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Posts posted by jaapfries

  1. Sounds like a typical Thai business dispute tactic: contaminate your competitor's product for maximum adverse publicity.


    Could be the proverbial "Nail-On-The-Head" . . . . . . would you be very surpised, if it turned-out that our revered Fuhrer Toxin, had some substantial shareholding (through his niminee kidds, of course ! ! !) in "the other" Company ? ? ? ? ? ?


  2. When I think of the famous bridge (and I am not still in nappies and I do know about what happened more or less) and how people react to it I mostly think of war atrocities and anti Japanese sentiment....to me this is not some heritage that needs to be preserved.

    You wouldn't happen to work for the Japanese ministry of education would you?


    "CHOWNAH" you are very obviously a very ill-informed person, with no regard for other people's feelings. I strongly suggest that you stop any further hurtfull comments, because you are hurting a lot of people.

    My own grandfather carried HIS father for many miles down this "Railway-Of-Death" and he didn't even know his father had died miles ago . . . . . . . Yes Sir; he was one of those 18,000 odd Dutch unfortunate, - but extremely brave P.O.W.'s who gave his life, so that "people like you", also, may enjoy freedom & democracy !

    Show a little gratitude and hope & pray YOU don't ever have to go through that hel_l that stands for "The Bride Over The River Kwai".

    I'll thank you very much for refraining from any further commenting on this topic.

  3. D-Day for alcohol as Public Health Ministry prepares enforcement

    BANGKOK: -- Thailand's Ministry of Public Health has set the first of March as its D-DAY to start enforcing its ban of every kind of alcoholic drinks at all ministry premises throughout the country, according to Public Health Minister Pinij Jarusombat.

    "From the next month on, every square inch of the public heath ministry, including the minister's and high-ranking officials' rooms, must be free from alcohol of all kinds, no matter whiskey, beer, wine, and anything with an alcohol content," he said.

    --TNA 2006-02-13


    Halloooooo guys; are we missing something here ? ? ? ? I am a Dutch-Canadian-Kiwi and I can assure you that in these 'civilized' countries there never HAS been such a thing as "alcoholic beverages" on the premises of the Ministry of Public Health. Come to think of it, neither would you find this "Devil's Liquid" inside Police Stations, Libraries, Post-Offices etc.


    C'mon; what the hel_l are we talking about. It is ridiculous to have 'booze' inside government offices in the first place.


    These people are paid for by the public ! If they're going to do any drinking, they should be doing that in their own time (first of all !) and certainly NOT at work, just like the rest of us. How many of us 'workers' would get away with "drinking-at-work" ? ?

  4. I believe that they had to pay 5000 baht so they could go travel further.

    I know somebody who is already one Month in jail for overstay. When you have to go to the court, you can be released if you show the bank guarantee. This can be 1000 baht, but also much and much more and it doesn't mean that you are free.

    They will keep your passport till the case is done. if you don't have the money, you will stay in prission till the money is paid.

    Be aware that you are in Thailand. Foreign people have less rights and have to pay much more than Thai people. They will trow you in the prisson with others. 140 people in one room is normal and you spend between, killers, gays, aids patients etc.

    Amazing Thailand


    You're definately NO Einstein; where do you get off, listing "Gay People" in the same line-up with "Killers", Aids-Patients" etc ? ? ? ? ?

    Go and smell some roses, mate ! !

  5. Prositution Vans!! Never seen one. Are they common and I'm naive? Or is this a new thing?

    If memory serves correctly; about a year ago, it was reported in the BP, that a bunch of Junior-Highschool children were caught "red-handed" having sex (as a matter of routine, yet !) on the rear-seats of their schoolbus . . . Does nobody else remember this story ?

    Talk about your "One-Stop-Shop" huh ? ? ?

    Anyway; this is going to be really interesting, when the cops are all out and set to be peering into vans and limousines . . . . . . with a bit of luck they'll be able to catch Toxin in a sort of "Lewinsky-Type-of-Pose" . . . . . L.O.L. - Mind you; he;ll simply explain THAT one away by saying that he's taken a "hands-on" approach to a new and revolutionary Thai Sex Eductation Scheme . . . . . . . . .


  6. good luck to him as it was not a crime of voilence.

    It would be a crime of violence if he scammed me and I got hold of him. :o


    What a stupid thing to say: "good luck to him as it was not a crime of voilence."

    Like Skaunoro rightly remarks: Bet you would be in a murderous mood if this had happened to you ! ! !

