitnesses (who subsequently couldn't identify the "accused") it gradually fell apart - I have not seen anything since regarding the "prosecution of those two people.

    For example there are 18 pages here


    discussing amongst other things the trial star witnesses turning out to be anything but. The story fades away after the last update about one of the "star witnesses" admitted signing his approval of the police charges of arson without looking at them.

    To my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the setting fire of Central World.

    But don't let that get in the way of your allegations.

    Can anyone think of any other cases in Thailand where the "star witnesses" forgot what they saw or changed their story? DPM Chalerm's son comes to mind. And to my knowledge there have been no more suspects or charges with regard to the policeman's death that night.

    Sorry Phip your rebuttal is as full of holes as swiss cheese.

  6. Ruling says reds must do time

    The Nation

    KHON KAEN: -- The Khon Kaen Appeals Court yesterday reversed suspended jail sentences for eight red-shirt protesters who burned a Bangkok Bank branch in the northeastern province during the political mayhem of 2010.

    The Criminal Court had suspended the one- and two-year jail terms for the eight defendants due to their confessions and the fact that they had been misled during the political turmoil to commit the arson attack.


    -- The Nation 2012-03-16

    I wonder if anyone has any idea who on earth could have been so mean spirited as to misled these people to commit the arson attack?

  7. Never let it be said that Thai justice is not delivered swift and sure... drunk.gif

    Look what happened in comparison with the guys who torched CentralWorld in BKK.

    Posted 2011-12-01 16:14:09

    Six Sentenced to Jail in Red-shirt Unrest Case

    Bangkok's South Criminal Court has handed down a six-month prison sentence to six red-shirt defendants for violating the Emergency Decree but dropped the charges of arson and looting of the Central World shopping mall during last year's unrest.

    Bangkok's South Criminal Court has handed down a six-month prison sentence to each of the six red-shirt defendants charged with robbery, resisting arrest, looting and arson at the Central World shopping mall in Bangkok during last year's unrest on May 19.

    The defendants were also charged with illegal possession of firearms and violation of the Emergency Decree for organizing unlawful assembly of three or more people and obstruction of justice.

    The court dropped most charges even though the defendants were arrested at the crime scene because the prosecutor has failed to produce evidence showing that they have committed the crimes as accused.

    Also, no stolen items were found on them except for some cellphone batteries and a mobile phone recovered from one of the defendants who was a security guard of the shopping mall.

    The court has also ruled that there is no evidence showing that the M-60 ammunition found at the scene actually belonged to the defendants.

    However, they were still found guilty of violating the Emergency Decree and sentenced to a one-year jail term.

    The sentence was commuted to six months because they pleaded guilty. [Other articles said they were freed upon the court's ruling because they had already served six months in custody by the time their case was concluded].

    Meanwhile, the security guard was handed down three years and six months in jail sentence for theft. Other charges against him were dismissed.


    -- Tan Network 2011-12-01

    Oh dear, they didn't torch centralworld, thats the point.

    Of course they didn't tourch Central World. The tooth fariy did it. Or maybe it was spontaneous combustion. Happens all the time.

  8. I wonder if anyone at customs will have enough balls to inspect his luggage....

    Isn't there a law anywhere in this country that makes it a felony to aid and abet or associate with a convicted criminal on the run???

    If they requested to inspect his luggage they would get an ear slap.

    Even if there is such a law you have to remember this is a PTP person and they consider themselves above the law.

  9. I wish one of the local reporters had the b_lls to ask Yingluck why her party's deputy spokesman is meeting Thaksin for advice if he has nothing to do with running the current government. I suppose if this was asked she would do her usual, smile and walk away.

    It would be interesting to know who pays for all these trips to meet Thaksin. Surely not the Thai tax payers.

  10. This electoral majority is also not beholden to the Opposition anti-Thaksin agenda.

    That agenda shows more clearly than anything, the linked parrallels between this Opposition, the coupists overthrow and subsequent criminalization campaign.

    Calgaryll - Just remember the oppositions anti - taksin agenda got 10 million plus votes in the last election. That may not have been enough to win, but that is a large % of the voting population. PT would do well to remember that. The fact that it is anti democracy etc. etc is irrelevant as its still a large % of the voting population.

    If I'm not mistaken, PT did not get an absolute majority in the last election. They are ruling via a coalition government. And they did not "officially" run with a platform of bringing back Thaksin. That's just becoming clearer and clearer day by day.

    Hopefully he comes back soon and kick some butts,then all that bullshit about suing each other will have an end,the democrats lost the last election,so they should stop destabilize the whole country with there micky mouse shit,next election will come soon,they should concentrate on that.Yingluck wants her brother comes back,so what?Half of Thai populations wants him back,he might be a selfish guy with dictator atitude ,but with him Thailand will be again on the right way,He was best PM Thailand ever had,good for thais bad for pattaya farang

    I don't suppose you consider the red shirts establishing 10,000+ red villages and threatening a TV host because he simply has a different view than the red shirts destabilizing at all. Red democracy at its best. If you don't agree with the reds "something might happen to you". No double standards for sure.

