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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. We will try to be better in 24 honest,but really just like the last decade no change.We like the story in the press thou
  2. The same PR has last year will anyone listen in thailand.I will see the numbers after the 7 days to see if anyone does
  3. I think any lottery company have the same rule,no ticket no jackpot.You can say what u want but no ticket means no money
  4. Cameras everywhere and people watch everyone,what did he think he was trying to do get away with the crime and leave the country
  5. No surprise from this one too,just like the brother.Waiting for the nod and she is there.What excuse or illness we must wait and see.
  6. After the last election will he ever get the chance to be Pm.Thais not happy and just tell me maybe next vote or in 4yrs time.Arabs have a saying inshala god willing,it will come or happen soon
  7. How many you see on tv or elsewhere dressed up for a event.The socks are different and colourful.The media or press had a quite day it seems
  8. I,am pretty sure if in phuket the taxi would have being overpriced,maybe said something where is the A/C and not working.He got upset kicked her out.Alot more to this story i think
  9. pay me enough I,am a doctor i will sign or do anything to keep u in the 5 star hospital suite
  10. It is a good idea a bus to do visa things to extend and a lot more.Will it be everywhere i just wonder.
  11. Xmas and new year time in thailand I,am sure sales will be up for everything to do with drinking.In bkk or pattaya u can see the people and the booze they put away
  12. What can u say filmed and recorded and drunk.I Imagine he will be fine in prison for awhile and pay the fine.Just another farang who happens to be a brit in thailand
  13. I,am sure he must be sick ,the brown evenlope works well and he was checked in the middle east before he arrived.He was fine then once in bkk very sick hospital straight away
  14. Who upset who I guess the farangs upset the thais.This is thailand
  15. Does not exist in thailand as we are told,was it in a bar too.So someone was caught paid a fine and was gone this is thailand
  16. Someone is looking for they legs,please return my legs i lost them somewhere
  17. Travel insurance nightmare now.Just say ladyboy indian and gold.Insurance will say we don,t believe you It happens too often,the scam worked before but not now sorry,no payout
  18. Everybody knows and the bar owners are waiting,a few things to work out after the date.But good for punters and bar owners,tourist will be very happy if a late night then good for everybody
  19. He is saying probadly i have a deal and have paid for it.So what ever happens i stay in a 5 star hospital wing without a worry in the world
  20. I believe if you own a bar you need to check their are 21 before they work there.Otherwise the bar owner in trouble also the customer.In pattaya that is hard to do as id,s and many are fake but this is thailand and trying to stop them is impossible
  21. I just come back from loas special economic area.little china really.lots of bright lights and brothels.1 casino now and many more will follow over the years.Nothing much to do except eat gamble sex for the chinese not alot of tourist apart from chinese too.Her comments about bkk/thailand are nothing like what is over the border Thailand is much better even thou some aspects do exist in thailand.Her comments are not welcome and should be said to her followers in china
  22. The other night late of course I saw 4 thais 2 girls 2 young men.1 Girl very wasted sleeping outside on the chair .They wanted to go home but the drunk girl refused to move for at lest a hr.Maybe a few hrs later she would be ok to be on the bike and home.If someone is drunk then the relax area is somewhere outside.Not the bar owners fault that a person drunk too much.This is the same of every city or town and most friends or bar owner will say u have enough now go home or no more drinking.The 4am closing time will work here and if quiet then close the bar,just like bkk maybe 20 yrs ago.Never a problem really no customers why stay open.If the bar is full bar owner happy and everyone knows 4am is the closing hour or soon after.It will work fine and people happy about extended hrs
  23. If police raided the bar mostly thais i imagine a few farangs too.All with a pee test if turned purple they will go to rehab weekly or mthly.Name noted families probadly know too,until clear or not purple then the case is over.Happened to my friend and that is what happened and how she got caught in cnx a few yrs ago
  24. If u need to go find a quiet spot is all i can say.Once in africa i saw a woman squat on a path thru a city park in naroibi pee no underwear under the dress finish keep on walking.Doing a number 1 u see them behind a tree then they go off too.Never a complaint about this,If the ,man needed to go don,t do it outside a shop a quite spot then no problem.Telling the police I feel is over the top,go to him tell him not outside my shop and use some water tap over there or give him some water to clean the spot.Everyone does it,part of nature for humans
  25. I imagine if someone said similar in china and was thai they would be escorted out quickly.She is in for the same problem as we speak
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