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Everything posted by madmitch

  1. I thought I read a short time ago that the Thai monopolies commission has rejected this. Maybe they work purely on an advisory basis, to be overturned by the Government to select whatever suits the big families.
  2. But they do sell batches onto others at 80 baht, illegal or not, thereby retaining their profit, and those sub-sellers have to mark up in order to make any profit at all.
  3. One problem is that if there's no official Goverment mandate, provincial Governors will probably still have the authority to impose their own rules.
  4. That's about 50 full A340s a day arriving from India, with everyone arriving going to Pattaya! The famous TAT calculator's batteries must have worn out in making this calculation!
  5. Have they taken into account that air fares have gone through the roof and that many airlines have yet to reopen their flights into Thailand? Not to forget the potential tourists put off by Thailand Pass, compulsory covid insurance, mask-wearing, nightlife restrictions and constant changing of the rules?
  6. Sadly, poor old Queenie isn't fit enough to make the Derby today. She's had to miss other events but this is one she'll be particularly saddened by.
  7. Thanks Xylo. Not quite sure how I'll descibe this to the Mrs but as she's over here in a couple of weeks I think she can wait until then to sample some better wines!
  8. I'm shocked! Not at the water park and its rather expensive prices, but at the fact that only one person in the photo is wearing a mask!
  9. They'll have to get these pesky political parties dissolved before the next general election. Emphasis on the word "general"!
  10. Or are other countries showing Thailand how it should be done? See picture 3, with a maskless farang speaker and a slide relating to the UK's strategy!
  11. When I first saw the term "soft power" on this forum a few weeks ago I had to Google it as it meant nothing to me. Anyone else?
  12. Hardly a news story but thank you @Webfact for sharing this with your loyal readers.
  13. It seems they may have changed the rules again. They had a yellow warning at the top of the page stating that all priority services had been suspended at one point. This has now gone and there's now a warning that applies to study and family visas. But, in repsonse to your final question, the priority service (not super prioity) for which we paid 10,000 baht took four weeks. The decision appears to have been made quickly but it then took them an additional three weeks to return the passport!
  14. On their website they also state that priority processing is unavailable at the moment. However that hasn't stopped the VFS office from accepting money for a non-existent service. I've submitted a formal complaint as I sponsored a relative yet the UK visa office sat on the passport for three weeks after making their decision before returning it to Bangkok despite us having paid for priority service. Just a warning for anyone considering this
  15. I can't disagree. I've done the Thailand Pass and I have obtained online visas for other countries that cost money. You need the ESTA form for the USA and I have been through the process of getting UK visas for my Thai partner and one of her relatives (the latter was refused!). Sounds like many are freaked by having to fork out for insurance! That's part of the reason I used the word "unfortunately" at the beginning of my response.
  16. Unfortunately you are wrong. I know people that won't go to Thailand until the Thailand Pass is scrapped in its entirety. It's also quite a common theme on social media.
  17. Thai IQ test. Results collatated using the TAT calculator.
  18. My partner's niece asked me for one as a present when her baby was born. As far as I know it stayed inside the house until her and her husband started a taxi business and a few foreign customers requested a car seat for a child. That was the only time it got used!
  19. Try Lazada. Unless you're in the Thai Army of course.
  20. Would it be presumptuous to assume the author is in the real estate business?
  21. It was as though he was aiming for it. He hit that pole perfectly!
  22. The baht isn't weak, the dollar is strong. Or am I being too simplistic here?
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