  11. "Everyone knows", but "I don't remember the details"... Calgaryll integrity at its best. And then you refer to some dimly remembered hearsay and rumor as a supposed substantiation. cheesy.gif

    Coupled with his seeing events that have not yet transpired as well as seeing an actual event, but in a different way from any other person in the world, and it's quite an extraordinary collection building up.



    Consider the source. First of all, not in Thailand. Second a troll. Third a bater of which he is a master..........

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  12. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dontt you love the thai logic

    credit cards for farmes, taxi drivers...

    while most farang, without WP, with hundrerd thousands of bahts on their saving accounts get denied

    what a wonderfull world

    Exactly. My neighbor from Italy moved here two months ago, transfered 30 million Baht into his Thai bank account. Last week he applied for a credit card and was denied. The reason "you don't have a salary". He has a Thai wife and one child by her plus a retirement visa. Go figure.

  13. Poor farmers do not have the skill to manage wealth. Not that they are stupid, but just lack of experience.

    Give credit card, they will just go shopping happy, like buy AIS mobile phone (while their land line is fine), fly AirAsia (while the bus/train is free), go stay in hotel like SC park (while relatives house is fine), etc. There is a conflict of interest here, because Yingluck give out credit card, to poor farmers, and in return some (not all) go to spend on the businesses that Yingluck family own. Ask me if there is a hidden agenda? Sama same when Thaksin give credit to Burma govt, they came to buy phone/satellite services from AIS.

    people with money have the same problem... living beyond their means.

    This is an alternative source of credit. It's an option. Better than a loan shark.

    Can certainly be abused - any credit can.

    As if PTP cares anything about the farmers or the poor.

  14. Free "i-Pads" (generic one)...credit cards... maybe a free cell phone next. What do the rest of the province people get living outside of Isaan??? (nothing)

    They are eligible for a tax rebate if they purchase a new 5 million baht villa.


    Any idea who might own a development company that is currently building 5 million baht villas? Give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

  15. Indebt them all again? Unbelievable.......

    How to keep an uneducated majority of voters under control and fear!

    As opposed to knee-jerk negativity about a Government program from those who are agenized to do so, I inquired what is the "one" good thing about this particular program.

    Obviously a program such as this was not created in a vacuum, and there was some solid rationale, beyond bald politics as this Poster suggests.

    Several advantages were mentioned, the primary one being the issue of were credit originates.

    For the many farmers who don't have the money in a pre-emptive manner, they buy on credit now, provided by the merchants. Credit that is provided at unfavorable rates and unfavorable terms.

    This program releases the Farmer from such arrangements. It gives them farmer-friendly credit access, with heavy emphasis and controls on the CC being used for their singular agriculture defined and intended purpose, as referenced in this article.

    Bottom line, this does not affect farmer indebtedness up or down, just its' source.

    You obviously don't spend much time on farms in Issan. Your arguments just don't hold water. Easy to buy something with this card and then get cash back from the store, at a reduced amount. Easy to do. And no way to check if farmers are in debt or not as most have debt with loan sharks, as you correctly point out. So you're getting farmers deeper into debt. This is a good idea, but won't work.

    This is a populist program by the current government to make the masses happy. And will work about as good as this one did:


    You are spot on. When the one million village fund vote buying scheme was introduced by Thaksin many farmers here in Esaan borrowed to the limit. They bought hand phones, motorcycles, new tv, on, and on. Not being able to keep up the payments on the motorcycles, they were reposessed.

    No training was given in debt management to these poor people. They turned to loan sharks as usual to keep from losing their farms. Sad but true.

  16. All rehabilitation and reconciliation processes begin with the first step - recognizing that you have a problem.

    Thaksin would choke to death trying to utter "I was wrong." The sooner the better.

    The coupists would choke to death to accept they were wrong. The sooner the better.

    But they have actually reaped the rewards of their mis-adventure.

    The huge and widespread politicization of the populace was an unintended consequence. A politicization of their adversaries.

    They in effect sowed the seeds of their own demise.

    Does anyone actually take you seriously? Do you simply spout pro Thaksin rhetoric for the privilege of typing? Perhaps you missed all the protests against the demagogue now in Dubai that were ongoing long before the coup?

    The coup was a result of the attempts by the Thaksin regime to eviscerate the constitution and turn this country into a dictatorship.

    Any peace or reconciliation starts by removing the source of the division. The courts let Thaksin skip bail willingly in the hope that exile would be sufficient to reach this. History has proven it wasn't.

    The scourge of Thaksin needs to be completely eliminated once and for all so that peace and prosperity can return to this land. Any reconciliation necessarily has that as a prerequisite.

    Of course no one takes him seriously. And you are correct. Until Thaksin or his lap dogs have no influence in Thai politics there will be no political peace.

  17. Senior government politicians have emphasised what Thaksin believes - that while he might have violated the law, he was not wrong.

    The intelligence of any judge in Thailand or any other country would be insulted if this defence was used by a defendant. Evidently Thaksin and his minions view the Thai people as being stupid enough to accept this.

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