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Posts posted by GM1955

  1. Is living in Thailand a never ending holiday?

    Judging by these posts no.

    The only advice I can give is to keep calm, learn the language, do nothing you wouldn'tt do at home, and don't, whatever you do, build a house and move to Isaan.

    It's ok to build a house in Isaan, just dont go to live there yourself.

    Or just go and live there when you want to, own a car of your own and a Condo of your own in Pattaya to have the choice.

  2. I'm quite sure there are many members of ThaiVisa who have between them 1000's of movies and just about every worthwhile TV series from the past or currently running.

    Maybe start up a group of like minded people who have downloaded heaps of stuff who are willing to share and swap with others in the same situation. You swap amongst each other, super fast compared with torrents and no problems with ISP's.

    Just a thought.

  3. My Friend has a Pajero Sport.

    I have a Fortuner.

    He only bought it because he could get a zero or incredibly low interest rate over 4 or 5 years deal, they can't sell them any other way.

    He would like a Fortuner really but Toyota don't have to do the super deals to sell them, they sell anyway.

    My gf went 600Kms in a Pajero sport and didn't rate it at all, much preferred the Fortuner

    Fact is, Fortuner kicks ass in its class, the others dont get near, OK , maybe the Pajero sport does (I Like It ) , but over all, Toyota Fortuner is the King of the Thai SUV's.

    It really has no competition. smile.gif

  4. Nothing i do is secret from my teerak. Honestly in the two years i have been dating my gf, i have visited her one time. She on the other hand visited me two separate times (but we met 3 times in America). The first time she came to america, 2009, it was kind of by luck that we met. We liked each other so she came back in 2010 and 2011 for 4-5 months each year. I went to thailand late 2010 until early 2011. Next time i am not sure who will go to see who. I'm addicted to her, so if one of us ends it, it will be her. My gf and i are the same age, so we have never had any problems in that department.

    what do you mean you are both the same age so no problems in what department, you seem not to be in visit one time or two time a year b/f ,good for you both hope your relationship is a lasting one,

    Yeah. I'm really hoping and praying that a total stranger has a meaningful relationship with another total stranger and I'll lay awake at night with concern about these internet strangers ...............................

    C'mon guys, who gives a sh...it ?

    I would hazard a guess that the majority of relationship posts are trolls, why on earth would a total stranger seek advice from total strangers about a relationship with a person that nobody but himself knows ?

    Too crazy to be believed.......welcome to ThaiVisa

    no ones asking for advice on a relationship,

    So you're asking for advice from total strangers about what exactly ?

    I'm sure you'll get constructive life changing advice here..........cool.gif

  5. Nothing i do is secret from my teerak. Honestly in the two years i have been dating my gf, i have visited her one time. She on the other hand visited me two separate times (but we met 3 times in America). The first time she came to america, 2009, it was kind of by luck that we met. We liked each other so she came back in 2010 and 2011 for 4-5 months each year. I went to thailand late 2010 until early 2011. Next time i am not sure who will go to see who. I'm addicted to her, so if one of us ends it, it will be her. My gf and i are the same age, so we have never had any problems in that department.

    what do you mean you are both the same age so no problems in what department, you seem not to be in visit one time or two time a year b/f ,good for you both hope your relationship is a lasting one,

    Yeah. I'm really hoping and praying that a total stranger has a meaningful relationship with another total stranger and I'll lay awake at night with concern about these internet strangers ...............................

    C'mon guys, who gives a sh...it ?

    I would hazard a guess that the majority of relationship posts are trolls, why on earth would a total stranger seek advice from total strangers about a relationship with a person that nobody but himself knows ?

    Too crazy to be believed.......welcome to ThaiVisa

  6. Do birds fly, do fish swim?

    Does a one legged duck swim in circles ?

    Does a Farang who lives in Thailand by choice have credibility when he slags Thailand off and tells the world what a terrible place it is, all the while choosing to live there himself ?

    Does a Farang in Thailand think he can change the way it is, and would he have ever moved here if it wasn't the way it is ?

