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Posts posted by RamdomChances

  1. "Penicillin residue, even in small amounts, can kill people allergic to the drug," said Phakdi.
    A lot of animal drugs contain Penicillin.
    "Although they use human drugs on animals, the adverse effects of such misconduct can affect consumers," said Phakdi, adding that the difference between human and veterinary drugs was that human drugs were not tested for drug residues in the event of human consumption.
    This bit is the key part, human medicens have no "withdrawal period" although the times given for animal medicens are only guidlines anyway, whenever we treat a cow we have to get the milk anylised before we can sell it, regaurdless of the holding time stated on the bottle which can be over a month for some.

    I'm not sure what checks are done on meat, but on a local level there does not seem to be any controls. We often sell sickly cows that have failed to respond to treatment usually still dosed up with antibiotics.....they probably end up in the market's in a day or so!!

  2. Are these so-called minor wives common in Thailand?
    nowhere near as commom as people seem to think, probably about the same as western "affairs"
    What age & type of men may have them?
    Any type and age as long as they have the money to support them
    What age are the women?
    Twenties, looking for a bit of extra income, older women who have been married before looking to support their families (these are just generalisations)
    Do they have wedding ceremony & dowery for this, as in a first marriage?
    Is it common for young ladies “20something"in rural issan to have sex before marriage?
    depends on who you are talking to.
    What percentage of Thai-Farang marriages are legally registered?
    No problem
  3. ACT povides standards and certification for organic produce


    But like you say, this is Thailand and you can never be sure what you get.

    did you actually read that site :o I down loaded the ACT standerds....total garbage, well at least the farming bit was, looked like it had been writen by some Uni Grad NGO type person who had never set foot onto a farm in his life. Has'nt been ammended since 2003 as well.

    Just an other group trying to justify their existance IMO

  4. Pesticides and fertilisers will increase the yield for the farmer and he will have more to sell at the market. The mentality that if little is good then more must be better is most likely causing too much fertilizer and pesticide to be used.
    the first bit is true, the second is unlikly as the margine are so small any farmer using exsessive amounts would probably go out of buissiness. One of the reasons chicken sh1t is used so much is that its cheap. In fact one of the problems here is persuading farmers that they will actually get a return by using fertiliser. We grew peanuts last year. You have to use pestisides/fungisides or basicaly you dont have a crop. Fertiliser was cow manure first, then ploughed in, urea and trace minerals when they just started sprouting.
    From the consumers point of view there is no doubt that pestisides is a health risk. Fertilizers may not be a health risk but is certainly an environmental hazard.
    depending on the quantities used
    I am not sure what the extra cost is for producing organic food but I am certainly willing to pay the price if I can find it.
    The problem is that as far as I know The Department of Agraculture has no rules or Laws that govern what can or can not be called "organic" in Thailand, plus given the track record of actually enforcing any Laws here do you really thing they would be up-held ? Anything you are likley to see labled "organic" here is most likley to be a marketing ploy.
    Can not see the point in producing toxic food and destroying the environment just for the sake of making it a bit cheaper, not sure how much cheaper as fertilizers and pesticides are quite costly
    The point is that farmers in Thailand are not generaly producing "toxic food" to make any inroads into "organic" farming first they would have to define what "organic" was, then people would have to pay the price for it, but whats the point of say me producing organic peanuts and getting half (if that) my usual yield, when jo bloggs down the road can do whatever he wants and still call them "organic"
  5. Agriculture is Thailand's #1 industry making it the perfect victim for the agro-chemical industry. After WWII, the companies persuaded the majority to buy their products with the illusion of profit increase. Unfortunately, Thais are unanimous in nature. Only a few of the wise, older generation knew the consequences of chemical use and maintained their traditional farming.
    Fertiliser works mate anyone thats telling you different is quite frankly talking out of their ass. There is probably a much higher percentage of natural fertiliser used here Chicken sh!t and Urea are the biggest two, cow coming behind the both as it tends to promote weeds.
    About 99% of the food grown in Thailand is inorganic and very toxic. The watermelons are injected with red coloring. Most of the corn is GM. Many farmers apply 2-10 times more pesticides than recommended because they ignore the instructions. Durians are especially drenched. Europe even sent back a case because of the high chemical content.
    Where do you get this info from? Have you seen the cost of pesticides no one in their right mind would put 10X the ammount on.
    Farmers light fields of sugarcane on fire to burn the dead leaves which makes harvesting easier. If you buy fresh pressed sugarcane juice, it is probably not raw
    It helps drive out the snakes as well and is allmost exclusivly used for processing sugar or rum. The fraction of a percent that goes for sugarcaine juce is usually hand cut without buring. You can get much more per ton without buring but it difficult to find people willing to cut it and more expensive when you do.

