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Posts posted by pimay11

  1. There is plenty in the video that shows what i described. If you can't see it then you need to take the blinkers off.

    Please stop lying.

    With idiots ready to invade hospitals... sorry, i mean intrude hospitals, all one needs to do is believe what actually happened. Something you clearly struggle with.

    Believing what actually happened is something you clearly struggle with. Your eyes saw all sorts of goings on in the video evidence of the intrusion that simply aren't there.

    To repeat, doctors proven of highly unethical treatment of patients, are no longer doctors.

    Stating the intention to refuse to treat a section of the population for political reasons is unethical and highly immoral, and would get a doctor struck off the medical register in any civilised country.

    SS were you here in Thailand when the reds invaded the hospital and witnessed it on local tv? I was and I did. It was pure pandemonium.
  2. The HiSo guy who wrote this article really gets it. Right now poor people in Thailand are becoming outright spoiled by the immense social benefits afforded to them by the government. They are living the life of riley on the tax payers baht and it is making them unproductive.

    Try the USA. More than 40% of citizens receive some sort of government handouts and this does not include the millions of illegal aliens. Now the younger generation has come to expect it. I am from the old school. No work no eat.

    May i have a link please. Are you including social security( which one pays into) and or federal pensions which one gets instead of social? Thanks

    Link below. Social security is included plus the increase in people receiving in social security disability benifits withing the last three years. Government pension not included.


  3. Not torture?? What rock did you just crawl out from under? A right-wing nut radio shock jock in the USA famously boasted that water boarding was not torture and that he would happily volunteer to try it out. He last 3 seconds and emphatically proclaimed - "this is absolutely Torture!"

    Which says far more about your typical right wing radio personality than about the use of waterboarding as an interrogation technique. It has been reported that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been waterboarded well over 100 times at Guantanamo. That fact alone should dispel the myth that waterboarding is an effective interrgoation technique, although it would support the idea that Mr. Rodriguez and some of his CIA colleagues are merely sadists. As an American citizen, the authorized use of torture is just another very dark stain left upon my country. Torture is just entertainment for sadists and those who would support torture as an interrogation technique are merely showing their own closeted tendencies towards that particular standard deviation from the norm.

    And for what it is worth, there have been unmarked white 737s at Don Muang since as long as I can remember, and that dates back to the early 1980s.

    Khalid Seikh Mohammed is the self-described mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, a man who called himself a “jackal” and who explained away the 3,000 victims of that day by saying, “The language of war is victims.” I just regret I was not the one doing the waterboarding on this piece of sub human scum.
  4. The HiSo guy who wrote this article really gets it. Right now poor people in Thailand are becoming outright spoiled by the immense social benefits afforded to them by the government. They are living the life of riley on the tax payers baht and it is making them unproductive.

    Try the USA. More than 40% of citizens receive some sort of government handouts and this does not include the millions of illegal aliens. Now the younger generation has come to expect it. I am from the old school. No work no eat.
    • Like 1
  5. She also asked the meeting to what extent anti-corruption attempts had been implemented, and how many people had lodged complaints about graft so far.

    The problem with lodging a formal complaint about graft, is that it is either not taken seriously, or it is akin to paining a bulls eye on your back.

    Exactly and we just saw what happened to the whistle blower on the Alpine Golf course.
    • Like 1
  6. Hitler also built nice highways.......For some time a Vietnamese woman beggar was in front of Panthip place. She had no eyes, her face doesn't have the place where usually eyes should be.

    That is typical Agent Orange. That the USA put on Vietnam, on Children, Women, civilians. To transport they built roads and airports in Thailand.

    If I would be Thai I wouldn't be particular proud of poising women and children. Supporting Pol Pot nicely fits into that. (and than being surprised that some Cambodians are anti-Thailand)

    Your comparison to Hitler is indicative of someone that has no understanding of history. How you think that comparing a madman who engaged in unprovoked invasions and genocide with the activities of the USA in Thailand is beyond logic. There is no comparison. I believe that the rule of the internet is that as soon as someone goes off on a tangent wbout Hitler, it is best to walk away as the person raising the issue, typically has a limited grasp of reality and is incapab;le of rational thought. On that note, cya later.