  7. You want Engrit lessons? Pay for them like everyone else. I don't think this is the place for petty corrections!

    I think the correct transliteration is "Angrit"


    And why don't you sleep already?

    Stop with the corrections or I'm coming over to SPONK you.

    JT, is Sponking something I can do alone ? smile.gif

  8. ...

    Thanks for all that enlightment, what about moving up to China? In there even what we have to say it's already been prepared, no need to think.

    Let's book the plane, me, you and the first wife of whom is gone to sleep already :lol:

    OK mate, I'm game, leave the miserable cows here and take a couple of fresh ones, fresh until we wear them down, wear them down from their previous smiling selves, the girls that we first met and fell in love with, the very same girls we tried to change to suit our previous countries perceptions of what women should be like.

    Let me just say this . I have known many Thai women who have changed from being happy to being miserable after being in a Farang relationship.

    No kidding guys, the Thai smiles are missing in many Thai/Farang marriages, simple reason is the Farangs are so miserable they wear the Thai girl down.

  9. Worse thing could happen is you would Father sons who would spend every waking hour in their latter years on an anonymous internet forum in a foreign country slagging off the very country they choose to live in.

    I know, that is really unlikely, who in their right mind would stay in a country they don't like ?

    Welcome to ThaiVisa.

    ThaiVisa, the Forum for the guys who's wives have already gone to bed, and she's happy he's on the computer as long as possible. smile.gif

  10. No need to carry on, your experiences are your experiences, you made mistakes and bad decisions and choose to blame Thailand and Thai people, that's your problem.

    Blame yourself mate, you're the problem., you made wrong choices . smile.gif

    I've lived here for over 20 years and don't have any horror stories to tell, apart from lending so called Farang friends money and never getting it back.

    Good one :thumbsup:

    So let me add those points here

    1) If anything bad happen to a foreigner, the foreigner is always the only person to blame for it.

    2) If it didn't happen to me, than it cannot be a real thing.

    Now it should be complete :D

    Not at all, but don't blame your own stupidity on Thai people or Thailand, it was your call, your stupidity , your lack of planning and knowledge, and in the end, your fuc_kin idiocy

    Really pisses me off when Farangs blame Thai people or Thailand for their own failings, on this Forum maybe they will find kindred spirits, like minded people who are also stupid, I would say that you're the one with a poblem, not any Thai person !!

    Accept it mate, many Farangs are as dumb as a box of rocks, then ask for pity when they fawk up and then blame Thailand.

  11. Farangs will bitch and moan about corruption because they can't benefit from it, most times they can't and that's why they complain.

    They hate to see a Thai man making money but are quite willing to pay whatever it takes to a Thai man to avoid a drunk driving charge, typical Farang, selective corruption is acceptable, sickening really.

    If I were a Thai cop, I'd give Farangs no chance at all to get off lightly, because we all know how ALL Farangs are against corruption and would like to see the full force of the Law applied and how they slate the Thai Police for being so corrupt.......

    What a joke, most Farangs I know get totally drunk and still drive in the knowledge they can pay their way out of anything.

    Oh, I forgot, ThaiVisa members are different, yeah right, of course they are, Internet people are different, if they got caught drinking and driving they would refuse a 3000 Baht bribe and insist on a court appearance instead.

    The fact that there are many many Farangs drinking and driving tells me they trust in the corruption easy payment system, or do they want the full force of the law thrown at them ?

    Of course, ThaiVisa members are different........................None of them ever break the law.cool.gif

    Yeah right.

    Hey I was just reminded about................................ never mind

  12. ...should i carry on? :partytime2:

    No need to carry on, your experiences are your experiences, you made mistakes and bad decisions and choose to blame Thailand and Thai people, that's your problem.

    Blame yourself mate, you're the problem., you made wrong choices . smile.gif

    I've lived here for over 20 years and don't have any horror stories to tell, apart from lending so called Farang friends money and never getting it back.

  13. On average 2 posts a day over four years according to the stats. Hardly a large part of my life. But if you want it to be. Fine. It is.

    I don't use the internet when I work. In fact I work better without it. Thanks for asking.

