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Posts posted by GM1955

  1. Who tipped them off ? I dont suppose an Iranian with 30 kgs of ice or smack came through on the same flight and is now relaxing in a spa in his 5 star hotel suite in Sukhumvit road.They only catch mules with 100gm to a few kilos.

    Yeah I have heard its an old trick, feed them a "bust", while the real villain slips through the net unnoticed.

    And of course, the worlds customs and police agencies don't know this.......rolleyes.gif

    TAWP is on the money.

  2. Great Deal on the big Plasma, I have a Panasonic 50", had it for a year, paid 31,000 for it, fantastic picture quality. It's not 1080 its 768 but unless you view from a distance very close to the screen, you can't see any difference.

    My Mate has a 1080 LCD TV, I tried the Documentary ' Planet Earth ' on his TV I have the HD download, very nice too, then we went round my place and played it on my Plasma, we both agreed the Plasma was the better picture, but of course LCD has its advantages too, light reflection and power consumption.

    Large screen Plasma TV's are a bargain at this time, remember how much they used to be a few years ago !!!!!!! ohmy.gif

  3. I travel quite a bit, and I have gotten hooked on some Australian shows while in various hotels in the region. And except for the never-ending Masterchef Australia (I actually love cooking shows, but this one cannot seem to get to the end), not much is shown from there.

    LOL , yeah its a heck of a long series, but it's very good.

    I much prefer it to the US version, they all seem to hate each other and the judges can be pretty patronizing too, the Aussie program is very friendly and the judges are really cool guys.

    Roll on the next season of Hells Kitchen too, although how some of the verdicts on who wins are come about I don't know. A few of the winners or finalists have been very surprising.

  4. Give me a Russian over a tattoed UK chav any day.

    As for bars closing down, that is just plain BS.

    You are :sleepy: and a :jerk:. Why don't you just stay in your house and off the internet and people don't have to listen to your boring rants. Do you even know what a chav is?

    This is a Chav. smile.gif

  5. Even if Thais could fathom the specific ways in which corruption is bad, they would still tolerate it - if it benefited them personally, or their family/friends/ or super rich politician who continually promises riches for them.

    And of course, Farangs are different. laugh.gif

    Not all farang nor Thais are different thinking, but those who are, stand out due to their condemnation of such self centered thinking.

    I'm sure if enough Farangs banded together to protest the corruption in Thailand by waving banners and going on hunger strikes it would make the national and international news.

    Judging by the high moral stance of so many posters here, ThaiVisa may be a good recruiting ground for volunteers. smile.gif

  6. Thailand and Thais are morally corrupt and deserve what they currently have.

    You married a Thai or live in Thailand I take it, does the ' Thailand and Thais ' apply to your loved ones too, and what country do you come from that is doing so well because of the high moral stance of the institution and the general populace?


    UK.. cheesy.gif

    You cannot be serious !!

  7. I used to buy Leo on a regular basis, problem was I'd throw a lot away cos when it wasn't very cold it was sickly to drink.

    I switched to Chang Draft, even when not cold its ok to drink, for me anyway.

  8. Unfortunately, for expats living here, the future does not look good.

    I've been hearing similar for the last 20 years, yet most Farangs I know who have left Thailand left because they were broke and had no choice.

    Given the choice they would probably have stayed here, just like I do, and just like you do.

    Not nececelery!

    Friends of mine have left so their kids can get a decent education in UK or Malaysia. General consensus is that international schools are poor AND expensive.

    Money isn't everything. I'm doing very comfortably thank you but I am considering moving on. Life's a balance. These days Phuket doesn't feel so good.....

    Of course, everyone's situation is different, I wasn't writing about you personally was I ?

    I stand by what I say, most of the people I know who left Thailand, left because they were skint, not because they wanted to.

  9. I wonder how many Farang with such high morals complain bitterly when offered the chance to pay 200 baht to the Traffic policeman for speeding instead of going to the Police Station and paying the real fine ?

    How many Farang with such high morals would pay a litlle bit extra to make a successful Visa application when in fact they didn't legally qualify ?

    How many Farangs would be willing to pay that little bit extra to get a Thai Driving License that day when in fact they failed the written test ?

    I wonder how many Farangs with such a high moral code Drink and Drive in Thailand hoping that if they get stopped they can pay the police on the spot and drive off home ?

  10. Corruption in the west is as high as it is anywhere, it is just played at a different level, Offer a police officer $50 or 100 pounds GBP and you're likely to get arrested and go to jail, But if you're a big drug dealer and pass across 1m then they take it and your off the hook, (if they can)

    Same in business in the West, at the top of the ladder it goes on at the bottom it does not, simply because the stakes are not high enough, could be called greed, Now there is a good religious teaching, never be corrupt unless the stakes are high enough. Who was it that said "A rich man can never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" I forget (facetious)

    At least one poster has some idea as to what goes on in the real world.

  11. No, I can't see it happening outside of Thailand. I also do not think it does happen outside of Thailand. What does that say about racism in Thailand?

    This year the Pattaya marathon also doubled up as the Asian Championships which resulted in Mohammed Abduh Bakhet of Qatar and Japan’s Noriko Higuchi being crowned the male and female champions for 2011.

    With over 2 million baht in prize money on offer at this year’s race it was the most lucrative in the 18 year history of the event and both the Kenyan winners of the marathon were rewarded with 200,000 baht each for crossing the line first.


    You were saying ?

  12. You swap amongst each other, super fast compared with torrents and no problems with ISP's.

    how do you do that i have bit torrent 7.21 and want to seed to another torrent user ie private

    please enthazie

    No, I mean that you arrange things with other people in your local area, for instance if you live in Pattaya, you meet with other people who live in Pattaya and download direct from your hard drives.

    This is supposed to be a community forum (ThaiVisa), so I would suggest here would be a good place to try to connect with other like minded people and exchange files amongst each other.

    Try the Pattaya forum or Bangkok forum, or whatever forum applies to your area and start a thread, you never know, you may get lucky.

    Then again, on ThaiVisa there is probably a rule against it. rolleyes.gif

  13. Charged with murder and released. Released into whose custody? His wife.? He cant because she ran off. I hope nobody toots their horn at him and starts another road rage incident this morning on the way to see the investigators.

    This country has become a joke.

    People charged with 2nd Degree Murder in USA can also apply for Bail and are set free until they have a hearing, many are bailed, many are not, probably down to how deep their pockets are to put up an appropriate Bail, same as Thailand.

  14. Thailand apparently has less food poisoning cases per capita than the US.

    Not saying you are wrong but I couldn't find any facts to back up your claim. Where did you get the information.


    CDC estimates that that each year roughly 1 out of 6 Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases. The great majority of these cases are mild and cause symptoms for only a day or two. The most severe cases tend to occur in the very old, the very young, those who have an illness already that reduces their immune system function, and in healthy people exposed to a very high dose of an organism.

    I put it all down to lack of education, lack of caring, laziness and stupidity, after all, that's the reasons given for food contamination in Thailand isn't it ?

    Same with the over 40,000 people that are Killed on US roads every year, is it because the roads are not well policed and the police will take a few dollars in a bribe, they don't know how to drive, lack of education, laziness , they don't care about life, stupidity and most of the time they are drunk ?

    That's the reason for many road accidents in Thailand according to many learned Farangs, and the reasons for accidents in the USA are what exactly ? :}

  15. Thank you. My happy customers will disagree with you. The 5 for today will be sad to hear that. lol

    Careful mate, you'll make some people here upset and you'll be set up in a sting operation, working without work permit etc.

    I for one don't believe you, but if you're making as much as you intimate, best keep it to yourself.

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