    BTW, the wild allegation in respect to Agent Orange is indicative of the lack of rational thought. Although there is no doubt that dioxins can cause birth defects, the scenario you describe is not associated with dioxin. Had you stated that the eyes were present , but the optic nerves not developed, then I might have considered your story plausible. The fact of the matter is that you have no idea if the woman was vietnamese (did you check her id papers?) nor do you you really know if the alleged lack of eyes was due to exposure to dioxin, but dam_n if it doesn't make for a tasty story to illustrate a ridiculous statement.

    Thank you GK for a very thoughful and true post. Some arm chair quarter backs believe only what they read in the media. Never having on hand experience. They are easy to spot and it is easy to put them in their place.
  7. The folks that use the Udon Thani airport can thank the USA for that as it started out as a military base and the US spent a considerable amount developing the facilities. The base was the Asian HQ for Air America, the CIA's flying unit. Heavy investment also occurred in Korat.

    For the construction of air bases in Thailand, the US paid out $US 250 million,

    Thailand received at least " $US 2 billion in total assistance from Washington just between 1965 and 1975, Thailand was the second largest recipient of American aid in Southeast Asia next to Vietnam." Far Eastern Economic Review, 4 February 1977, pp. 42-43.

    I suppose people forget that many of the roads to the strategic airbases were financed by the USA. The motive was similar to the US investment in the Alaska Highway during WWII where the USA had control of the highway in Canada. Today, anti American foreigners get to enjoy these roads. I think such people should stick with their views and not use the roads, nor use the airport facilities made possible by the USA.

    Hitler also built nice highways.......For some time a Vietnamese woman beggar was in front of Panthip place. She had no eyes, her face doesn't have the place where usually eyes should be.

    That is typical Agent Orange. That the USA put on Vietnam, on Children, Women, civilians. To transport they built roads and airports in Thailand.

    If I would be Thai I wouldn't be particular proud of poising women and children. Supporting Pol Pot nicely fits into that. (and than being surprised that some Cambodians are anti-Thailand)

    What the hell does Hitler, Viet woman with no eyes, agent orange have to do with water boarding a <deleted> scum bag terrorist. I will answer this myself. Absolutely nothing. Back on topic please.

    We are speaking about torture civilians in secret jails, were they disappear.

    Only very evil people/leader torture, or attack other countries, or have secret jails.

    Like Hitler, Stalin....and the USA

    We have different opinions about waterboarding. I do not consider it torture but if you do so be it. And if you think the USA is the same as Hitler and Stalin so be it. I don't but again we will agree to disagree.
  8. The folks that use the Udon Thani airport can thank the USA for that as it started out as a military base and the US spent a considerable amount developing the facilities. The base was the Asian HQ for Air America, the CIA's flying unit. Heavy investment also occurred in Korat.

    For the construction of air bases in Thailand, the US paid out $US 250 million,

    Thailand received at least " $US 2 billion in total assistance from Washington just between 1965 and 1975, Thailand was the second largest recipient of American aid in Southeast Asia next to Vietnam." Far Eastern Economic Review, 4 February 1977, pp. 42-43.

    I suppose people forget that many of the roads to the strategic airbases were financed by the USA. The motive was similar to the US investment in the Alaska Highway during WWII where the USA had control of the highway in Canada. Today, anti American foreigners get to enjoy these roads. I think such people should stick with their views and not use the roads, nor use the airport facilities made possible by the USA.

    Hitler also built nice highways.......For some time a Vietnamese woman beggar was in front of Panthip place. She had no eyes, her face doesn't have the place where usually eyes should be.

    That is typical Agent Orange. That the USA put on Vietnam, on Children, Women, civilians. To transport they built roads and airports in Thailand.

