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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. I am only wondering how the world and medias will react to such childish attitude. I am also waiting for the Star Alliance official statement about this ghost and spirit nonsense. If Thai Airways think that will resolve technical problems then I will fly with more reliable airlines companies in the future. Security doesnt depends on okus pokus non sense. coffee1.gif

    Just because you don't believe, you shouldn't mock those that do. Thai's have a high respect for spirits and ghosts and business and individuals make offerings to them everyday as part of their life. This is a quite normal response from Thai people after accidents, bad luck etc. Try and respect others beliefs, and if you can't do so don't say anything at all.

    totster bah.gif

    I dont make fun of your belief , I just make fun of a MD of an international airlines with such non sense. and I can return the compliment , if you dont like wheat I am writing then dont read it and no need to comment either. Otherwise you will have to comment on the 99% of the comments here .....

    • Like 1
  2. Just goes to show how many farangs really don't understand the "Thai mind". You must be here just for the ladies. Hope the curse that your Isaan bargirl GF puts on you doesn't come true. The consensus here is that either religion is a sham, Thais believe in the tooth fairy, etc. It's animism--not Buddhism, and it's the oldest, most ubiquitous belief system in the world.

    You don't have to believe in what they do, but when you mock it, you just show how superior you are to "them".

    Can't you just suspend your superiority for a moment and replace it with anthropological curiosity?

    Most of the comments sound as if they were made by British East India Company employees on a tear through Asia.

    sorry to disapoint you but not all farang are here for Issan girl or thai wife ....or bar girls in general .... but let me ask you a question .. do you really believe a bad spirit has cause the TG flight problem ? if you answer Yes ... then I have nothing to ad , I will only feel sorry for you ...in general !

  3. They better work fast as the country will be the next Tourist hub , welcoming about 100 millions tourist in the next 6 months. coffee1.gif

    INCORRECT!! There is no way in he!! that there will be 100 million tourists p/a anytime soon (perhaps by the next millennium)

    25% of that number would be closer to the mark.

    Now if you were talking about passenger movements that would be more realistic particularly the way that Yingluck is traipsing around the world with her vast entourage. coffee1.gif

    too bad you didnt get my irony ...

  4. 2 against one drunk guy ... typical here .... Well man , next time dont stay on the beach at 4.30am and drunk .....

    Good advice to everyone, everywhere.

    It would be a shame if the muggings and street robberies found in more developed countries would start to be a regular occurance in Pattaya, but it is probably inevitable. Common sense is required.

    so much tourists and of course so much problems ... inevitable

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