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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Starting to wonder, if and when I return to the US, as I was supposed to do in June for a daughters college graduation, if upon my return I will require a doctors certificate the way things are going.  However, a doctors certificate does not ensure one is not a carrier nor does it ensure one can not still be in the incubation period......

    A doctor does not have the equipment to test for Corona virus. Also many doctors are refusing to issue any certificates in case of someone getting infected after the certificate is issued and sueing the doctor for negligence and more,  something they love to do in USA

  2. The majority of the masks that people are wearing are useless for any particles smaller than sawdust !  Might work on a building site but as for keeping out viruses or bacteria, no way. All they do is collect the germs on the mask ready to be breathed in. I will never waste my time wearing one of these useless things.  

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  3. Go to a Food Hall and watch the Thai girls take off their mask and put it on the table or maybe in their handbag. Then they eat their food, without having washed their hands, put the mask back on and leave ! They have spread germs everywhere doing this but they think they are doing the right thing ! Thai people as a race are not very clever (thats being polite !) but they are really showing of their lack of understanding.  Wait and see what happens when it takes hold in India !

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