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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 1 hour ago, Damrongsak said:

    Drug addled !!! I suspect.  Or in debt for gambling.  Damn. 

    so how do you know that ?  Are you so clever ?  Do you live in a Thai village ? Doubt it.   Possibly he has a family and no job ? Medicine to pay for ?  buy food for family ?  So kids can go to school or need clothes ?  Keep your dumb comments to yourself.  He is still in the wrong and should be punished though.

    • Like 1
  2. No mention of what it deemed to be a proper motorcycle helmet !  The useless piece of 300 Baht plastic that the Thais buy will never save you from injury. They are just moulded plastic with a very cheap harness that breaks easily and the have no padding inside and don't fit properly. My helmet cost A$800. I know it will help in an accident.  However Thais wear no other protection. Shorts and thongs wont help when you are sliding down the road !  Up to them, I am past caring.

    • Like 2
  3. Every time there is a hitting incident in a Thai classroom we get all the above reponses that you have made.  The system will never change !!  It is broken and won't get fixed.  As for hitting children, we would rather get a detention or the cane than have the headmaster write to our parents. Even schools like Eton had bullying, beatings and severe punishments but they had great education and turned out some of the worlds greatest men.  So there are no rules or standards that can ever be applied to a problem with no solution. The only way a Thai kid will get educated is to go to an expensive school or go abroad,

    • Like 2
  4. 19 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    The worst part of this, given the current level of agitation over insurance, was this girl did all the rights things, had insurance yet the snakes refused to pay up!


    Insurance companies the world over are really really good at taking your money, yet really really good at finding ways to not pay out. 

    You obviously know nothing about insurance. No holiday policy will cover you for getting you home when you are unfit to travel.  She was paralysed !!  Also no ones knows what cover she had. Insurance companies won't just hand out money after a few days because she needs it !

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    • Confused 2
  5. 2 hours ago, chricha said:

    The death penalty is wrong in all circumstances.
    Once someone is executed there is no possibilty of a retrial with new evidence
    The countries which still have it say it is a deterrent. 
    So why is there still drug trafficing and murder? 


    There is a simple solution to the "drug problem" 
    Legalise all drugs just like Tobacco and Alcohol and tax at point of sale 
    This means instead of funding the terrorists and even whole countries with the astounding profits,
    the users pay directly for the health systems which currently support them AT OUR EXPENSE

    There are only two groups who profit from the current drug distribution regime but everyone is addicted.
    1. Drug producers and distributors making billions of dollars profit illegally. 
    Most of these are criminals and they are addicted to the drugs trade as much as the end users. What other commodity has such as markup - cocaine has a street price of $US165 per gram or 165,000 per kilo?
    2. Law enforcement agencies who are now mostly dependent on OUR MONEY to fund catching all players in the drug market.  Because the profits are so vast they only catch a small proportion of the trade and there is substantial corruption. The Law is also addicted to the drugs trade as whole agencies spend large budgets occasionally catching the slow learners.

    Take the huge profits out of the business and most of the criminal networks will collapse. 
    But of course we will have to find work for the millions of drug law enforcement employees!

    I won't hold my breath. Too many politicians have made a name for themselves selling Law and Order packages

    Why not make all drugs legal and then all the idiots and losers in the world will become addicted and will die of an overdose or kill each other !  Will reduce the world population better than a war or Bubonic Plague !

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