    Have you ever spent anytime on a farm or are just going off some blurb for an organic marketing company ?

  6. Or just take the bus from BKK to Pichit. Or a Mini bus from Chatachk market might even get you closer, can get ones that go right past my house (highway 11) there, and they end up in Ta Tago about 30 min from Pitchit so I'm sure they will have ones going all the way.

  7. As SBK says they wont grow again. If you worried about infection when you pull them off, just leave them on there they will just drop off on their own when they are full. Most people only spot them when they are bloated and nearly full anyway so any blood infection thats likley to happen will oh allready taken place.

    We spray the cows can never get rid of the ticks but just helps to keep them in check. The dog's never really seem to have a problem.


  8. TOTAL: 125K per month

    very comfy on that and dont forget I have no local transport needs

    That a nice fig I think to be on in BKK with a nice comfy life, ok you could knock a fair bit off the rent, but if you've got it no prob's.

    I think there a big difference on these "how much do you need" threads between whats nessesary to survive and whats just nice to have. Also many people forget about providing for the future, wether its retirment or back to Falangland.

    I can live off very small amounts a month IF I HAVE TOO, it does'nt mean I would want to, although building the buissines up we sometime's have. Also we dont pay rent so that a big chunk out of it. Lets face it money is nice, it's nice to have it and it's nice to spend it. It's often not nice to earn it, but you can't have everything :o


  9. Actually, I know a few thais (women) who are afraid of them. They were taught as children that they had better be good and go to sleep or the toukay would come and eat their livers.
    I've heard that story as well, my wife is scared of them.

    We've got some big ones here, you can't even get near them, so I dont think there is much chance of them biting you. Great for helping to keep the other vermin down

  10. First how badly is it bleeding, from one of your earlier posts you said it was just dripping. Try and clean the wound with water and keep the dog in a clean place.

    We often give the cow's penicilin based antibiotics, but you could just as easily end up doing more harm than good with the wrong dosage.

    This link from the meric on wound treatment :-


    You can have a look around there yourself as well.

    If you can find one a spray antiseptic would be good we use amoxillin (Sp) on the cows. I'd probably try to do the wound treatment and then get him to a vet tomorow if I was you.


  11. 200,000 bhat a month is not that much for an "expat package", if you think about it it's about 3,000 pounds a month UK (I assume before tax) thats 36,000 UK a year. Well I recon most expats on a package here would of been filling pretty senior positions or have much sought after skills, 36,000 a year in Uk is not that much and you would'nt expect them to come and work here for less. Add things like accomadation alowences, mabye a car, education ect and it's not really hard to get to the 200,000 fig.

    If I had came over on a package I would of expected at least that, not that I make anything like it now, but I'm here by choice, doing what I want to do. Theres is a big differance between those that are sent here, those that retire here and those that have to try and make a living here.


  12. If you don't believe me (but I think you do), try asking how many falang men here have more Thai friends that are female versus male. You'll find that most of their Thai friends are women, while in their homeland most of their friends were male.
    I've got more Thai male friends than female ones...in fact I've more Thai male friends than Falang ones and I'm not even gay :o


  13. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but in the heat of the moment it's easy to forget to do the right thing. The OP was ripped off (of course we only have his version) and the police coluded, which ever way you look at it, it's not good.