    And yes I am happy in Thailand and it has nothing to do with web forums.

    I'm absolutely thrilled., and now I won't lose any sleep. wink.gif

    Wish you all the best Warhammer!

    Will have to leave the thread because of this prick above.

    Oh the beauty of anonimity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jap.gif

  14. On average 2 posts a day over four years according to the stats. Hardly a large part of my life. But if you want it to be. Fine. It is.

    I don't use the internet when I work. In fact I work better without it. Thanks for asking.

    And yes I am happy in Thailand and it has nothing to do with web forums.

    I'm absolutely thrilled., and now I won't lose any sleep. wink.gif

  15. Warhammer............

    Don't worry, I have lived here for 20 years and I have known many so called Teachers.

    To call many of them teachers is really crazy, most were total pissheads and wasters who ran out of money and taught English as a last resort, the very last resort before having to leave Thailand.

    Most left Thailand when they borrowed enough money for a ticket out. smile.gif

  16. You must understand that for many posters here, this Forum is the most important thing in their lives.

    I know, it sounds incredibly stupid, but it's true. smile.gif

    For you maybe it is true. :jap:

    With 2,148 posts maybe it's a pretty large part of your life.

    Oh no, don't tell me, you are only on ThaiVisa when you're at work and getting paid for it, the rest of the time you're living it up big style....biggrin.gif

    That's why you're so happy in Thailand. unsure.gif

  17. Read many threads on ThaiVisa Forum and you will think that ALL Thais hate ALL Farangs.and you should feel lucky that he will even soil his hands with stuff you have bought, most of ThaiVisa members Families would have stolen the stuff and if they couldn't sell it to pay for drugs they would have burnt it in a sacrificial pyre with other Farang hating Thais dancing around chanting anti Farang chants, burning effigies of white men.

    That seems to be unique to Thai Visa members, no wonder they're so miserable and hateful.

    And then we have the normal people, uninfluenced by the ThaiVisa hate society who find it perfectly acceptable to borrow and lend amongst Family members, just as you would in any other country.

    Choose your group and act accordingly. smile.gif

  18. I know a German guy who has a Girlfriend that keeps him here as he is broke, she works in SabaiLand in Pattaya.

    I know another English guy, his GF works in a Walking street GoGo, and keeps him here, he's also broke, he takes her to work on her Motorcycle that some Farang bought her, she's happy with her iPhone 3 that was bought for her by some Farang, so when she was given an iPhone 4 as yet another gift she gave it to the English guy. Plus she rents a nice place and pays all the bills including his Visa runs.

    These are not isolated cases, I have known many over the years, and quite a few had kids with Bargirls here , became broke and the wife or GF went off to Hong Kong or Singapore to work there and sent money home.

    I know another girl who married a Dutch guy and she gave him 50% of her earnings in Holland, admittedly it was part of the deal for him marrying her and getting her to Holland.

    I know also a Thai girl who was working in Switzerland and was willing to pay 30,000 CHF to marry to get the Swiss passport then live apart from the new husband.

    And years ago many broke Farangs would ferry Thai women to Japan , Singapore and Hong Kong for a few Thousand Baht and incorporate a Visa run at the same time.

    Farangs living off of Thai women isn't that unusual, and when you've lived in Pattaya for 20+ Years nothing is surprising anymore. smile.gif

  19. I know a Farang who spends a lot of time on various websites trying to scam people.

    He initiates initial contact, probes for weaknesses then sends pics of his GF to the Farang who can then see her on a webcam for confirmation it is her, then the Farang comes up with the reasons as to why this lonely Farang should part with money for his new ' Girlfriend ' from Thailand. He is the one doing all the texting, he is the one chatting in chatrooms, he is the one sending emails, she is just a pretty face to appear on webcam if it is unavoidable.

    Now, I have known this guy for years, and I know he was Teaching English in Bangkok when his money ran out in Pattaya, now hes back in Pattaya and not teaching anymore and rents a decent condo, he was drunk one night and told me they have 7 Farangs that send money to help the new Thai GF out and are working on many more.

    Be warned. smile.gif

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