    It may be a "non-violent" crime, but it is one of the lowest things one human can do to another ! ! If he ever gets caught (and I pray he will) he will deserve a lengthy jail-term !! !!


  7. Sounds like sour grapes. The editor as well!

    Who would you like to run the country; a person that can amass a fortune or someone crying poor mouth.

    Its up to the laws to govern the land; people make the laws. If they are no good change them.

    I am a little envouis of someone making so much money, but then again I know the sacrifices it takes to make money. Very hard job.

    The only crime the Prime Minister has commited is that he entered politics when he may never had to. I take my hat off to the man.



    Wauw; I didn't know we had chidren on this particular forum . . . . . . Okay Christian; if you can just put your little toys down, Uncle will explain a few facts of life to you, okay ?

    The first thing "man" of certain allures require is "money". Once they've made a lot of this stuff, then the next "kick" they can think of, would be "power". Of course this attitude does not axiomatically infer that these kinds of people have the true grit which it takes . . . . see here: Taksin ! A winner in terms of making lots of dough (although it must be said that he did not mind going over bodies to acquire his fortune ! ! !) but a real LOSER when it comes to Democratic Based Governement !

    Stick that in your little toy-pipe and smoke it. But be careful: don;t smoke, while you're busy "tipping-your-hat" to despotes, okay ?

    Good boy !

  8. Why is it that those who are not Thai nationals but who live and maybe work in Thailand

    have to poke their noses into Thailands political affairs?

    We are guests in this country and most of us are uninvited guests. We should show respect

    for our hosts, it's their country and they must govern the way they see fit.

    If you do not like the system GO HOME Thailand does not need you.



    "Breconman" maybe you're just discharging your Verbal Diarrhea to get a stirr out of people, but really; if you would have any real economics-information about this great Kingdom, you would come to realize that IF all Farang, who are part of the work-force in Thailand, would leave tomorrow morning, this country would be up the proverbial sh-t-creek, without a paddle ! ! !

    Having said that; I believe that if YOU went home, the avarage IQ in Thailand and wherever the hel_l it is you hail from, would both markedly and simultaneously increase . . . . . . . . . . .

    Perhaps you ought to change you "handle" (if one can call it that) to "Baconman", because you're obviously as thick as a pig, mate !

    Have a pleasant journey home, okay ?

  9. Rats and sinking ships ? :o

    You took the words right out of my mouth, Doc. ! ! !

    Let's just hope we're right, hey ?!


    Khunying Sudarat has demanded Mrs. Uraiwan to clarify the cause of her resignation

    Deputy Thai Rak Thai Party, KHUNYING SUDARAT KEYURAPHAN (คุณหญิง สุดารัตน์ เกยุราพันธุ์), said that she would like to hear Mrs. URAIWAN THIENTHONG's (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) clarification regarding her resignation as the Culture Minister. Khunying Sudarat said she was surprised to Mrs Uraiwan's resignation as she is diligent person working and representing the Ministry of Culture.

    She said that she has not been told about Mrs. URAIWAN’s tendering her resignation from her position. Reports elleged that Mrs Uraiwan's resignation is connected to the movements of the WANG NAM YEN faction.

    However, she has demanded Mrs. URAIWAN to clarify the cause of her resignation.

    You want a reason, Sudarat???

    Here you go:

    from the Post:

    "A politician must have morals."

    now then, Sudarat... you know.

    and now, since you surely realize you fall short of that criteria, so you should go, too... as well Thaksin... right?

    Hear, Hear, Hear ! ! ! !

    Take heart, people; common sense will always prevail (eventually !).

    Right on; Sriracha-John ! !

  10. i thought Americans liked fighting :D

    :o Only a real WANCKER would make this kind of infantile comment ! ! :D

    why is it infantile is it because you dont like people comparing the truth of what you have done?


    'schmokinn' wrote:

    why is it infantile is it because you dont like people comparing the truth of what you have done?

    You are certainly no Churchill, mate; what the heck are you trying to convey here ? ? ? ?

    If you have nothing better to do, why don;t you pick up a book and get educated . . . . . . . . .

    Then there were two (2) wanckers on this board !


  11. If there are any farang out there who are thinking on these lines and also believe it will be peaceful

    Beware and i would like to offer some simple advice.

    Stay indoors or get out of Bangkok for the day, and lie low until after the " peaceful protest has ended. "

    In 92 all foreigners where confined to there hotels due to the anticipated trouble the would happen.

