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Posts posted by jaapfries

  1. Thailand is a democracy? How can you tell? Trying to run out a democratically elected prime minister smacks of mob rule. I am an American. Do you think I am happy with GW! He was elected so he will serve his term. Anything other than his being impeached simply will not do. These people should be trying to find someone to beat him in an election. :D


    Well, well, well: look-ie here: amid all the drivel-merchants, there IS a voice of sanity ! ! ! ! ! Gary; I was surprised to read your posting. Your 4 odd lines of text make more sense than all the combined news-papers I have read in the last 4 weeks.

    Even though I hate to admit it; you are simply and totally correct.

    "Beautiful Gardens Aren't Made, by Sitting In The Shade And Sighing 'Oh; How Beautiful' . . . . . ."


  2. I would bet that the Father-Law-Law felt he was not getting his due. Everything funnels through the parent in most of Thailand. In many cases it is tryannical in nature. The Daughters especially the youngest is very much expected to give all she makes to the parent and to take care of them. when a Farang enters the picture, he does not usually want to be singled out as the Social security of the parents, but in most cases he cannot escape that role and resentments arise-which in this case lead to a knife in his back.


    Sorry, Capealava; I had missed his little 'gem' posting of your's.

    You are certainly a very angry & bitter person, aren't you. First off, you "bet" some sort of presumption and then you go on a tyrade regarding the 'daughter having to give all they make' to their parents . . . . . . .

    Mate; which rock are you hiding under ? ? ? ? Maybe you should hop on your tricycle and pedal through this wonderful Kingdom. You will then possibly discover (if you stop and listen for a change) that sons & daughter of the typical Thai family-unit take a helluva lot of pride in supporting their parents. It's pure drivel to suggest that they "hand-over all they make", because even a moron like you could work-out the impractacle economics of sustanance of that statement.

    But you are right if you mean that in most Western "civilized' countries, parents, in fact, support their off-spring, long after they have flown the coop and have ventured out into "independance".

    Here in Thailand; families do indeed tend to take care of their own, since there's no Dole, no Social Security and (most unfortunate of all) no Old Age Pension for the aged.

    Perhaps, Capealave; you should start looking for Thai daughters in different places ? ? ?

    I'll just bet; you've had some real sterling experiences with the Bar-Girl types, huh ? ? ? ?

    Carpe Diem

  3. Cape Diem Have you ever read a novel A book that is. They are full of non factual conclusions Stories you know---- Are you the Forum Cop or something BUGGER OFF


    "Capealava" - you appear to be a very angry person. I rather doubt if you have ever done more than skim through a Playboy or two in your sad little life.

    Yes; I am a cop, - a cop who makes sure that people who need help, get help.

    Believe you me Mister Capealava; you need help.

    For the time being though, you should really do something to relieve this anger of yours' !

    Eat yogurt and try meditation . . . . . . . . . - but most of all, don't forget:

    Carpe Diem


    PS: I just KNOW that you feel a little bit better already !?!

  4. [

    I guess you never heard the phrase "presumed innocent until proven guilty". That generally happens at a court of law and not by a lynchmob of troglodytes.

    So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

    What a pile of racist crap.

    There is a perfect resort for you lower form of primates. It's called Pattaya. Why can't you just stay there and save us from your deranged raves and rants.


    I totally agree with the general gist of what you wrote firstly:

    I guess you never heard the phrase "presumed innocent until proven guilty". That generally happens at a court of law and not by a lynchmob of troglodytes.

    . . . . . but then you go and spoil it all by saying those silly things about Pattaya:

    What a pile of racist crap.

    There is a perfect resort for you lower form of primates. It's called Pattaya. Why can't you just stay there and save us from your deranged raves and rants.

    This would be a perfect example of "The Pot Calling The Kettke Black" !

    C'mon ColPyat; someone who uses sophisticated words to describe Pre-Historic Cave dwellers (I'ld never heard that one before; thanks !) should axiomatically know better than to generalize the people who happen to live in that phenomena called Pattaya . . . . . . .

    Quit while you're ahaed, okay ?!

  5. In a western world, this would never happen... :D:D


    Dude: where are you from . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Should change your handle from "Dr. Cop" to "Master Dribbler" ! ! ! ! !


    Hey Mr, where are you from? Pattaya.....says it all really!

    Try eating less fries (no good for the brain) :D


    Greg.D . . . . . . .

    You actually wrote:

    Hey Mr, where are you from? Pattaya.....says it all really!

    Try eating less fries (no good for the brain)

    Well now; I reckon this says little about me (apart from the fact that, indeed, I live in Pattaya), but a lot about you . . . . . . . . .

