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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Probably mostly ketchup!
  2. Yes OAP confusion, but another Muslim country!
  3. If it has been raining recently it gets messy......
  4. Yes, my head was spinning after the 1st paragraph leaving me confused as to what the speed limit is... just POST IT on the roads. Doesn't matter anyhow, nobody pays attention!
  5. Yes, a few more details would need to be harvested....... Moral might be not to let your kids play with your phone!
  6. Or, like Angelina Jolie, have a predisposition to breast cancer, so have a mastectomy and implant procedure.
  7. There is a big fancy hotel in Pattaya that I believe is similar..... nevertheless I might expect that more in Malaysia than Thailand (Bali excluded).
  8. It is a Muslim country..... they have many restrictions. Their right to make their own rules..... Plenty of tourists who are not pxss heads nor dope heads!
  9. Has it been particularly successful with Russia....they seem to have no problem cutting gas supplies and attacking grain sources and we are well into severe sanctions against them?
  10. And butterflied hot dogs, we are reaching such culinary heights!
  11. I read it that the exporter included some items in the waste that were not according to the regulations. It is quite possible the person who made the deal was not at fault here
  12. Oh I don't know, sounded quite lucrative!
  13. I expect Second Rd is still being dug up too..... where are they with that project?
  14. It was time for him to move out at 36!
  15. Le Pub on Soi Diamond has it too.
  16. Yes me too... but last time, 2 weeks back, it was very difficult to pass even on foot....some fools on bikes were trying. It is dangerous too as you could get hit by heavy equipment swinging around. It looks like the Health and Safety guy has yet to be employed. Was a mess from in front of the 7-11 to Areca... and as far as I know scheduled to go all the way to Buakhao....
  17. R-Con Corner, maybe this place https://goo.gl/maps/NDWn1bkoBw7Qt6yS7
  18. So when can I expect them round here messing about in my septic tanks?
  19. Yes, I was thinking similar looking around at a very large open air restaurant, very busy with what appeared to be affluent Bangkokians.... this place is not all poor farmers, snakes and insects anymore.
  20. It will stimulate something.... more money for those who already have plenty and those in positions of power.
  21. I don't believe so..... I always thought his nickname stemmed from 'jok', ie rice porridge, the stuff available at breakfast in some hotels. The 'joke' moniker being just Westerners getting things wrong, as they often do.
  22. Can't get into the crowded pen to put the trough down! It has been talked of for so many years already.....
  23. Might be a seasonal thing.... I used to go for the Extra but I had been traveling a lot and developed a taste for colder beer.
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