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Posts posted by pimay11

  1. I suggest they have no right to disrupt the life of Bangkok for over a month. Holding the entire country to their unreasonable demands, and they aren't even willing to talk and negotiate one bit! Peaceful protest yes in a controlled setting of course. Occupying major commercial areas indefinitely, destroying businesses and harming other lives, attacking various "targets" violently, NO! A million times, NO!

    With the closure of the numerous shopping malls and hotels it is likely that for every protester 2 or 3 Thais have been left without work. Hundreds if not thousands of small businesses have lost 2 weeks worth of business. That is just the direct impact, but with declining tourist arrivals and foreign investors worried about stability they are doing tremendous damage for the sake of bringing elections forward by a matter of weeks. Keep it up and rural Thais will enjoy the same standard of living as urban Thais in a hurry, they'll all be poor.

    Folks it all reverts back to Mr. T. He doesn't give a hoot about the well being of any Thai person other than maybe one of his cronies that can help him regain is ill gotten wealth. Especially he doesn't give a hoot about the poor people who are sleeping in the streets each night and enduring the heat each day under the guise of "we want democracy" spouted by his paid minions. But that's the way it is presently and I don't see this coming to a close as long as Mr. T keeps funding the reds. Sad but true.

  2. Vicco, you might try doing a search for "googling for dummies" to help with your research.

    Even a simple look at the wikipedia page would give you a fair guide for what Thaksin is accused of. That would easily lead to plenty of other documentation, for and against, of his deeds.

    Thank you for your response but that is precisely what I have done, plus a great deal more. If you read my post fully, I acknowledge that he was accused my many things (I did not bother to list them because as you say the wikipedia page alone lists them). My point was that despite all the accusations and charges against him all they were able to convict him of was "conflict of interest" which arouse from the land auction deal which was actually consumated by his then wife. Sorry I don't condemn a man for what he was accused of by his political enemies--anyone can accuse another person of anything. There is that small detail we seem to leave out of our discussions...proof of guilt. We seem to prefer to just blather on and on repeating the same nonsense over and over. Bandwagon effect---no authentication of anything that is said. We are divided into two camps---two solitudes.... facts don't matter any more. There are people in America who think G.W Bush actually organized the 9/11 attack...and that Elvis is alive and living on a S. Pacific island. People will believe anything...no real evidence or proof required. Its the same with the 500 bath payments or the previously touted 2000 baht payments...it gets said..then repeated and in no time it becomes fact regardless of any evidence to the contrary. People just make up stories to support their views and biases. I would never have to face a jury made up of Thailand ex-pats.

    Vicco I hate to burst your bubble but your statement "Its the same with the 500 bath payments or the previously touted 2000 baht payments...it gets said..then repeated and in no time it becomes fact regardless of any evidence to the contrary. People just make up stories to support their views and biases." but I have evidence. As stated in a previous post I live in a village in Esaan with about 4,000 households. The village head is my wife's uncle. There are presently approximately 250 good and honest hard working people from this village in Bangkok who have joined the red rally. According to the village head they are receiving 500 Baht per day plus free food. He has no reason to lie to my wife. These folks have nothing to do as now it is the dry season and rice planting will come in one or two months with the rain. So they made the choice to go to Bangkok, receive money each day, send back to their familes. Why not? Economics. They don't have a clue as to the meaning of democracy. They do have a clue as to the meaning of 500 Baht per day.

  3. He likened Thaksin to an Al-Qaeda terrorist and past "elected" leaders such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini.

    "Hitler was elected, Mussolini was elected, even Stalin could say that he was elected also but what did they do to their very society? This is the question," the top Thai diplomat said at a meeting with a small group of reporters and think tank heads.

    Kasit, in Washington attending a landmark nuclear summit called by President Barack Obama, accused Thaksin of orchestrating demonstrations by his so-called Red Shirt supporters last week that led to 21 deaths in the bloodiest political unrest in 18 years.


    Wow, this guy is a little upset it seems.

    I often used to post how it is no government will arrest him when the crying about hime would appear here.The Ambassadore says that Thaksin travels and no one will arrest him.

    You know why Mr. Ambassador?

    Yes you do.

    Because no government recognizes the charges from the current Thai government or in fact the current Thai government itself as being legitimate.

    Maybe the over 20 coups have something to do with that.

    Lets face it the military been running this country for many many years, every prime minister is a puppet and can be removed at anytime.