    I'll just bet that your "full" name would be Greg 'D-Idiot' ?

    In that case; you did not disappoint the world, Greg !

    Get a life, mate ! ! !

    PS: That bit about the "fries" - I guess it is obvious that you got this 'wisdom' from personal experience, huh ?!

    I always have mine with mayonaise . . . . .

  6. So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

    IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

    It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D


    Thaiginger; first I thought that the picture in your postings was a 'posterior' - but then, after reading your numerous silly "postings", I realized that it must be your face: no suprise then - so much "verbal diahrea . . . . . ! ! !

    Your 'take' on relationships between Farang <> Thai women, not to mention their entire families, would be laugable, if it wasn't so sad !

    Grow-up, pal ! :D

    I am totally perplexed at all the quick opinions and judgements, by many posters, founded on nothing but a factual bare statement of a Farang dying under somewhat peculiar circumstances.

    Wouldn't it be much more sensible to wait for some factual-conclussions of a proper investigation ? ? ?

    It would be better to hold all your comments, once it has been made public what the specific circumstances were.

    Otherwise, a lot of people should copy-and-past Mr. Ginger-Man's picture and 'fly' it in their postings too . . . . . . . .


    Carpe Diem

  7. It is only Thaksin himself or the elected members who can decide if the PM should resign or be deposed. The King of course also has that power.

    Anybody else can only ask......not set deadlines


    Yep; Mr. Krub; I do believe you are correct.

    I only just hope they leave HM the King nicely out of it; the King doesn't really need this kind of pressure at this juncture in his life. I find it utterly disgraceful that either party even dares to mention his name (inferring his involvement).

    [incidentally; the King was first "involved" when our great "Leader" suggested some time ago, that the only person who could make him give-up his political (very lucrative) career, would be the King himself] - in my opinion a real daft and totally un-respectfull move on Taksin's part]

    Just hypothetically speaking: IF this great Leader would only allow himself another 48 hours; he would still be able to 'pick-up' an nice multi-million Baht "departure-bonus" in the process; don't doubt it for a minute !

    The problem is, that he has been stealing, swindling etc., so much for so long, that IF he became a "normal citizen again, he realizes ###### well that the investigations against him can be legally commenced. THAT is on of the two (2) reasons why he will not voluntarilly step down. The other reason is, guess what: his incredible arrogance.



  8. OK I'll bite...

    Isnt odd how people think,


    Hey Wolf . . . . . .

    Extremely well put (for a Pom) ha, ha, ha !

    The only other thing which jumped to my mind, was the "losers" issue. It is my humble opinion, that "losers" mostly stay put (hence the term "losers"), whereas "winner" (or, at least, people who aspire NOT to lose . . .) will actually pul up their stakes and move to another place (look around in the US, Canada, NZ & Australia, for example) and make a new and improved life there. The problem is, that you will find many losers in the original home-countries of these enterprising chaps . . . . .

    Cheers mate,



    Flushing out Pattaya's gutters for a week would be nice ... but hopefully not for a whole year!

    If it never stopped raining in pattaya, that might clean the rats and roaches out of the sewers/gutters, but in my opinion Pattaya is full of rats and low life on the streets already. (don't take it personally, I'm not talking about you + i don't know you :D )

    Sorry, but I just don't lke the place. One of the worst vibes in Thailand if you ask me (which you didnt!). Been there twice and won't be going back for sure. Let it rain till all those old men go somewhere else and the bargirls go back upcountry. Once was a nice fishing village i read on a thread soewhere. Anyhow,

    Just thought i'd make a negative contribution, afterall it's early and i got shiteloads to do today and all this politics is doing my head in. :o



    Well, Sir; I beg to differ. Whereabouts in Pattaya were you, to be made feel so bad and negative.

    I have lived here for nigh-on 14 years and love every minute of it.

    I could show you a Pattaya that would be rather pleasant.

    In terms of "infrastructure" I reckon Pattaya's pretty hard to equal. Look at the facts:

    Best Hospitals (easily better than in my home country [Holland])

    Extremely good sellection of Restaurants

    Brilliant shopping (2 x Lotus' 2 x Big C; 2 x Top's; (almost) 2 x Carefour plus a collection of locals.

    Some excellent Bookshops (and I'm talking about the second hand book-shops)

    Reasonably clean beaches (Jomtien)

    Absolutely brilliant sailing and winds-surfing

    Some of the best Golf-courses within minutes from Pattaya-City

    With regards to the "seedy areas"; that's fairly easy: don't go there.


