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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. Did he do something to upset them I don,t know.But I,am sure he knows that rule
  2. The laws they have now about certain times of the day and advertising in bars with company logos look at that first
  3. If the child is naughty then a slap on the wrist should work.do nothing the child knows they can get away with it many times later
  4. maybe showing off my gun and bullets and i,am alittle bit drunk sorry
  5. My first time here my bike honest just taking it home
  6. They may complain but are more happy when their bank balance goes up
  7. The security guards know they stuff,alittle bit of give ok upset them you lose.my friend has a bar cnx they have guards have some fun of course upset people or the guards you lose big time and end up like this idiot or worse
  8. His reply is I paid for everything including the doctors.you can,t touch me now I advise my daughter from the back room she does what i say.
  9. Drunk half naked a police cell maybe or the mental hospital. just another drunk farang in pattaya but with a knife
  10. If the indian city is a dry one they made sure they made up for it on the flight
  11. From my experience check in passport and pay first,never pay later.Why has he got away with it for so long, and no one is looking for him after the first time
  12. Yrs ago my friend in cnx got caught drink driving put in a cell next day the fine and court system. He had his ph still never taken and posted on facebook about inside and who there.that is about it and everyone laughed about it next time you saw him.What the uk police going to do nothing will change,maybe they will say you must provide beds blankets for them can,t just sleep on a bare floor
  13. Never going to work who will obey the signs and who will enforce a camera
  14. Nasty attack for little money on a elderly man.lets hope they are caught
  15. What was it about did he cause damage or was he over charged.Whatever it was he made a mountain out of a mole hill for it.With that name he is from former yugoslavia as well
  16. The flipper lodge plently rooms upstairs for that.Maybe she thought that is ok in spain why not thailand.Even thais pros wait for the room upstairs never in the foyer.Just a drunk slapper in thailand
  17. When a farang or thai has sex on the beach thais complain to the police and film it too. This is okay and it makes the news this is thailand
  18. The family know where he is now in the bangkok hilton and a visa will not be a issue now
  19. Where was the money,on the bed side table on display.Why not lock it up in the safe and tell no one about it not even your friend for the night.Reason they are safes in the room,this time it was not a ladyboy anyway but a foreigner. One time in bkk 2 ladies wanted to stay the day in the hotel saw them in the corridor i said ok but your id first, no problem they enjoyed the day like me. No problem and everyone left happy.They went on to the next customer but prostitution does not exist in thailand
  20. last xmas in cnx the bar had fire works in a nearby field.everybody could lite theirs,but everyone careful.no damage and all good.It happens maybe he was drunk and silly but many farangs do the same
  21. The seven deadly days is almost here same pr stuff never changes.How many will die or injured i look at the end of 7 days.
  22. Beach rd is a thai haunt to sell themselves ,a few farangs try but maybe they are told to move on.You see alot more foreigners there and bkk trying to get business too.A small fine but for the farang passport check and maybe worse.The thais want to protect home grown talent first
  23. Silly thing to do look up thai and phillippine ladyboy fight in bkk.The one who complained better move now of another town.They will watch and get revenge quickly with many to help
  24. I know the spot well just outside the police station beach rd.Along with many i have sat at the bars and watched who got caught.helmet license and whatever else.pay the ticket in the police station where u got caught,easy earner for them and everyone knows that spot.Many a afternoon i sat drunk and see who is fresh meat for them,he is one of the many and he just give them more
  25. Don,t know what worse death or life in prison at the bangkok hilton
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