    The only reason they have one at all is so they can call them selves a Democracy and can collect the foreign aid from the West.

    I agree with the first statement of your post. A PM can be removed at any time by the military which is unfortunate. I also agree with the statement "Kasit, in Washington attending a landmark nuclear summit called by President Barack Obama, accused Thaksin of orchestrating demonstrations by his so-called Red Shirt supporters last week that led to 21 deaths in the bloodiest political unrest in 18 years." Everyone know this whether they will admit it or not.

  4. Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

    Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

    This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

    When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

    How desperate is the current Thai government?

    Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

    Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

    And now the genie is out of the bottle.

    He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

    This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

    I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

    All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

    A very good post.

    Be wary of a yellow back coup now. Kasit saying this is as you say the open admission that the whole propaganda against Thaksin for 5 years now is all falling to pieces. The government is seen by the world as illegitimate and nobody backs them.

    The agenda is now a yellow backed coup and the implementation of "New Politics" where the Thai people cannot vote for the majority control of the government so it is said.

    Yellows want an appointed by the Elite "majority" rule it seems and I expect a full scale onslaught in the media how "politics has failed" - when it fact it was all started because Democracy was working and a coup was held to remove Democracy.

    Kasit appears to be hinting a new coup is going to be attempted and that "New Politics" is going to be attempted to be forced on the Thai people. The signals are all there in his "article".

    I fail to see why anyone who calls the current people in the government Elites without including Mt T. He has more money than all the current people in the government put together and is living like a king abroad. He is the Elite of the Elites! Not to mention his former maid and driver.

    No, I seriously doubt Thaksin has more money than "all the current people in the government put together". You're forgetting one very, very important family at the very top of Thai government.

    OK I will give you that. But I still stand by my statement that Mr. T is the Elite of elites or at least one of the top five in Thailand.

  5. Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

    Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

    This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

    When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

    How desperate is the current Thai government?

    Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

    Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

    And now the genie is out of the bottle.

    He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

    This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

    I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

    All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

    A very good post.

    Be wary of a yellow back coup now. Kasit saying this is as you say the open admission that the whole propaganda against Thaksin for 5 years now is all falling to pieces. The government is seen by the world as illegitimate and nobody backs them.

    The agenda is now a yellow backed coup and the implementation of "New Politics" where the Thai people cannot vote for the majority control of the government so it is said.

    Yellows want an appointed by the Elite "majority" rule it seems and I expect a full scale onslaught in the media how "politics has failed" - when it fact it was all started because Democracy was working and a coup was held to remove Democracy.

    Kasit appears to be hinting a new coup is going to be attempted and that "New Politics" is going to be attempted to be forced on the Thai people. The signals are all there in his "article".

    I fail to see why anyone who calls the current people in the government Elites without including Mt T. He has more money than all the current people in the government put together and is living like a king abroad. He is the Elite of the Elites! Not to mention his former maid and driver.

  6. This can all be stopped with the reds going home. Is risking your life really worth 500 Baht a day from Thaksin?

    The money has gone up.

    All my neighbours here in the Samutprakarn village had been promised 100.000 Baht per household if the reds succeed.

    Registration for the daily wage and the end bonus at Imperial Samrong Reds office.

    Neighbours are saying they will join the rally to take the 100k for the children's future education.

    Can you please provide solid evidence of this? Please do not make statements with out proof. I am not trying to provoke arguement but lots of things are being taken out of context.

    Same here. Can you provide evidence of this? I am 100% against the reds but we need to back up what we post here for credibility. As I stated in a previous post, my wife's uncle is the head of the village here which has 250 guys in the red rally. She just called him to verify and he said he had no info on this.

  7. This government (and I use the word 'government' jokingly) don't give a dam_n about the deaths, the protesters that died are the poor and the soldiers that died were probably the same, some poor conscripts from the north east. Abhisit needs to hang his head in shame this morning, then do the right thing and fall on his sword. He spouted nonsense about he will win 240 seats then did not have the balls to put that to the people. it is his desire to hang onto the power that he was given by the army that led to this, he knew he could not win it in an election.

    I am ashamed that this man was educated in the UK, as soon as he left there and came to Thailand he straight away adopted the thai attitude of 'fuc_k you, I am rich'.

