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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. More nails in the Thai tourism coffin !  Not much room for any more nails.  I have finished with Thailand now.  From Australia there are plenty of better options e.g. Japan, China, Malaysia, Vietnam and more. Even going to Europe is only about $500 more than Thailand and much better places to visit in many countries.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

    And there we have it. I "arrived" in Thailand 6 times last year. I would imagine there are many more that do the same. The "tourist" numbers that they constantly spout are nonsense. Why don't they just count those entering on tourist visas as tourists? Surely that would give them a more accurate number?

    No it won't. Many countries have a 30 day visa exempt agreement. I live in Australia and have been to Thailand nearly 40 times, never with a visa as we only stay for 3 or 4 weeks.

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  3. As I have posted before, Thailand does not have any submariners or anyone who has served on a submarine. Now they are saying they will send guys on a 2 year course !!  The sub design is already over 10 years old, so they will have a novice crew in an old Chinese submarine.  I dread the results of what probably will happen ! That's if they ever gets used. Could stick them next to the aircraft carrier !

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