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Everything posted by madmitch

  1. I've known several people in Phuket who have tested positive for covid via lateral flow test and not a single one of them has reported it. Add to this those asymptomatic and mild cases where people haven't been tested then I'm sure that the figures may well be close to that 100,000 already.
  2. madmitch

    Phuket News

    Although I'm now in England, I like to keep abreast of what's going on in Phuket as I'll be back sometime. So, what's happened to the Phuket News forum? Last post was last Monday and almost all the headlines relate to the murder of the Canadian/Indian "businessman". Is there really nothing going on? And I also noticed this a couple of weeks ago. There's always something vaguely newsworthy, well by Phuket standards anyway!
  3. If they remove the day five test I'll come to Thailand at Easter. If they don't I won't. And it's not just me. I'm currently self-isolating at home in England as I tested positive yesterday. I hope to be out and about on Wednesday. The likelihood of my catching it again during April is slim, so I'm now prepared to risk the quarantine but I won't be forced into unwanted isolation in the middle of my stay.
  4. Other Governments around the world have supported those who have been out of work due to the pandemic. Most Thais have received <deleted> all from this Government, though of course the.likes of CP have increased their profits massively. There's more to handling a pandemic than just the numbers of infections and deaths and though they may have good, if certainly inaccurate, figures, they've failed abysmally in the other aspects.
  5. The Government should take control and not give power to provincial governors where they seem to have competitions as to who can come up with the most stringent rules, cause even more confusion and close borders unnecessarily..
  6. Therefore only 111 people should be hospitalsed, not the thousands unnecessarily carted off to hspital or hospitel with symptoms no worse than a common cold!
  7. members of the Bhumjai Thai Party, a steadfast coalition ally, was boycotting cabinet meetings to protest the rise of commuter prices What's wrong? Are they really concerned about a couple of baht rise on the BTS? Or is it a typo that should read consumer?
  8. Insurers aren't hanging around. I already have an email from Pacific Cross with the new rules attached. AXA will certainly follow suit. As for foreign-issued travel policies, they are unlikely ever to have covered this anyway. Can I put a positive spin on this? Could this be a sign that the Government are looking to change the riduculous hospitiltalisation/hospitelisation rules?
  9. The Prime Minister then ordered the government to create a public understanding that people could all live with Covid-19 safely under strict preventive measures. In other words normality is a long way off.
  10. I wonder why he kept 500 of the 5000 Euros? Perhaps he was using some intelligence and using different exchange places and only changing a small amount at a time to avoid suspicion. Maybe that's how he was caught; details of this are somewhat sparse. But credit to the Thai police for actually catching this guy.
  11. The biggest problem is the fact that people pass their tests without a clue how to drive on the roads. If you pick up good habits during the training period they (mainly) remain with you. If you just go straight onto the road then these habits are never instilled.
  12. There are very few Thai Universities where the alumni could be perceived as "well-educated", hence the reason those that can afford it send their kids overseas and graduates with Thai bachelors degrees end up working in Homepro or 7-Eleven.
  13. Your money, and all the other unrefunded amounts, has helped make up that so-called 51 billion baht profit!
  14. Any news on haw many applications in the three days after February 1st? My guess is that no news is bad news on that front.
  15. Well, I'd better be hiding from the police next time I enter Thailand. I have three boxes of fifty masks in my cupboard, smuggled out of Thailand six months ago! Gentlefolk of AseanNow, please don't report me!
  16. Proper training. A trip around an obstacle course is not the way to award a driving licence. The problem is in a country riddled with corruption a licence could still quite easily be bought.
  17. Is there such a thing as clear and accurate information in Thailand? I'm not sure there is. Same in the UK, where the PM doesn't even understand his own rules. Back to Thailand and I always recommend AseanNow/Thaivisa for the best info though I will give a shout-out to Richard Barrow who tries very hard to provide good advice. As for Thai Government sites.......need I say more?
  18. After the result the other day it's going to need some very manipulative gerrymandering to keep this lot in power!
  19. Who do I believe? The TAT or the Sunday Times journalist that experienced this? Hmmmm! I read the article and it was interesting and a little scary. Quite simply, the world is now aware of this system. Tourists are put off by it. It needs to be rethought immediately if Thailand's tourism industry is to recover.
  20. No different to dengue fever or flu. Covid will relatively soon be treated in the same way.
  21. An insurance company must retain reasonable amounts in reserve in order to pay outstanding liabilities. Sensible insurance companies purchase reinsurance to cater for large unexpected claims. It looks as though the reserves are being depleted by the covid claims and no reinsurance was purchased for this class of business, hence they are running financial difficulties that may well end up with insolvency. I hope this answers your question
  22. It's a confusing article. I really don't know what's going on after reading it.
  23. When I saw that test and go was returning I was going to book flights back to stay a couple of weeks at Easter/Songkran, just hoping that the rules don't change again. The day five nonsense has put me off doing this. I wonder how many other potential visitors they'll lose due to this ridiculous rule?
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