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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. That is no no here and I Imagine she has done it before back home.So lets see what happens now to here
  2. In the sea no one can see you but it happens all the time.If they wanted to pee behind a tree or somewhere where u can not be seen.Happens everywhere
  3. I,am sure this happens many times,thai drivers will not care.I have seen it many times in cnx.This time it is filmed but nothing will happen from it,sometimes i have seen them behind the ambulance keeping pace to with the ambulance too
  4. A few brown evenlopes and a ph in prison.I,am sure many have done it and this makes a chance for them to be on video to someone
  5. TM6 no more or ETA like other countries online.Tm6 was filled out on the plane sometimes or while u waited to enter.The electronic entry card will probadly happen when it is ready.But the tm6 was easy enough
  6. I thought it did not exist like casinos or gambling illegal, In aust they made it legal yrs ago and since then they have got tax and they can claim benefits too. The new pm or daddy is now saying it exist today so lets get something of them
  7. I know in cnx vendors sell all types of food provide a good service for everyone.The night market plus weekend markets you can visit and buy if you need or want.So cutting down on the vendors does not seem right they are providing a good service for thais and farangs
  8. Any night in bkk who see the stalls and always a couple of sex toy stalls.If they were not selling them then they would not be there.So I Imagine they found a wholesaler in bkk so the stalls will have to use the next company selling the stiff
  9. Now media attention is on this case,bit late for drunk test,maybe a fine now something to the family members or he will go to be a monk for awhile all is then forgiven.Just don,t mention the red bull heir did the same escaped and the rest is history.
  10. It seems the car driver just pulled across and hit the bike.Maybe he did not see him when he done it I,am sure the bike rider is all above board and legal,but the car driver should stop but this is thailand and they drive off leaving the accident behind.Main thing is the bike rider is fine maybe some damage on the bike.That could have being me as well when i ride my scooter in traffic.Always keep looking when i ride my scooter
  11. Daughter the pm Thaksim controlling from the back room yes daddy. No problem for them they know how to fix things like this
  12. I agree the locals upset jealous they were not invited so grass them to the police.Not as bad as the bridge club arrest ,if no money on show just cards and chips no case really.Everyone knows and sees thai gambling the king card game i think after they pay who lost like snooker clubs too.They don,t try to hide it,just wait for the casinos to be legal and see who is at those tables playing poker
  13. They were drunk wanted a photo,if they said ok take the photos.When the hands started wondering then the problem starts.if it was in a bar the ladies will be ok but not outside the bar never advised.Maybe the bargirls wanted some private time so don,t do it
  14. That has being the same for many years live here pension frozen.phillipines not.Why I don,t know
  15. I,am sure daddy told her the experts he hires know the facts and everything will be ok
  16. Singapore malaysia have 1 why not bangkok it would work as a st circuit.The cost i don,t know but soon the red bull man time clock is up.Maybe he can sort that out as a return gift to the city.All is forgotten now
  17. Alot of money needed and many miles of pavement to repair or rebuild.good luck in that endeavour
  18. Silly man he knows the rules,he left aust they are just as tuff or hard on this.On the plane they will give a drink to passengers or the airport.You show up drunk anywhere in world expect trouble.Now he has made it ten times worse for himself to return or travel again.He will be detained,and after no more drink he can travel but with another airline to get back.
  19. I know it is a nissan and if you change the colour you got to show the transport dept and get papers but no big deal in that.Driving dangerous that is something the thais has down to a fine art allready.They record is something that is no so good either
  20. In any country that is something that no one should ever do,don,t know about thai family and reason for it.But if he was known and charged the local people would sort that out and he would never be found again anywhere
  21. I also wonder where and who do the surveys.I know the visa requirements can change often and the rules around it.Anyone who has a business goes thru many hoops if they live there.The neighbours see this and make it easier for the farang to do business.You can only really tell by talking to farangs and do they want to stay and run a business.
  22. I know the elite card gives you a personal person to greet you at the airport and escort you.Visa stuff may be easier sometimes.But is it worth it that is up to the holder.The tax issue coming in so much talk about it no one knows exactly how it will work.The eta visa entry is held back again,just like the phillpines you get the visa at the border but u appl;y for the entry before hand.So no big deal just telling them you are coming soon.It is free and you telling them this is me and i will be there soon
  23. They don,t exist in thailand as far as i know and the gov say the same,ditto in china.If you go to the special economic zone in laos the chinese like cambodia have casinos and everything else that is not allowed in china.but ok there.
  24. I know one thing don,t say that on a plane or airport ever,The stupid thing is the airline let it go no charges very strange
  25. 7/11 do everything in the shop or most.If u got a bill to pay 7/11 can do it if other places are closed.Never used that service but i have seen it many times when i wait behind someone
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