    He has always been weak and always will be

    Besides your language, which does not belong here, may I remind you that Abhisit came to power as a result of vote buying by the PPP. The reds squandered their chance to participate in the government or even rule the country. And now they cannot accept that they are in the opposition and try to blackmail the ruling government to step back. This is not a democratic way to deal with a government. The reds should go home and publish their opinnion and wait for the next elections.

    Spot on but Mr. T will not allow the reds to simply go home. Now he has crossed the line. I'm not sure he realized how radical his minions were when he first started this mess. This Jatuporn fellow is a basket casecrazy.gif not to mention Dr. Weng crazy.gif. They are now totally out of control. It is now a do or die situation for Mr. T. Send in the paid mob at all cost. dam_n the torpedoes full speed ahaed. So what if a few hundred Thais get killed in the process as long as he gets his money back! Also these thugs know now they will be spending many years behind bars if they are defeated and rightly so. So they have nothing to loose and everything to gain by urging these poor sheep to blindly follow their every command. Sad but true.

  8. As the Red Shirt protests continue at the capital’s commercial heart at Ratchaprasong for the ninth consecutive day on Sunday, UDD leader Jatuporn Prompan vowed to continue fighting and reject any further talks with the government.

    “We will continue fighting so that our comrades will not have died in vain, " said the Red Shirt leader. “I reassert there will be no negotiation with a government tainted with blood.”

    The political sense of comrade, now associated with Communism, had its origin in the late-19th-century use of the word as a title by socialists and communists.

    Need I say more???????????

  9. More fake reds I'm sure. After all the real reds are as peaceful as a spring rain.

    But Saturday's violence, which followed almost a month of rallies by the Reds, was the country's worst for 18 years and shook visitors as it spread into normally tourist-friendly Khaosan Road.

    "There were bullets coming all over us. Bombs as well, petrol bombs within about 10 feet of us," said factory worker Tony Doohan from Ireland, standing by debris and pools of blood covered with Thai flags and red roses.

    "I saw Red Shirts with a gun they must have stolen off the cops. They all had sticks and were throwing glass bottles... anything they could find really," the 25-year-old said. "It's a bad time to be here."

  10. TAN Network: Kwanjai, DAAD key member told CAPO not to distorted facts n blamed red shirts for fired bullets, n threaten 2 parade the bodies 2 PM house.

    Totally unbelievable in a civilized world. Utter disrespect for the dead and their grieving families. These guys went to the hospital and snached these bodies. What kind of people are they? This reminds me of the acts of the Somalia insurgents when they dragged the dead body of the American through the street and when the Iraqs insurgents hung the bodies from the bridge.

  11. Think the reds have a point!

    Remember Thaksins free press policy ?

    Sue the hel_l out of reporters and newspapers for obscene amounts of money for publishing the truth

    No cracks in airport runway springs to mind as one case which the whole world knew about.

    Exactly and the guy who broke this news of the runway cracks (which was true btw and subsequently led to shutting down one runway for repairs) to the world was fired by a farang at a news paper I can't mention and never got his job back. So much for truth in reporting. Any guesses who was PM at the time of this breaking news?

  12. US condemns violence in Thailand

    The US condemned fierce street clashes between Thai troops and anti-government protesters that left at least 19 dead and hundreds injured.

    State Department spokesman PJ Crowley said the US "deeply regrets the violence on the streets of Bangkok April 10, and the loss of life."

    "Violence is not an acceptable means of resolving political differences. We call on the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) and the Thai security forces to show restraint going forward," he said in a statement, calling for negotiation between the sides.

    At least 19 people were killed and 825 injured in street clashes between Thai troops and the red-shirted protestors in the heart of the old section of Bangkok, government sources confirmed Sunday.

    Among the dead were 14 civilians, including one Japanese photographer for working for Thomson-Reuters, and four soldiers, according to the latest report from the government's Narenthorn Medical Centre.

    A tense standoff between government troops and demonstrators continued Sunday in the two main protest sites, Phan Fa Bridge in the old part of the capital, and at Ratchaprasong, a posh shopping and hotel district in modern Bangkok.

    "The United States firmly believes both sides can and should work out disagreements peacefully through earnest negotiation," Crowley said. "We once again stress the importance of all players in Thailand working to resolve differences in a way that strengthens democracy and rule of law. We strongly support the Thai nation and its people during this difficult period."

