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Posts posted by GiantFan

  1. I think some people here need to take a step back and stop with the generalisations that tourists wanting a chair and umbrella = idiot. I like to spend every other day sitting at the beach reading a book. The other days I'll usually be out and about doing some sort of sight seeing.

    I don't mind sitting on the sand but I won't be able to stay for long being uncovered from the sun. Am I an idiot for that? Also with that method it will probably end up being even more busy shoulder to shoulder tourists on the beach.

    How about a halfway house where we have deck chairs and umbrellas but the only folks allowed to sell them are some non mafia government crew? I don't see that as such a big ask.

    I suspect moSt of those voting in favour of not reinstalling them are not tourists but rather grumpy expats who are usually grumpy about everything. Most tourists are not going to go onto the PG website and vote.

    Anyway it will mean less money being spent at the beach so less money being spent in Phuket. What's the net effect if this is done for all beaches in Thailand? Yeah thought so.

    Get with the program. The Junta have just cleared the poor people and their businesses off the beach. The rich people still own the big resorts where tourists will now have to go to get a chair, some food, or a drink.

    Get with the program the junta made sure the beach is from everyone so that poor people would not be driven off the beach by the thugs renting out those chairs. 90% here is applauding this just a few disgruntle red shirts have sour grapes its to be expected of course.

    The problem here is that it has to be all or nothing because if you give these thugs a finger they wont just take your hand but your arm with it. Good solution would be for them to rent them out from an other spot... having to deliver them and taking them back the moment the tourist is gone. No more claiming the beach and cluttering it with deck chairs.

    Roblock. Why are you commenting on Phuket. You don't even live here and clearly know nothing of the actual situation here on the ground other than what you have gleaned from the other TV key board warriors...who don't live in Phuket either.

    And why did you have to drag the thread into a Red shirt/Yellow shirt debate. Political discussion is not permitted on this forum.

    The point that Eblair and I are making is quite simple. Lots and lots of workday Thais have lost their businesses, jobs, income, and in some cases, their homes. They are not all Thugs as you and other numpties on this forum would have everyone believe. While the owners of the mega resorts that are built illegally in National Park land are trading on with impunity. In fact, a number of them, Pullman at Nai Thon is a relevant example, is still carrying out construction work.

    The next few months will be trying (and perhaps unsafe) times in Phuket. Many families now have no way to pay their school fees and other debts.

    Hunger is the oldest catalyst for revolution known to man.

    Anyone who rents a plot from the local government hires Burmese beach boys to collect the money. Burmese aren't allowed to go to Thai public schools.

    It would be interesting to know who the renters are. You need a local tabien Baan. Friends of "powerful" people?

  2. Good Luck!

    Upgrading the work force, though laudable, will not solve the foreign worker issues in the industries cited. It will only worsen it. If a Thai wanted those jobs today, he/she could have it tomorrow. But the pay and working conditions are poor, so only foreigners from nearby countries are the only people interested.

    It's the same thing worldwide. Mexicans in the US, E. Europeans in the UK, Indians in the M.E. I could go on. You get the point. Sound bites are nice, but no easy solution.

    Not true. I have seen factories where the factory is positioned 10 miles from civilisation and the entire labour force is imported. It was never the intention to hire Thais for this job.

    Simple solution . all brokers must be govt vetted. Industry only hires from.these agents. Done

    Apples & oranges.

  3. Good Luck!

    Upgrading the work force, though laudable, will not solve the foreign worker issues in the industries cited. It will only worsen it. If a Thai wanted those jobs today, he/she could have it tomorrow. But the pay and working conditions are poor, so only foreigners from nearby countries are the only people interested.

    It's the same thing worldwide. Mexicans in the US, E. Europeans in the UK, Indians in the M.E. I could go on. You get the point. Sound bites are nice, but no easy solution.

  4. Property prices will rise further as they have done in the past, but wait...........................

    I bought the land on which i built a house 5 years ago at 945.000 Baht for a rai. These days all the surrounding plots want 3 million for a rai, with exception of one guy who asks 2.5 but you need to take 3 rai as a whole.

    There hasn't been a single plot sold in the past 5 years, but most probably they will ask 4 million next year.

  5. I would break open the unit and inside you will see the batteries nested inside.

    They don't make it easy as they want you to buy the replacement parts.