    If I would be Thai I wouldn't be particular proud of poising women and children. Supporting Pol Pot nicely fits into that. (and than being surprised that some Cambodians are anti-Thailand)

    What the hell does Hitler, Viet woman with no eyes, agent orange have to do with water boarding a <deleted> scum bag terrorist. I will answer this myself. Absolutely nothing. Back on topic please.
  9. I have this vision of Thai Visa members dressed like mormon missionaries going from village to village preaching the word.............

    ...and you'd follow afterwards to re-educate them with your single page of all of Abhisit's and the Democrat's misdeeds.

    No, I'd trust the Thai people to make their own mind up - they seem to have done that over a number of years without any help from me. I have no delusions about 'converting the locals'.

    I believe a number of them had some help making up their mind at Ratchaprasong.
  10. I personally don't give a rats arse what any of you "oh this is terrible" guys and gals think of waterboarding. It works and it should be done to every <snip> terrorist on this earth if they don't agree to tell what they know about the next round of mayhem that is planned to kill innocent men, women and children. You guys should all have to witness the body parts of children in the street or the trees as I saw in Afghanistan. Then maybe just maybe you would start thinking a little different. If waterboarding happend here I say good for Thailand.

    • Like 2
  11. LG cannot check owner of porno picture displayed on TV monitor in Parliament

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- LG Electronics has ruled out checking the owner of a mobile phone that wirelessly displayed a pornographic on a LG LED TV monitor inside the assembly hall.

    Khampee Disthakorn, deputy secretary-general of the House of Representatives, said he had received a letter from LG headquarters in Korea that the TV did not have any device that recorded the wireless connection between its TV and mobile phones.

    As a result, no further investigation could be done, Khampee said.


    -- The Nation 2012-04-25

    I would love to se that letter.

    I will not believe it until I see it. I suspect they probably found the guilty party of the wrong party.
  12. It's going to take Britain 7 years to build High Speed 2 and that is only 120 miles long. How long will it take Thailand to build a railway anything between four and seven times as long and what will the final cost be?

    In a country where they can't even get the ordering right for a few School Tablets for kids how are we supposed to believe that the Thai's could manage such a huge undertaking considering the high tech required. We all know that the Chinese and the Jap's are clever but will they be able to convince Thai 'Engineers' that they know best?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again....this won't happen in my lifetime.

    It doesn't really matter to this bunch of PTP thieves if they build it or not. The main thing is get it approved and approve the budget before they leave office so they can get their cut. They couldn't care less about completion becuase they don't care at all.
  13. Interesting.

    Somsak throws in a red herring - the vote should be OK.

    Yingkluk says they are naughty boys and PTP will punish them (right)

    Samart talks about house rules with their light punishment, decided by whom?

    Constitution Court - no, no, no. We are going to abolish that.

    Just like kids on a playground playing games. Make up the rules as you go that suits you best.
  14. Vaguely mentioned in one or two posts, but no real response:

    The MoE has repeatedly asked for increased budgets to an ever increasing number of tabletPCs. Could be around THB 2.3 billion by now. The budget (aka subsidy) for books and school uniforms has been absorbed.

    So parents have to pay for school uniforms (remember when during a BKK election campaign walkabout a lady almost assaulted k. Abhisit saying the subsidy wasn't enough?), books to be bought again, costs of living ever increasing, etc., etc.

    Let's hope for Pheu Thai there will not be many more by-elections. Not because some diehards will decide to vote Democrats all of a sudden, much more likely people voicing their displeasure by not voting.wink.png

    BTW any insight in what's left of the budgets? Even a project which didn't get to the signing stage will have incurred various costs, manhours, travelling expenses, entertainment, and the like.

    Interesting about the various budgets. Tablet budget isn't going to be used. Rice pledging had a very small take up. House budget hasn't been used much. A couple of others that haven't taken off very well either.

    I wonder what's going to happen to all that money now.

    My guess is that a lot of it will go to these little fellows.


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