    Ok he should of called his insurance, mabye being able to speak thai would of helped or him having some infulential friends. Trying to justify the scam by saying that it's his fault for not speaking thai or cultivating "puu yai" friends is a bit blinkered IMO.

    What sort of percentage of Falangs can speak thai to the level that would really of been any use, I know this board has many.....but in real life how many have you met ? in all my years here I've only met a handful who I would even say speak reasnable thai (OK I dont meet that many people :D )

    As for the "puu yai's" he's in Pattaya !! ...now I don't know any "puu yai's" from there, but a mate of mine used to own some buisinesses in Phuket and knew many there, mostly they were some of the most shallow and corupt people I've met in Thailand , its just that sort of place and I would assume that Pattaya is as well, mabye I'm wrong but the picture of a Pattaya "puu yai" just does'nt give me a nice warm feeling :D

    Its easy for the "old hands" to sit back and say well "that could never happen to me as I speak fluent thai, know lots of big people ect" (obviously this could'nt happen to me as I can speak thai and do know lots of puu yai's :o ). I'm pretty secure here as I'm fairly well known, know lots of "puu yai's", although never really gone out of my way to cultivate any, just lucky that most of them are part of the family :D But the thing with puu yai's is that out of their immediate area of infulance they are'nt really much help so being friends with puu yai bann's, Kamnaan"s, oberdors, nai yok oberdors, nai ampurs ect would be of litttle help if I was stoped in Pattaya. The only exception to that is high ranking police (officer's) they just seem to have their own little fraternaty, your friendly officer talks to the officer at the station your at and everything just goes away (with in reason), but how many falangs get to meet higher ranking polkice out side of a buisiness enviroment, unless you are lucky enough to marry into a family that has some :D I'd say probaly not many.

    Corruption here is endemic, I've been told by a police Captian that if he wanted a post in Pattaya he'd have to fork out the best part of a million bhat in "gift's" to secure the job. Even yor basic puu yai bann or oberdor has to spend a fair bit to get there. In the last oberdor elections, most of the candidates were spending around 100,000 on thier campain and a cousin of ours spent around a million trying to get the nai yok oberdor (boss oberdor) slot ( he lost , but he's a bit of a knob anyway :D ). As soon as they get elected they have to then try and get that money back , its a vicious circle, and that out here in the "stick's" I can imagine what its like in Pattaya :D


  14. I often cook a roast dinner either when I have Falang friends around or sometimes just for the family. My mother-in-law loves roast potatos and gravy, although she recons "flang" food is alright but you eat one and an hour or so later your hungry again :o.

    I find its better to put all the food in bowls/plates and the gravy in a jug and let them help themselfs so you get the "comunal" eating bit. Everyone likes Lamb except my mother-in-law (she does'nt like beef either) so we usually have pork or chicken I've never tried making yorkshire puddings here. Caserole is an other fav but they usually eat it with rice :D


  15. A couple of months ago I went to see RC and took a leg of lamb and he cooked a wonderful roast lamb dinner but then I had to come back home to my wifes very good Thai cooking using either the 2 burner gas griller or the charcoal burner.

    I must see RC again next month as I have started drooling with the thought of it.

    You bring the lamb mate and I'll be happy to cook the dinner :o
    Where are you guys located? A lamb roast is worth a trip!
    I'm In Nakorn Sawan and Bill is in Kampengpet...anyone bringing meat is always welcome :D


  16. except haven't ever seen the big wooden cock ohmy.gif (do you mean rooster?) or the red bed
    Ah no not a rooster, the phalic kind, usually with a couple of strategicaly placed coconuts :o seen simular in some Issan weddings as well as here. I forgot about the pouring of water and string tieing, important part that.
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