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Everything posted by madmitch

  1. 80 accusations. That's over 10% of the number of MPs/senators. I wonder if any other occupation would have similar numbers (just thought, the police and the military might be well up there!)
  2. I've been back for a few days and that's not how I'd describe what I've seen, especially in Karon and Kata. I haven't made it to Patong though.
  3. I'll be positive and hope that this will mark the start of a proper 21st century lottery where people can actually choose the numbers they want rather than rely upon what the vendor has in his/her wooden box.
  4. If she said they expected 50-55,000 visitors of which around 30% were expected to be non-Thai it would be slightly more believable! They don't even know the basics of statistical forecasting! I'd assume her survey souce would he hotels, airlines and ferries but with TAT it could be a few random phone calls until they came across two or three potential visitors.
  5. Someone should have told him they look a bit ridiculous tucked into the trousers, and they don't really go with masks either! Can I assume that masks are compulsory for water play areas? I'm not quite sure of the efficacy of a saturated mask!
  6. Does that mean that 19% have permanently closed?
  7. Agoda offers Test and Go packages. The other major online agents don't so I'd say they are possibly more accurate than the others. I also believe this is the major reason for Agoda's searches for Thailand being out of line with any other booking site.
  8. I don't think there would be a reinsurance company prepared to take on the risk!
  9. Sri Panwa might be a spectacular place but don't leave a bad review and if you see the owner getting into a car, keep out of the way!
  10. Every person involved in an accident will be tested for alcohol? Even those in expensive cars with special number plates? Though not!
  11. I saw first hand yesterday why they're keeping testing on arrival. Pivayate Hospital has a massive testing facility set up. Ot looks temporary but the number of a/c units makes you realise this is a long term venture. The hospital is perfectly placed to get business to get business as tourists go from Suvarnabhumi to downtown Bangkok I just checked the ownership and it's major stakeholder appears to be the Yoovidhya family. Yes, the family of Red Bull fame. Don't think I need to say any more!
  12. Agoda happens to be the only major booking site that has Test and Go packages. And well done to them for doing this as it is very simple to use them. I'm pretty sure that's why Thailand has more searches right now. I'd be more interested to know the stats from Booking.com and Expedia.
  13. You knew as soon as this bill was intrcepted by the cabinet that this would be the result. A cabinet full of elderly men looked after by the big Thai families and not all elected politicians.
  14. What are the gamepieces? I'd suggest the following: A rip-off tuktuk A noisy motorbike A dented jetski A mangy soi dog An overloaded speedboat A pickup full of Burmese labourers
  15. I arrive on March 31st so still have to test at both ends. For my daughter and me that's quite a hefty cost on top of the already inflated flight prices. I had covid last month so in theory should be pretty safe from enforced quarantine. For those due to arrive after April 1st, I hope they're sensible enough to take a lateral flow test before getting on the plane both for the health of all passengers and of course to be a bit more certain of a negative test in Thailand.
  16. There are a limited number of hotels around there. The one I stayed at when I went to a concert there doesn't seem to be on the booking sites any more. Plenty of cafe/restaurants to get a beer but I don't remember seeing any actual bars.
  17. How many more "They'd have to pay me to watch this' posts are we going to get? Not exactly helpful or original. To put it into perspective, you could buy a season ticket at most premier league clubs for less than THB25,000. I've been to a few of these pre-season games at Rajamangala but prices have always in the past been reasonable. I seriously thought, when I first saw these prices, that they'd inadvertently added an extra zero!
  18. Although there were some glimpses of recovery for end of 2021 and 2022, the latest cancellation of the Test&Go, will slow down drastically foreign arrivals to the Kingdom affecting the tourism industry and ancillary services. How long ago was this article written?
  19. Totally meaningless. There are 195 countries in the world and 135 are category 4. Well done to Thailand in joining most of the rest of the world!
  20. Spoke to my partner this week who is still running our guesthouse in Phuket while I'm freezing in England! She's ben speaking to owner of the nearby Russian restaurant who has convinced her that Thailand can expect an influx of Russian tourists as the Russians won't be able to travel in Europe I tried to explain to her that it ain't gonna happen due to the collapse of the currency and the blocking of credit cards. No, the neighbour knows best as he's Russian! Today, with the news of airlines stopping flights, perhaps I'll win the argument....maybe not though!
  21. Weekenders and overnighters jumping through all those hoops needed to enter Thailand? And a 300 baht entrance fee as well! Don't think so.
  22. Actually they wouldn't run them out of business at all. The US has a thriving craft beer scene but that doesn't adversely affect the profits of Molson Coors and Anheuser Busch. In the UK the advent of CAMRA and more recently the craft beer brewers have had the effect of making the bigger brewers widen their product range and offer better beers, though many of them now make most of their profits on pub and hotel ownership rather than brewing beer. However you're right about the Thai craft beers. I've tasted several and they knock spots off Chang, Leo and Singha. But whatever happens there won't be an overnight change in the beer drinking habits of the average Thai consumer.
  23. And next on the Government agenda: controlling the sunbeds on Phuket's beaches!
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