    Not from the peaceful demonstrators but the Thai Authorities

    It was a terrifiying place to be and violent chaos for the innocents.

    This is neither America or Europe and if you believe you will be safe among what could ensue you haven,t been in Thailand long enough.

    Plan for a day indoors and anything you need to do get it out of the way either before or after.

    I took a smuggled a video out of the country that was taken from the hotel window, showing the reality of what happened.

    None of my friends could believe what was filmed and thought it wasn,t possible as

    " Thailand is a democratic country. "

    Not my observation but theirs and it was frightening stuff beleive me.

    So take on board all advice offered on this topic similar to the above and pass the word around to others please.

    Better safe than sorry.

    marshbags :o:D:D



    Marshbags, I totally concur ! ! I was also here during that '92 'fracas' and lety me assure you; you don't want to be anywhere near this potential "happening".

    Toxin being the devious little "leader" that he is, may very well find a profitable reason to 'incite' these peaceful protesters and paint them into "rioters". "Rioter" and "terrorist" are both very negativelly connotated, which could well result in a fierce physical "confrontation (viz. engineered by the "Leader") to justify the use of force and thus make that same "Leader" look very good . . . don't give him a reason and certainly don't discount the possibilities !

    The second reason why (in my humble opinion) farangs should not attend such an event is because let's not forget that we are mere guests in this country and the politics of this Kingdom have absolutely nothing to do with us.

    Show you respect for the Kingdom and save yourself a heck of a lot of potential trouble at the same time: stay away and just watch it on TV.

    Carpe Diem !

  12. MrMarty, why dont you go and do something usefull like interview the crowds of people at lets say... the world trade beer garden and see what they think about these early closing hours, the restrictions on lifestyle, the proposed earlier closing times, the selling of alcohol during daytime hours, blah blah.


    MrMarty: "A Nerd Is Born" ! !

    Sipping tea at the Shangri-La . . . . . . I believe you hit the nail on the head ! !

    Duuuh ! ! !


    Throughout the history of what is laughingly called "civilization", the biggest killers have been:

    a. War (especially deaths of civilians)

    b. Plagues such as the Black Death

    c. Abuse of alcohol

    h. Cigarette smoking

    I don't know what d through g are.

    Alcohol is surely the most expensive addiction in the world. It kills. It never gives life. Prime ministerial names aside, "intoxicate" means "to poison."

    Religion is the biggest killer I'm afraid all other reasons are dwarfed in comparison.


    'britmaveric' states:

    Religion is the biggest killer I'm afraid all other reasons are dwarfed in comparison.

    Can't argue with that: just do the maths, folks.

    Let's stop this nonesense about beer-gardens; what happened to democratic choices by the people, hey ? ? ? Perhaps these "Law-Makers" should be shouted free, all-inclusive sojourn of, let's say, 3 months to a North Korean Resort . . . . . . . .

    Let people decide what it is they want, for Pete's sake ! ! ! !


  13. Beer gardens could soon be a thing of the past

    BANGKOK: -- Beer gardens may become a thing of the past if a proposal yesterday by the national subcommittee on alcohol consumption control is approved.

    Besides a halt to issuing beer-garden licences, the panel set up by the Public Health Ministry proposed three other measures to control alcohol advertising in a resolution passed at its meeting.

    “I would like to know the real reason why they want to place tough restrictions on our business like this. Anyway, all they have done is fail to address the cause of the problem. They would do better to keep close controls on irresponsible drinkers and revamp the taxation process,” the source said. “Why don’t they prohibit manufacturing entirely?” he said, sarcastically.

    --The Nation 2006-01-28


    The answer, my friends, is very easy indeed; the Breweries of Thailand should extend (purely as a courtesy, of course !) a nice and substantial packet-of-shares in their respective Companies to the 'Enlightened-Leader' of this once great Kingdom. That way they'll get brown noses (or is that "Corporate Thai-Rak-Thai Sponsorship ??) and of course, the government will leave them alone, because otherwise, it would adversely affect Toxin's Pocket . . . . . and believe you me: that is a "Holy Shin Shrine" .

    In hindsight, perhaps he should have been allowed to run his little lottery and purchase Everton F.C. with the proceeds . . . . being the official Chang-Beer sponsored team, he would have never touched the industry ! ! !

    Oh ? ? Tax liabilities, you ask ? ? . . . . . . ahhh; no worries there either, mate ! ! !