    Surprisingly enough, they are standard D sized (maybe C).

    Replace with new and reassemble. Some duct tape may be required.

    If you break one of the connections, you may need to resolder.

    Quite easy. I have done it tons of times.

  6. It appears to me that they are strengthening the dam breast to enable them to raise the water level higher.

    Probably a good idea and long term plan for the water problems on this island.

    If so, the picnic area could possibly be too low when the dam would be full.

    Also, the new dam that they are building near Phunaka golf course would add a lot to the water supply on Phuket.

    I estimate the new dam, when complete, would be about 2/3 the size of Bang Wad. (circumference of Bang Wad=6.25km, circumference of new Phunaka dam=4.2kms)

    I hope my assumptions are correct and it would show that at least the water authority is doing some long term planning here.

    I play golf at Phunaka and the depth is not that all that great. Not sure how deep bang wad is. Better than nothing.

  7. If it is on the right hand side of the road as heading towards Tesco or on the left hand side coming away from Tesco then it is a large area with loads of coconut trees and as previously mentioned a load of rubbish. More trees coming down it seems.

    "If it is on the right hand side of the road as heading towards Tesco or on the left hand side coming away from Tesco"

    As clear as mud!

    I'm guessing: Heading towards the airport from Central Festival, it's the large piece of land on the right, just after Tesco, on the corner, at the traffic lights.

    Tesco toward Patong Road, on the left. Was a tree plantation when I was working in Billion Plaza.

    That road is not built for this. Expect another traffic light and delays.

  8. Did the hkt utp flight last week. No probs. one thing to be aware of is the taxi scene. The counter rate is 800 baht to Pattaya about half hour to jomtien. Hotel pickup probably less.

    Booked a taxi to swampy. New car and sane driver. Took around 80 minutes in light traffic. 1300 baht from jomtien inclusive of tolls.

  9. AEC was meant to start 1 Jan. 2015, but Thailand wanted it delayed. ASEAN said only until 31 Dec. 2015. We already launch the PR campaign and can't move into 2016 or later. Huge loss of face. Sorry Thailand, the Malaysians and Singaporeans are coming. You will also lose your best employees to these countries where the pay is much higher and standard of living, better (yes, more expensive too).

    The farmers were up in arms about their loss of garlic sales when the Chinese were allowed to ship in their veggies tax free. Just wait for AEC!

  10. Does anyone know what the building is, being built on the NW corner of the underpass? The one with the overhang that will be taken out with an oversized load.

    Some condo unit that went south a few years ago. Location is terrible, especially from a noise perspective. Not sure if it was related to Central or not, but they were advertising lifts or walkways that went into Central Festival direct.

  11. I have had Astro for years, but only SD and no PVR. Last year, I was asked if I wanted to go to HD but I was happy with my old CRT TV so said no. I would have had to change my box and card. It might be that PVR requires a special box that the agent doesn't have.

    If you have someone in Malaysia that will register you and get you the correct box / card, go for it.

  12. Don't think I'm stupid, though I probably am. Flying to Phuket for a holiday from Nanjing. Connections in Hong Kong and Swampy. Airlines are all different: China Eastern then Hong Kong Airlines then TG. I booked through a local travel agent and I rec'd a flight receipt for each leg.

    Do I need to collect my baggage in HK and BKK before the next flight. That would be quite the hassle.

    Many Thanks.

  13. Just opened a Mont Clair Bin 5 Reserve 2011 and Have i with some salami and cheese.

    I agree with the poststarter Bigfan its very fruity. And I enyoy it a lot By far the best wine I tasted in Thailand.

    299b in TescoLotus it is a bargain I would reccomend it if you not in to very dry wines (Then we see about the headache tommorrow)

    I Bought more expensive wines before and as many posters say they have been heatdamaged.

    But this one i could recomend as an light everyday wine.

    Thumbs up

    My thoughts exactly. Most replies from early (the post was started 8 months ago) hadn't tasted the Reserve Bins and had only tried the original bottle plonk.

    For what it is, it is well priced. I am now living in China and trying to find an everyday drinking wine and can't find much for under RMB 100 (THB 500). I found one last week for about THB 370 and thought I would give it a try. Terrible. I can still remember the taste of cork taint and vinegar.

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