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Posts posted by jaapfries

  1. Hi there,

    Yes; your friend is in luck - since there IS a very suitable Marina between HH <> Pranburi.

    epending n what type of boat (draft) the should be no problem.

    PM me and I will put you in touch with a guy who has all the details and relevant contacts to make this happen, okay ?



  2. So now you've managed to take your eyes off the ladies; you have looked around and seen that shopping for prostitutes does not, in fact, fill a man's soul with genuine happiness. Welcome to reality!

    What a load of crap! I personally know many girls that go out to these clubs and are in no way a prostitute.

    Some girls actually enjoy going out and meeting guys - imagine that. Why the automatic response that they are prostitutes? Are you somehow familiar with prostitutes in Thailand? Last girl I met was a beautiful girl from Nakhon Sawan who worked days as a massage girl. No hint of money and just genuine smiles.smile.png

    Perhaps you are one of these sad, lonely old men? That would explain your attitude towards Thai girls who go out to nightclubs.

    I like your post.

    The world, and Thailand in particular, needs more people like you.

    If foreigners didn't regard Thai women who go to bars as prostitutes - then they cease to be prostitutes* - and can exist simply as individuals ...free from commoditization as sex objects.

    Yes! that's it! In this "new age" women can be free until marriage, free to date men of any skin colour, until after marriage they then become the chattel of men. Happy days I feel like I'm living in the 1950s already! Someday Thailand might be as advanced as the west. Who knows? In the future Thai men might become the chattel of Thai women and Thai men might flock to the west for fun-filled holidays... of course I'm talking about the year 2100 at least.

    *that is until they shyly utter the words "You know I'm working?" and the other golden oldie "how much you pay me?".

    Well . . . . . this may come as a surprise to you, but by-and-large, Thai' society IS the chattel of the Thai' females. Thai' men may be pretending to be in charge; but don;t let appearances fool you: it's most certainly the women who hold the purse-strings and make the important decisions.

    Look at ANY construction-site around Thailand: what you will notice is that the Men might be 'laying-the-bricks', but the Women drag-up the bricks, the mortar and all this, while they carry a baby on their backs . . . 0ften many stories high ! ! - the Men are mostly lazy and don't do the actual hard work. In many major Thai corporations, it's often WOMEN who sway-the-scepter, not MEN.

    Furthermore; in most Thai' marriages, it's the ladies who call the shots . . . .

    In fact; the most powerful current position in politics in Thailand is . . . . . . . . . a Woman !

    I rest my case.


    • Like 1
  3. A 'fine' selection of males here: do you guys actually realize how incredibly shallow you all are ? ? ?

    "Judging" females on their physical attributes really goes to show the level of maturity you have reached: I used to have these types of

    infantile discussions when I was about 16 years young.

    Apart from showing the absence of your level-of-intelligence, I find it hard to stomach that you can be so incredibly demeaning to these girls.

    But I fear that it is way too late for you, pathetic 'men' (and I use this term loosely !) to grow-up, - and show some respect for women in general and Thai girls in particular.

    Disgusted ! !


  4. Have a question for you.

    When YOU arrived (i.e. when you were born) did your parents pick you up from your Port of Arrival or did they send a TAXI so they wouldn't have to leave home too early to get to the hospital, let alone all the trouble involved in finding a car park ?

    Don't know why they are even bothering to come to Thailand if all they can expect is a Taxi Driver and a bit of cardboard with their name scribbled on it as a greeting.

    Right-On; Torrens54: if that were MY parents, arriving in Thailand to visit me; I would be at that airport the day before their arrival and I would be SUPER excited while awaiting their arrival. I would finally meet with them and after the emotional huggs etc., I would walk then across to the Airport Novotel, where we would all be able to sit-down in lovely surroundings (there's even a very nice smoker's lounge !) order the best coffees of the land and have a very relaxed reunion.

    Then I would walk them to my car, which is parked just outside the rear-entrance of said Novotel and happily drive home to Jomtien (where I actually live).