  14. Say: Soo-varn-a-BHOOM- e

    Say this out loud a few times and you'll get it

    But the travel agents and travelers in the rest of the world will never be able to pronounce it.


    I don't see why all of you people are so terribly confused by this new airport's name: has it not occured to y'all that, the moment it opens to the public (whenever the heck that might be . . .) it will simply be known as BANGKOK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, precisely the same as that abortion of a facility also know as "Don Muang" . . . . . . daahh :o

  15. If you read the P.M's statement on the Catherine Horton murder, you will be left in no doubt that all he cared about was the effects the publicity would have on tourism, and he couldn't give a hoot about the suffering and distress of those involved. For the country's leader to demand the death penalty before the trial had even taken place was a travesty of any kind of justice. I followed the case carefully in the UK press and on BBC radio, including many phone ins - and no one was impressed with the P.M.'s statements or with the swiftness of the trial. Ok these 2 guys probably did it - but who can really know in a justice system where tortured confessions are common place and intereference with forensic and other eveidence are par for the course. It wouldn't surprise me if the families of the accused are in for a little windfall as part of the deal. I'm not sure the Brits want retribution in this way. The speed of the trial was almost obscene considering the usual slow march of court proceedings here, which can sometimes take years to reach a conclusion - witness the cops let off in the recent the Somchai murder case. Of course it's all very tragic and all my sympathies go to the poor young woman who was raped in Pattaya - but as a matter of interest, I wonder how many rapes and even murders happen in other parts of the tourist world - Florida? Spain? Carribean? Malaysia, etc etc. Any stats on this? Is Thailand that bad? Is it any worse than Blackpool even? I'd be interested to know. Your 'average' ordinary guy in Thailand ( if there is such a thing) is no worse than your average guy any where in the world, and a bloody site better than many. It's the venal fat cats at the top of the pile that make life so wretched for so many, and if Thailand has a bad reputaion, then look no further for the cause.


    Well; Mobi D'Ark; there's no way that I could even begin to be as eloquent as you were on this subject !

    I totally and full-heartedly agree, verbatum, with what you put forward !

    Wish more people would get the 'overall' picture and see through the infantile rhetoric of those who pose as "The Leadership" in this otherwise wondefull Kingdom !

    It is going to be very interesting to see how things develop on the "" initiative: my bet is, that if they're serious about this, it will become very lonely at Government House soon . . . . . . . . .


  16. good job, it shows what the thai police can do if they get off their asses and put 100% into something.. Its a shame it takes international pressure to make this happen though :o

    What??????????? Are you kidding? The Thai police do as good a job of investigating crime and solving cases as any police force. Most murders in Thailand are solved by police, whether they involve tourists or not. They use DNA testing just like any other police force. In fact, they might use it more ... DNA testing in Thailand is likely to be cheaper than in most western countries.

    I'm reminded of a matter in 2004, I think, where two Thai prostitutes were murdered in Darwin, NT, Australia. They were tied up and drowned in a croc infested river. Their bodies were recovered before the crocs got them. It was months before the Australian police pressed charges. There was plenty of international pressure over that one.

    I think the Thai police do a pretty good job, especially considering the weather they have to contend with ... every bloody day! I've seen plenty of police in America, UK, Japan, France, Italy ... oh! the Italian Police ... and various countries in Africa, all appearing to be "not-too-busy". But I've also seen police in each of those countries do a fine job. Especially the Thai police.

    Congrats to them for catching the bastards who did this. And "poo poo" to police bashing.


    Virgil; anyone who actually knows what he/she is talking about (viz. having lived in this Kingdom for a substantial period) will totally agree with you !

    It's oh so easy to criticise the Thai Police, but beware, because there's a big difference between "street-cops" and "criminal investigative cops" in this country.

    These chaps take their jobs very seriously and are very motivated and highly skilled in the various disciplines of their chosen carreers - ergo; a good many of them have been trained in the US, Canada & OZ.

    But hey; don't take it for granted: just try and rob a bank, or something - and see how you go . . . . . . .

  17. Two detained over tourist death

    Confessed during police interrogation

    The body of Katherine Horton, 21, was found one week ago in the sea off Samui island.

    He said the two admitted they had seen Horton walking down the beach and knocked her unconscious with a beach umbrella before they raped her, said General Panu, who has acted as a spokesman about the case.

    After the rape, they beat her again and then dumped her body in the sea, he said.