    Happy Pattaya-an


    Widespread thunderstorm system hits Thailand

    BANGKOK: -- Thailand's Meteorological Department has warned of summer thunderstorms country-wide while the greater Bangkok metropolitan area is expected to experience thunderstorms tonight.

    The weather department said an intense high pressure front which passed into Thailand from China now covered the eastern portion of the northeast, causing severe thundershowers, strong winds and even hail in some areas.


    The weather centre forecast widespread thunder-storms in the south and heavy seas with two- to three-metre high waves in the Gulf of Thailand from March 14-16.

    Okay; before all sorts of bored people start writing all sorts of "humorous comments" about this topic; let me leave you with a sobering thought: the last time 'we' had these kinds of seas on the Pattaya coast-line, at least 78 ships were swept off their anchor-block and litterally smacked upon the beaches of Pattaya & Jomtien, as if they were light-weight toys !

    This is NOT a funny situation and - unless we have learned from what occured here some 8 years ago - this could, in fact, cost lives, not to mention a heck-of-a-lot of money . . . . . .

    Keeping my fingers crossed !

    (May just be Toxin ordered and paid for this phenomena, just to draw attention away from himself ? ?)

    [sorry; couldn't resist that one !]

  10. One of the top stories in Sweden right now. Swedes are usually very sensitive about things like this, so count on a few percent less drunk swedes in Phuket in the coming months.


    That's a bit like a glass being "1/2 Empty or 1/2 Full" . . . . isn't it !

    Perhaps the heavily drinking Swedes may feel more secure in the knowledge that Thailand is actually monitoring the sea-areas from whence danger might creep-up . . . . ? ? ? ? So; perhaps Phuket can look forward to more tourists from that thirsty part of the world, not less ? ? ?


  11. first heard about this yesterday...she was presumed dead....then saw her on the news tonite...she seemed to be in good spirits and was talking ok....there was no motor on the dinghy and she was rowing back to the yacht. She survived by drinking urine and shading under the dinghy during the day....a remarkable woman indeed...she was an experienced yachtie by the way.


    . . . . . . she was an experienced yachtie by the way ? ? ? ? ?

    What's the point of gaining experience and then NOT putting it into practice, mate ? ? ?

    Let's see now:

    Background-check reveals that she was born in Belgium and became an Ozzie' later - I call that "the worst of both worlds" . . . . )L.O.L.


    AllBlack Supporter

  12. Woman found after floating for days


    An Australian woman who vanished last week from an island off southern Thailand and presumed drowned has been found alive in Indonesian waters.

    Dominique Courteille, 57, was picked up on Monday by a fishing boat after apparently drifting in a dinghy for several hundred kilometres.


    A "keen" yachts-woman she may be, but also a pretty naive one. When she returned from shore to her yacht in the dingy, she must have had a few too many, because even an idiot knows about the very strong currents in that area. It was no coincidence that she "floated away" - you can totally count on it.

    In hindsight, I am surpised that she made it "all the way" from Langkawi, a trip of a mere 140 miles, for Pete's sake ! ! ! !

    This mother of four should start looking for a new hobby, like knitting, or pottery. :o

    Born on the ocean and respecting her more than life !

    Jaap Fries

  13. Commercial banks announce an increase in savings interest

    Following announcements by the Kasikorn and Siam Commercial Bank that there will be an increase in interest rates, many other commercial banks have made similar announcements.


    Of course; this is not simply "good news"; this is "putting things right" finally. Up until now, the effective interest paid on savings accounts, in this country, was grossly below what would be termed as "normal" in other developed nations around the world.

    I am just wondering if this may have something to do with the imminent demise of one Khun Taksin . . . . . . . ? ? ? Now THAT would not suprise me in the least !


  14. Lets hope they don't turn their attentions on Pattaya too much!

    I don't know I think Pattaya should be burnt tothe ground. It's a sh*thole.


    Wauw; what a super mature comment, mate !

    I'll have you know, that I have lived in Pattaya-City for about 14 years and I seriously disagree with your opinion.

    You remind me of my time in the Army: the guys who were constantly complaining about the quality of the food, were the same guys who barely ever got a decent meal at home. . . . . . . . .

    Logic dictates that your origins must be some sight to see, huh ? ?

    Grow Up, pal !