    If my memory serves me correctly and it does, the government tried to negotiate in good faith and offered an early election after nine months. But the reds after an sms (from an unknown source of course icon8.gif) refused. Flexibility is the key to any negotiations. The government was flexible but of course Mr. T was not. Thus the ongoing results.

  13. Reds Head to ThaiCom

    Five Pua Thai Bangkok Members of Parliament have lead 500 anti-government Red Shirt protesters to ThaiCom station early Sunday morning. The atmosphere around the station is tense as the MPs attempt to negotiate with Division 5 police to enter the compound to prepare the broadcast of the People's Channel.

    The group at the same time are waiting for 3,000 more Red Shirt protesters to join their forces from Klong 4 and Phan Fa. Together the protesters plan to force their entrance into the ThaiCom compound if negotiations fail.

    Evidently the life of a fellow Thai means nothing to these "Members of Parliament". Eighteen people have died already. Maybe the term "as you sow so shall you reap" will come true today to the leaders who are putting the lives of all the followers at risk. Some of these followers are from my village and are my friends. They are good people but are being led like sheep to the slaughter. What a shame.

  14. It doesn't really matter what I think about Thaksin, it matters what Thai people think. I can muster some respect for the differing viewpoints out there.

    But there's just no way around the ugly facts, that the army has produced another black Songkran. Dead is dead, argue about Thaksin until the cows come home if you will. :D

    Sorry --- but apparently you did not read ThaiVisa or read the news or watch television (particularly the Red channel) --- The REDS have produced another black songkran and the blood is totally on their hands. And yes what matters is what the Thais think ... and this will likely cost Abhisit his PM position in the coming weeks but that is because when anything goes wrong we expect our leaders to fall on their swords. The people in Thailand will still blame the reds and will remember the violent rhetoric spewed on the Red stages. They will remember it was Thaksin that was paying for this to happen.

    Ahhh. Good to see the newspeak generator is up and running this morning. :)

    With all the trails that lead to yesterdays violence.

    Can you actually and honestly say ONLY one side holds any blame?

    Blood is on a lot of hands.

    Failure to see that is incredibly myopic.

    Excuse me, but had the red shirts obayed the law instead of starting to throw lit gas tanks, use spears and guns against the soldiers , I think no blood would have been spilled. I simply can not see the soldiers firing rubber bullets at the crowd just for fun. I think the blame is rather easy to place square into the red shirts faces

    Otherwise you may blame the police for shooting an armed bank robber who was firing at them

    Spot on BKjohn. Thaksin and his minions are now backed into a corner. A corner they created by spewing hatred and lies continously to the paid mob. Now the red leaders are facing an extended stay in the Bangkok Hilton and rightly so. They realize this and will fight to the finish. One thing I do not understand is why the police have not arrested these leaders. If they are silent the reds will go back home. end of story.

  15. At Rajprasong, all is calm and it is unusual this morning in that no music is played and no one rises up to address the crowd. It is speculated that UDD leaders are still sleeping due to exhausting activities last night.

    I wonder which five star hotel they are sleeping in?

  16. You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai.

    Hardly. I don't get it, why do so many people pass Issan folk as "poor, ignorant, farm workers", who are willing to blindly follow Thaksin like sheep? Many of them may not have education, but they are human, and do have intelligence and critical thinking skills.

    Thaksin simply opened the door for them after centuries of oppression, and let them know what kind of life is possible if they reach out for it. It's just that the door he opened can never be shut. Given everything, I'm certain the red shirts would be doing exactly what they're doing now, with or without Thaksin around.

    cdmatt what planet are you from? I live in Isaan and the head of the village is my wife's uncle. This is a big village consisting of more than 4,000 households. There are presently over 250 local pepole who have joined the rally for three weeks. The are each being paid 500 Baht a day and do not have a clue about democracy. They only follow orders from the red leaders. At least they are making money to send back to their families because now there is no work here until the rains come and rice planting starts. You are correct in saying they are human and they are salt of the earth people. But their critcal thinking skills are only in planting rice and trying to find where tomorrows income will come from. Sure there are people in Isaan who are educated and meet your explaination of "Issan folk" but these are not the ones participating in the demonstrations. The edcuated ones are carrying on with their business as always and would not think of joining these reds in Bangkok.

  17. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia-pac...355.html.....at least it is NEWS and not armchair babble...

    Thai troops fired live rounds and tear gas directly at protesters, known as "red shirts", at a bridge next to the regional UN headquarters, wounding at least one in the arm, a Reuters' photographer reported on Saturday.