    --news.com.au 2006-01-09


    "For Everything That Happens In This Life, There's A Logical Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    - and Then - There's The Truth ! (Sir Winston Churchill)

    Let's hope that by Wednesday, the DNA results will, in fact, reveal The Truth !

    Meanwhile, my utter sympathy goes out to the family of this young woman: how does one even begin to deal with such a horrid loss ? ? ?

  18. the only reason the figures were so much lower this new year was because people needed to have been taken to hosital to be included in the statistic, apparently last year all reported accidents were included :D

    "Safety First" campaign for motorists to be launched in March

    The next step, Gen. Chidchai said, is to make it a habit for drivers not to drink when they get behind the wheels.

    This guy deserves a medal, I wonder if he thought of that all by himself :o


    Precisely ! !

    What about th



  19. i don't know which stupefies me more; the endless parade of idiot foreigners here who get themselves involved like this with low-life prostitutes, or the larger picture of how much the economy of this country is BUILT on prostitution. it truly BOGGLES the mind...


    Well; Mr. "Newworks": I bet you now feel whole lot better for having blown-off steam, huh ?!?

    Before you 'classify' the Thai Bar-Girls in general as being "low-life prostitutes", perhaps you should learn a little bit more about the why and the how of Thai societity.

    Your severe insult at these fellow human-beings is totally un-fair and unacceptabe.

    I, for one, am not surprised that your mind boggles, by your own admission: it's pretty obvious that there's some seriously underdeveloped grey-matter where there could be common sense !


    J. Klasema


    who's blowing off steam?

    i am well-aware of and in a subsequent post acknowledged the "why and how" to which you refer, and i don't intend to get into a knowledge-of-thai-society-credentials contest with you or anyone else in this forum. i would hold my own, trust me...

    in my original post i referred to the lovely knife-wielding miss poo as a low-life, and not necessarily prostitutes in general, although it seems that i could have worded my post more thoughtfully. i thought that i clarified that in an earlier subsequent post as well. perhaps you only read the first page or two and then responded...


    Mr. "Newworks": you should refrain from commenting in this medium; you should go and pack a bag and get the hel_l back to wherever you came from ! ! ! !

    Don't you have anything useful to do with your time but bore a lot of people to death with your b . . . . . t - and insult a part of the Thai people in the process ? ? ? ? It is precisely people like you, who give "Thai-girls" a bad connotation in the eyes of the world.

    Stop and smell the roses, mate ! ! !

    J. Klasema


  20. i don't know which stupefies me more; the endless parade of idiot foreigners here who get themselves involved like this with low-life prostitutes, or the larger picture of how much the economy of this country is BUILT on prostitution. it truly BOGGLES the mind...


    Well; Mr. "Newworks": I bet you now feel whole lot better for having blown-off steam, huh ?!?

    Before you 'classify' the Thai Bar-Girls in general as being "low-life prostitutes", perhaps you should learn a little bit more about the why and the how of Thai societity.

    Your severe insult at these fellow human-beings is totally un-fair and unacceptabe.

    I, for one, am not surprised that your mind boggles, by your own admission: it's pretty obvious that there's some seriously underdeveloped grey-matter where there could be common sense !


    J. Klasema


  21. Flood update: 7 drown, Hat Yai declared disaster area

    HAT YAI: -- At least seven more people have drowned in floods in southern Thailand, mostly in Songkhla province, according to reports. Authorities declared Hat Yai district, the largest city in the South, as a disaster-zone.

    In all, at least 21 deaths were caused by heavy rains and floods in the South since late November, unofficial figures showed.


    This is indeed extremely bad & sad for the affected people in this area.

    However; much like the annual floods in Bangkok and a few other 'regular' disasers in this Kingdom; they all have one thing in common: the are PREDICTABLE ! !

    Therefor, it baffles me (as it has been for my 14 years here) that the "authorities" haven't got a better grip on these events . . . . . . ? ? ? ?

    When it comes to extra-judiciarilly killing almost 3,000 people (without the benefit of the constitutionally assured law) the "authorities" can act very "efficiently", but when it comes to 'saving-lives' by simply anticipating these horror-events, they are nowhere in sight ! Bah ! ! The Thai People deserve much and much better !


  22. post-10410-1133760562.jpgpost-10410-1133760562.jpgpost-10410-1133760562.jpgWe sincerely wish our King the Health & Happiness he so rightfully deserves.

    "Stay On Course and Keep on going in Favorable Winds . . . . . . . ."


    Jaap & Chanjira Klasema

    Pattaya-City, Thailand

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