  15. :D

    294 User(s) are reading this topic (215 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)

    78 Members: -xxxx-, jaapfries, chownah, ChiangMaiSky, godforhire, thongdee, stendhal, tod-daniels, henry, GG-, TBWG, Jomtien, khall64au, dan10400, easy_jim, griser, asd, Michael W, Sumppen, desmond, craigoaus, marquess, cowboypunter, camerata, Prakanong2005, Kaojai, Fossil, Hollywood, Hermano Lobo, Namlay, farangnoi, Dawn, John Galt, Gordon MacRaild, Siripon, Gluestick, Fraktalkid, Bull, thaipro_pattaya, thommy1111, drbones666, ulfnied, sumnuek, JT65, Puma, tracman, tweedy85, Polobg, Ki Lin, Limbo, swervie2000, schmokinn, bubba, Virgil, RJJ, Thug, Stacking Zeds, Thaitraveller, fxe1200, yorkman, keithee, bggg, bkkweb, steppenfaerie, Joey Boy, wozza, db1, VanZam, NordicMan, birago23, dugdale, happyrob, Bangkokbutcher, wolf5370, rosslakin, globalmax2, Ronnok, spog




    No points are inteded or requested ,my comments are as such just personel observations indeed it could be muted that by decrying the said soicety that we abode in my well lead to lead to an infusion of international distrust. there is a saying from which source I am not aware

    "when in Rome do as the Romans do"

    Warm Regards,


    Are you trying to make a point here, or are you pulling a covert "Breconman" ? ? ? ? :D


    Obviously; you LIKE to have your foot in your mouth ! !

    I was able to read the lengthy French press-release, a bit earlier, but the gibberish your have just written here. is truly 'Greek' to me and I am sure a lot of other, what you referred to as "Fulungs" . .

    I'll say it again, Breconman; why don't you seriously start looking for a different hobby ! ! But please get off this board - you'll be pleasing more people than you could imagine !


    Thailand have no great leader currently except Thaksin. He is the man for Thailand. It will be a stupid idea and a great lost for the Kingdom of Thailand to see this man go away. Make sure to see him win in this snap election.

    I don't belong to Thailand but to me he is the best after ex-premiere Suchinda


    Analysing mosts posts of our single-minded Thaksin fans here i see rather short outbursts with catastrophic syntax and spelling, full of logical errors (a few unfortunately do not restrict themselves to brief statements...), even, and especially when those posts come from native English speakers, mostly of the American persuasion as well.

    I think it is rather sad that in this day and time we have to hear these calls for those "great leaders" that should be above any criticism. This attitude presented here does not show much understanding of the egalitarian ideals democracy is supposed to stand for. And yes, even though democracy in Thailand has more than a few regular hickups, it still is within the Thai constitution to criticise the government, and to stage demonstrations.

    The ability to type on a keyboard and minimal intellectual capacity appearantly are completely different matters.

    HEAR, HEAR !


    Well put !

  16. :D

    294 User(s) are reading this topic (215 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)

    78 Members: -xxxx-, jaapfries, chownah, ChiangMaiSky, godforhire, thongdee, stendhal, tod-daniels, henry, GG-, TBWG, Jomtien, khall64au, dan10400, easy_jim, griser, asd, Michael W, Sumppen, desmond, craigoaus, marquess, cowboypunter, camerata, Prakanong2005, Kaojai, Fossil, Hollywood, Hermano Lobo, Namlay, farangnoi, Dawn, John Galt, Gordon MacRaild, Siripon, Gluestick, Fraktalkid, Bull, thaipro_pattaya, thommy1111, drbones666, ulfnied, sumnuek, JT65, Puma, tracman, tweedy85, Polobg, Ki Lin, Limbo, swervie2000, schmokinn, bubba, Virgil, RJJ, Thug, Stacking Zeds, Thaitraveller, fxe1200, yorkman, keithee, bggg, bkkweb, steppenfaerie, Joey Boy, wozza, db1, VanZam, NordicMan, birago23, dugdale, happyrob, Bangkokbutcher, wolf5370, rosslakin, globalmax2, Ronnok, spog




    Are you trying to make a point here, or are you pulling a covert "Breconman" ? ? ? ? :D

  17. I am sick of the farangs whose hatred of Thaksin stems from nothing more than them having to pay a few more satang for their visas :D:D:o

    Iam a Farang (correct name) and may I apologize for those Farangs that constantly take great delight in shooting their mouths off about somthing that they know diddly squat about.

    Their verbosity outshines their viscosity,.

    Fulungs do not have any right to comment about how Thailand runs it's affairs,we are guests in your country and should show respect, once again I apologize for those fulungs who know now better.



    Here you go again "Breconman" I'll thank you very bloody much for not speaking (far less apologizing) on behalf of all us Farangs ! ! !

    You have been putting your feet in your mouth for a long while now and I believe (and I am NOT speaking for all Farangs -although- ? !) that many of us Farangs are sick and tired of your arrogant crap !

