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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. He was in control from the back room for her like his daughter now.She is the pm and thaksim will sort out a return so the sister will be safe if she does return.Maybe have to think about a health issue first so straight to hospital and cured quickly after the legal stuff
  2. The drink looks like a red bull set,bar girls after work look to have one from a farang in a bar.My friend did that yrs ago with her friends,sometimes she was so wasted after.Called me to look after here later morning she was ok
  3. The fine small and everyone watches,did he rent then his name recorded.He will pay more now
  4. He had bitcoin how did they know for sure someone close to him.look at them first a laptop may have had the password too.This has many questions on why it happened
  5. Anything to do with property you must check everything in thailand even more so.never sign anything unless u see the money in the acc.The thai wife should have known to check too,but it will happen again to someone else
  6. Her brother controlling from the back room,his daughter playing the Pm role and following orders.Do you really think she will spend time in prison
  7. Just another crazy farang look asian to me,why attack moto bike taxis because they said no.
  8. His family would have being contacted,he,s put in the special ward and checked out later.aAfer family pays for hospital cost he goes home
  9. This time it was another russian not a ladyboy who robbed him
  10. No change from last year it will happen again too
  11. Never get involved in a thai agruement in a bar,walk away I learn,t that yrs ago.You will always be the losing party
  12. They did it and now the names are recorded so i don,t think a trip to thailand is happening soon
  13. The video shows the bus going too fast coming up to the toll booth,lost control and they u have it.what happened to the bus driver after the accident
  14. Base jumping and a video of it is common in amercia,if they are caught unlucky.But many do it round the world and then on social media.
  15. Daddy looked after the daughter for sure,but he is in the back room saying nothing about her wealth or really his
  16. Down south they is a huge taxi mafia and anytime u get in always check a price or what u will be charged.They will try to get more be nice and fair I think they will be ok.If price too high don,t get in the taxi
  17. Poor rent collecter was doing a job and the end result is death.Just shows what happens in thailand with a arguement.If name ofn agreement she will be caught
  18. The woman upset called for help and the poor man is dead.Hope they catch them all who done this
  19. I just wonder who did the person upset recently
  20. I,am sure it happens more than u will ever know.But kept quiet most times
  21. The video shows the tree falling hit the bus.I bet the lumberjack did not hang round after what he saw happen.He will disaappear quickly
  22. Who did he speak too and why stabbed.Did he upset a local
  23. What can u say go to jail do not pass go and pay alot of money.He is in big trouble now
  24. He had enough amulets round his neck for luck maybe he went looking for more
  25. What was she wearing showing her gold to be robbed.I know many thais will show of at the right place,but not in a public park.
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