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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. A fine example of the villagers being made the sacrifice so as to protect the industrial estate which no doubt is either owned or controlled by a person or persons of influence.

    Surely with a little forward planing both areas could have been protected from possible flooding.

    Ooop's, forgot, this is Thailand thus proactive actions are indeed unheard of as are the rights of the ordinary Thai person even by this government that we hear forever espousing their idea of equality for all.

    A calculated risk that if those people houses on the state were to flood they might and I emphasis the word ''might'' be inline for a 5,000 baht compensation payment no doubt the house flooding scenario would indeed be a cheaper option than the flooding of the industrial estate with also a possible ''commission'' payable to those handling the compensation monies out too.

    Seems though that even now '' some are more equal than others.''

    Who do you think works at the industrial estate? Personally I would rather have my house flooded than lose my salary for say 3-6 months (or perhaps permanently) because my workplace was flooded and all the machinery had to be replaced.

    Thats probably because your house never been flooded .

  2. hope full recovery to those Chinese tourists ..... As for the driver too of course but the police should question the boss of that guy for working such long hours ... safety of tourists are essential if they want to keep their business open. One more time profit is more important than safety. Just wonder when some greedy Thais will understand this concept .

  3. I have never had a problem with a taxi driver, tuk-tuk driver, or motorbike taxi when we settled on the business beforehand. If a taxi driver fails to start the meter, then I get out immediately. These guys know they can screw you if you negotiate after the trip is made, thus the arguments.

    yes I agree , when you confirm the price in advance there cannot be any problems.

  4. Sickening. This will only stop when the authorities put safety before money. What training and certification did the boat driver have? Did he have insurance? Had the boat and parasailing equipment been inspected regularly by an independent inspector?

    If this was a one off event you could say it was an unfortunate accident. But when tourists are dying at sea every few weeks there's something wrong with the system.

    Can't you just say it was a tragic accident and leave it at that! What use would insurance be or equipment inspections in preventing the accident? In 10 years of living in Patts, I've never heard about a similar accident and what, maybe a million sails without incident.

    Condolences to the husband on his tragic loss.

    some weeks ago a chinese tourist have been hit by a boat between coral island and pattaya .... you probably heard about it on Thaivisa.com

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