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Posts posted by jaapfries

  1. I live in Jomtien (virtually Pattaya) and, frankly, I am happy to stay there. In the six years i have lived in Thailand I have lived 3 of them here. I have travelled all over Thailand and this area suits me down to the ground. If I never travel again it will be too soon.

    Unfortunately my work requires that I am abroad at least one week in four. But as for holidays I can get pretty much everything i want around here. It is, in my opinion, not better to travel than arrive.

    But then I don't think I know everything about Thailand or Thai's. In fact I honestly believe the longer I am here the less I understand.

    "In fact I honestly believe the longer I am here the less I understand."

    [been here 21 years and I totally concur !]


  2. Buddhism in Thailand is predominately about superstition and money just like the Church in the West.

    I disagree. In my opinion, Buddhism has been commercialised like most other religions. The aversion most people describe is not against Buddhism, but against the financial interests that take advantage of religion.

    But that doesn't have anything to do with Buddhism.


    @Forethat: I believe the little phrase at the bottom of your post sums it up pretty well:

    "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you..."


  3. Sorry but who will teach the police ? they do not know how to drive why should they have never been taught the same as every Thai driver, my Wife was able to pass her Driving Test in the UK it took 60 hours with a Driving School, she moans about Thai Driving every Day, it will not change.

    First of all, the Bangkok Traffic Police Department should ensure "Knowledge of the Law"; it was only a couple of years ago that a survey was taken: a very marge number of active traffic-cops were made to take the 'written-test' as standard for obtaining a driver's license . . . .

    68% of these "active Traffic Cops FAILED this very basic & simple test ! ! ! !

    They should educate their officers first and THEN start thinking about more sophisticated measures; but at the moment you've got little boys pretending to be doing a 'Man's' work . . . . . . . and OH YEAH; they carry guns: unbelievable ! !


  4. The truth be known Thaksin is getting increasingly annoyed at the skimming off of the corruption income proceeds before they reach him his clan and their brown nosing acolytes hence the order to tackle the kickbacks

    It's not about stopping corruption it's all about ensuring that the aforementioned characters get their full commission payments.

    Give Thaksin credit where credit is due indeed a cunning stunt.whistling.gif

    ... indeed a cunning stunt . . . .

    Are you sure you 'spelled' that correctly ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Are you sure you don;t have that "backwards" ? ? ? ? ?

    Perhaps the word you could not think of was "stunning" ? ? ? ? ?

    If so; you would have been right too ! ! ! ! !


    PS: Sorry; I couldn't resist that one !

  5. You all might makes jokes, but I consider this real progress. You have to realise that fines in Thailand seem low, but that is just the real Thai economy (not the tourist economy).

    This is the part I really like ...

    “If Mr Danaichet is caught committing a crime during his probation, he faces a penalty of three months in prison,” the officer explained.

    @LivinginKata: you are correct, IMHO; however; the single biggest "blow" to this Mr. Danaichet, an many people obviously missed this, is

    the enormous "Loss-Of-Face" his guy has and is suffering ! ! Don't underestimate the psychological effect this has an a Thai !

    Under Thai' law, for 'light' assault; the max. [enalty is Bt. 500.- (Five-Hundred baht) per case: 2 cases here: hence the Bt. 1K


  6. "So far, police ruled the case to be an accident, and did not press any allegation against anyone." ? ? ? ? ?

    Ridiculous ! ! !

    We're talking about a 4 year old little girl; who, herself, can NOT be held responsible.

    The parents and/or guardians [whomever was accompanying the child at the time] SHOULD be held responsible for her horrific death ! !

    In any other country; these people who were 'responsible' for this little girl; would be charged with Negligence-causing-death ! ! !

    If these kinds of "accidents" go unpunished; then HOW are people going to learn to Take Responsibility ? ? ? ?

    The only good news is, that this little toddler is now in a much better place, void of irresponsible 'carers' !

    RIP little one 402.gif

  7. This case will probably go the way of the Red Bull Ferrari cop killing and obstruction of justice case. Just delay, delay ad nauseam until it just fades away. Crime, corruption , and attitude with impunity in THailand.

    You're so right; besides that - what's 12 Billion between friends, hey ? ? ? ?


  8. Thats really ridiculous. 


    If something you do for yourself on your own ground is declared illegal then really everything can be interpreted as working illegal, even going shopping. 


    "even going shopping" - well; let me enlighten you: YES; even going shopping ! ! !


    About 2 years ago, when I was on a project in Hua Hin, it so happened that a chap (with a W/P !) went to the local Hafele store to purchase some hardware for the building he was working on; the Immigration Police walked in and asked him what he was doing . . . . He calmly answered that he was purchasing hardware for the job-site, for which he had a W/P. He was instantly arrested, because they "reasoned" that his work-permit only allowed him to 'work' on the address of the building site and nowhere else ! ! ! ! 


    With regards to these 2 constructing boats in their respective back-yards: it is entirely possible that they are building these yachts, under contract to some customer, in which case they ARE working illegally.


    I am certain that if you were building a boat for yourself in your back-yard that nobody would touch you.





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  9. Wonder if all those making accusations towards the wife in the other post will turn up here.

    I don't know what those other posters wrote; but I do get the distinct impression that the wife wasn't all that worried, whereas all the neighbors went all-out looking for the poor guy . . . . . it is what it is, unfortunately !


  10. After almost 10 years in this country, I just dont understand WHY must people point at things.

    Its obvious to all where the car hit the truck

    1 Person dead & 2 people seriously hurt - and YOU worry about some dude pointing his finger at the damaged truck ? ? ? ? ?

    Geez; - at least your choice of "handle" is appropriate ! ! ! ! or maybe you shuld ammend this to be "Monkey2Me" ? ? ? ?


    In any event: RIP to the unfortunate driver and a speedy recovery wished for his two companions.


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