    I mean; where the hel_l do you get off stating something so spectacularly stupid as "Fulungs do not have any right to . . . . ." ? ? ? ? ? ?


    Get a life, will you !

  18. He will almost certainly win re-election although with a reduced majority.

    He's called the elction because he knows he's in serious trouble and knows he will still win through the rural vote, even though they are voting whilst being misinformed, if they really knew the truth and got unbiased media reports it could be quite different.

    The fact he is disolving the house shows he is in serious trouble, the campaigners should absolutley not accept this and carry on with the rally accepting nothing less that his total resignation and exit from politics. If they carry on with the protests it's more than likley they will get what they want.

    There's no way a crook like this should be allowed to stand for re-election.

    He should be behind bars.


    Well mate; you took the words right out of my mouth !

    Totally agree; but that jail-cell better be a 'regular' one, not like some of these mafioso "arrange" ! !

    That WOULD be democratic justice . . . . . .



    you seem to be man of pretty low esteem , just the type of person refered to I assume !!!

    did i touch a raw nerve,-which catagory applies to you , ?

    I am aware any person could be arrested if caught before reaching the airport if over stayed by even 1 day, [at least thats the theory]----

    is it proper that a persons views be attacked in this childish manner, ?

    referances to german nationals shows contempt or any kind of decent respect ,

    I stand by my words, infact your reply reinforce's what i said about certain types of people ,

    if you havent got anything intelligent to contribute then best you dont embarrass your self


    Arrogance will get you anywhere . . . . .


    You say that you are aware that any person could be arrested if caught before reaching the airport if over stayed by even 1 day, [at least thats the theory]

    - - - - - - and in the same text you're advising ME not to embarrass myself ? ? ? ? ?

    You're right about one thing though; I am certainly a man with a very low esteem; for some !

  20. This is hardly big money for the 1 year visa, if a person can't pony up with this, are they really making a significant impact on the economy here?}



    I have noticed over years that in the main the over stayers -are generally the lazy malingerers that blight THailand ,and give the decent falangs a bad name, Take a look around and see the large amount of westerners that live off their own countries social security systems,{benefit scroungers}

    Pattaya is a haven for the Riff Raff of the world because of its easy going lack of enforceing its laws

    I have over stayed on several occations , however its been part of my plan always , I obtain a double entry Visa in my country before I leave home and then I over stay generally about 10 days -my reason and thinking is that its less hassle than standing in lines at a visa office ,


    Well; you certainly seem to have ALL the answers and coem across a s fairly slick and self-gratified' type of person. You're probably from German descent.

    However: Mr. Know-it-all; you've been missing the boat tremendously when you write "I have over stayed on several occations , however its been part of my plan always , I obtain a double entry Visa in my country before I leave home and then I over stay generally about 10 days -my reason and thinking is that its less hassle than standing in lines at a visa office"

    If you would have walked into a routine "Alien-Check" by either the Police or the Immigration chaps; you WOULD have been put behind bars, without a shadow of a doubt !

    Mind you; you would have been able to verbally justify that situation too, since you know it all and never do anything wrong ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


  21. move the fine up to 1000 baht. who cares. i dont really see any reason why u would overstay more then 1 day... due to miscalculation. anyone who does go over that day is either lazy or just dumb and doesnt care. hel_l they should put the limit to only 1 week and throw them in jail after that. i just thought the 200 baht a day was so cheap for breaking the law. so good for them to raise the fine.


    "only 1 week and throw them in jail after that"

    Geez; you know what you should do, Mister: go and have a look inside a jail in Thailand . . . . . Then se if you still want to make silly remarks like that ! Grow-up and join the human race ! !


  22. BANGKOK: -- The fine for remaining in Thailand past the expiry date of a permit to stay, currently 200 baht a day, will rise to 500 baht a day with effect from March 15.

    However, the maximum fine payable will remain the same, at 20,000 baht, Pol Lt Gen Suwat Thamrongsrisakul, Commander of the Immigration Bureau, stated in a document posted in Thai on the Bureau's website. The document gave no reason for the increase.

    --Phuket Gazette 2006-02-21


    I don't know what's going on with the current government, but it seems to me that they are becoming less & less "user-friendly" with regards to tourists . . . . .

    I also understand, that the regulations regarding "retirees" in this Kingdom has been made significantly less attractive also . . . . .

    Perhaps I am the moron, but would a "sane" government not absolutely rejoice at the prospect of attracting as many as possible retired folks from all over this globe to spent their pensions in this country ? ?

    These are people who do not participate in the labour-process, yet spend all their money here ! ! !

    What is the logic behind some of these totally silly policies anyway ? ? ? T.I.T. ? ? - I guess !


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