    Geezzzzzz ! ! ! !


    • Like 1
  5. Gingag mate please for the love of god make one of your new years resolutions to stop making such awful puns!

    I will try your reverence, Were they that awful ??? or are you in a lousy mood, cheer up ya miserable so and so. enjoy. If that is your style I am pleased I will not share my new year celebration near you. Try to enjoy your new year, Have a trip on Thai SMILE flight one way.wai2.gif

    @ginjag: Don't pay no mind to the ever-depressing "mca" - I, for one, thought your post was very creative and humorous !

    I also believe that mca is a "DOUCE short of a Tennis-Match" when it comes to creative-humor . . . . . ..

    Also; he was very disrespectful of God, since even the most Junior-Player will be able to tell you that God is always written with a capital 'G' !

    Message to MCA: Don't be such a Grouch, mate: "it's the season to be merry" - right ?


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  6. All very interesting comments, which reminds me of something Sir Winston Churchill once said:

    "For everything that happens, in this world, there's a logical explanation . . . . . . . . . and then; there's the truth !"

    My advice to you is to, prior to transferring funds into your Thai account, have a chat with your Bank-Manager and announce the imminent arrival of your funds and request a "T-33" certificate. Stick this certificate in your safe and when time comes to transfer your funds back out of Thailand, all you have to do is to produce this T-33 form and "Bob's your proverbial Uncle".


  7. Big Truck, painted red white blue stripes all lights on nearside ok. and the truck looks relatively new. Wide road and jeep ended up 200 metres

    away from truck.

    20 year old driver Hmmmmm

    Just looking at the damage says there was speed involved

    Maybe I got it all wrong, but rather than stating that "the Jeep ended-up 200 meters away from the Truck" - I would think it to be more logical that "the Truck ended-up 200 meters away from the Jeep".

    The difference being, of course, that after the Jeep impacted the rear of this truck, the Jeep came to a very quick halt, whereas the Truck was likely to to travel a considerable distance before being brought to a halt.

    So; that 200 meters distance between the vehicles was, more than likely as a result of the much slower brake-path of the truck, compounded by what must have been a substantial push by the Jeep, upon its impact with said truck.

    Just saying . . . . . .

  8. “There is no need to carry around this kind of equipment at night,” he added.

    Ha, ha, ha, ha; but you're welcome to carry this stuff from Dawn-to-Dusk ! ! ! ! !

    I'm going back to my lab. and attempt to invent something like Viagra-for-the-Growing-of-Brains ! ! ! ! I'll make millions in Thailand alone ! ! !

    cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif


    • Like 2
  9. There is a large art supply store just a few doors up from Foodland towards Sukhumvit.

    its called sulpaban, on the corner of Town in town soi

    Geez: been here 21 years; go to tat store a lot and I had NO idea what the name of it was . . . . . . . - Anyway; if this store doesn't have it (and they have absolutely everything under the sun) : you may have to look at Bangkok.

  10. Wow, this forum sure attracts a lot of uninformed comment from armchair critics safe in their normal, consevative and relatively socislly unchallenged lives. Completely lacking in imagination and any knowledge on what they are commenting on. 'If shes got the tackle she's a bloke'. Pull your head in mate. Its way more complicated than simple biology and genetics. People of both sexes with gender identity issues suffer enormously from crap like this - why put themselves through it if they didnt genuinely feel it was true. How arrogant to sit back and say - I dont have this probkem but I m going to deny those that do the right to identify themselves as they truly feel they are. Those of you who make such comments reveal a lack of human understanding and any depth of knowledge on the topic you are contributing to (ie your ignorance). Gender is a human construct and as such is not necessarily liked to your biology. This is the 21 st century, not the Middle Ages. Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    @simondan: Very well put - and you can trust me that 'well-thinking' people-of-integrity agree with you, because "one can't argue with the truth".

    Thank you for your input !



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