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  1. This is from the form they sent out UK DWP People who can witness the Life Certificate are: • a member of the police force • a teacher or lecturer • an officer of a bank authorised to sign documents on its behalf • a doctor, surgeon, dentist, nurse, pharmacist or optician registered under the law of the country where the declaration is made • a care or residential home manager (if customer is resident) • a barrister, solicitor or advocate authorised to practice in the country where the declaration is made • paralegal (certified paralegal, qualified paralegal, or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals) • a Notary Public or any other person allowed to administer oaths in the country where the declaration is made (commissioner for oaths) • a civil servant or government employee • a member of the Foreign Service of the United Kingdom or HM Overseas Civil Service or a British Diplomatic or Consular Officer • a councillor, for example local or county • a local government officer • a Member of Parliament • a magistrate or Justice of the Peace • a minister of a recognised religion
  2. It amazes me that they think that email is not secure, yet they think the postal service is.
  3. I rang DWP, last night, as I have still not received my form, sent the 6th January. They confirmed that this is the new form, but they are also accepting the old form for now. I was hoping do to the Life Certificate over the phone, as I had done in the past, no joy however, they insist on it being posted.
  4. Please see Mutt Daeng post earlier, this works, as I said earlier I have done this on 3 unsupported PC's
  5. If you have an unsupported version, Look at this video after about 16 minutes, works every time, did on this on three computers at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E14eTGEmsNA&list=WL&index=15 Don't forget to download the ISO from the Microsoft site. Which he shows you at the start of the video.
  6. Try the advanced settings now incorporated into Kodi 21. https://kodi.wiki/view/Settings/Services/Caching You have to set your level settings to expert
  7. Had problems with Santander about 2 years ago, asked me endless questions about me living here, been here 23 years, answered their questions, they e-mailed me to say everything was OK. But I withdrew all my money except for a fiver, I didn't trust them, quite rightly, as they stopped my account 2 days before Christmas 2022, I contacted them and they admitted they were in the wrong and gave me 75 pounds compensation. I carried on with them until last September, when they started asking questions about tax, i took all my money out except for 1p. They messaged me about a month ago asking me to ring them as they had more questions, so I closed my account. They said they will send me a cheque for the outstanding balance, so I am looking forward to receiving a cheque for 1p. I have also had friends who have had problems with Barclays Bank in the UK.
  8. I had this problem last year was told to update it using private browsing.
  9. I was asking 3BB/AIS to do this most nights, seemed to work , I don't know why, rebooting the router at my end didn't make any difference. Does anybody know why rebooting the service at their end would make things OK?
  10. You do know that 3BB has been taken over by AIS. It has been AIS since November 2023. It is no longer 3BB.
  11. Instead of 30 type 90 for 90 days 180 for 180days 360 for 360 days.
  12. 3BB seems to be working OK now, I guess they lied about the 3 weeks.
  13. 3BB seems to be working OK now.
  14. 3BB all back to normal now, all working. Maybe I can get a refund on the VPN
  15. I posted this on another thread Posted 37 minutes ago Same problem with 3BB. rang them this morning and they told me there is a problem with a cable in Europe somewhere. They told me it could take up to 3 weeks to fix, and if I wanted to stream to use a VPN with Singapore, I asked would they pay for it, he laughed and said no. He did say he would ask if i could get a refund. I downloaded Mullvad VPN costs about 200 Baht per month, can only pay monthly. Works well, also works for BBCiPlayer etc.
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