    I think Mt Abhisit should start packing his bags and booking a plane ticket if this is what the international press is saying

    I suggest him flying to Montenegro . They specialise in ext thai PM

    Of course everyone on the planet believes Aljazerra news channel. Of course no babble from these people ever.

  18. The reds are using weapons to attack the army now.
    Foreign reporter injured, one troop needs surgery

    A foreign reporter was hit by a bullet and injured in the crackdown operation near Phan Fa bridge, Channel 9 reported.

    Channel 9 reproted that 33 injured people were sent to the Bangkok Medical Department while 12 injured troops were sent to Phra Mongkut Hospital.

    A troop needed an urgent operation as he was pieced at his neck by a sharpened bamboo stick.

    The station reported that about 20 injured people were sent to the BMA Central Hospital.

    -- The Nation 2010-04-10

    Now the soldiers shoot at foreign reporters ? Good God

    I suppose you were there and witnessed it. How do you know that soldiers shot at a foreign reporter? How do you know the reds did not fire the shot? Link please. Only the facts Sargent Friday only the facts.

  19. All it would take for this to stop is a single speech by Thaksin telling his lackeys to stop, that he really was guilty and received the justice he deserved. How about an apology from the demagogue for the misery he has caused, and submission to serving his jail time and other punishments?

    But no, his selfishness and that of his followers will persist. An election would solve nothing. Whichever side loses will not accept it. Thaksin is the problem. Not the electoral process. All the bluster in the world by the Thaksin apologists will not change that fact.

    All the red shirts have to do if they really want peace is to denounce their paymaster. But they would rather continue terrorizing the entire nation for their own selfish reasons.

    Thaksin is not the problem

    You want to tell the redshirts to shut up, stop getting involved in politics and go back to their ricefields........ :)

    Its not going to happen because this feudal system needs to change and will be changed.........the mood in Isaan is that it is now or never.

    But think about how great this country can be if EVERYONE can reach their full potential and not just the chosen few.......... :D

    Though I realise then the Bangkok people may not find it so easy to get their slave labour anymore :D

    Thaksin is the problem.

    The red shirts should go home and GET INVOLVED in *politics*, not mob rule.

    The people in Isaan should look at the corruption in their own back yards before they come to Bangkok to blame people here.

    They should look at the corruption of their leaders, and after they have dealt with that, then they can come to Bangkok and complain about the corruption here.

    Spot on. My wife's Aunt here in Esaan paid out over 40,000 Baht in voter bribes (500 Baht each) to become the Puyai Baan. It pays 4,000 Baht a month. Go figure.

  20. I am waiting for previous red supporters to post here to tell us they have changed their mind, and no longer support the reds, because of their escalation to terrorist tactics. That is the honorable thing to do when you have made a mistake. Still waiting. Those of us who saw the danger of the reds from way back will RESPECT you for this. Why can't you do it?

    The only terrorists are the one perverting democracy and their lapdogs

    Speaking of lapdogs!

  21. Today I just witnessed the worse national disgrace and misuse of the military since I watched the East Germans Army trampled their neighbors with similar shields as we just watched on TV.

    Soldiers are supposed to exist to protect the Country and its citizens. Today we watched as politicians used these soldiers to trample their friends and families and children and monks and all to try to hold the poor and dis-enfranchized Thais hostage to their quest for continued power over them.

    I won't bother to respond to anyone who would attempt to defend this disgrace.

    The whole government is responsible for this disaster now. There can be no excuse for this disgrace brought on the country and these soldiers. If they had any integrity they would submit the resignations NOW.

    Get real!

  22. Simply sweeping protesters off the streets won't help solve anything. They will simply regroup and come back. Abhisit needs to fix the toilet that's leaking water, not just clean up the water. It will leak again.

    Right on the money. All the moron red leaders need to be arrested on proper terrorist and sedition charges (derailing the sky train with innocent people on board) , incarcerated without bail until their trial date arrives.

  23. Simply sweeping protesters off the streets won't help solve anything. They will simply regroup and come back. Abhisit needs to fix the toilet that's leaking water, not just clean up the water. It will leak again.

    Right on the money. All the moron red leaders need to be arrested on proper terrorist and sedition charges (derailing the sky train with innocent people on board) , incarcerated without bail until their trial date arrives.

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