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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. If thaksim is told the hospital stay is over,I,am sure he will be saying we have a deal.I was not supposed to serve real prison time in bkk
  2. From what i know in australia these groups are watched alot.In australia the police watch everything,they can ride their bikes but no contact amoung other groups i believe.I think similar in thailand too
  3. The bar name says it all really like any big town in thailand.But a tourist town like pattaya the police know when to check and what to look for.I heard stories about bars in bkk a disco and everyone is checked if anyone is peeing purple then u are going nowhere.Farangs are checked but mostly thais are checked.My friend got checked in cnx don,t know where, she had to do a test once a week to the police untill clear.No charges really just a gov record of rehab,I think it was about 1 mth of checks
  4. Hospital thought maybe a farang so standard charges over thais in hospital.Show the passport and it was corrected but still seems alot for the charges
  5. My guess he said something to a thai got upset and was punched.He maybe does not realise what he said at the time.Previous comment if really upset they would be alot of his friends around and more damage is spot one.
  6. Nana plaza is where many ladies work and own a bar.The people who should be worried are the tourist who are first time tourist to the area.Getting ripped off may happen if not careful.1 chinese wanabe walking around the area thinking it is not safe for women does not know,look around security cameras I Imagine ladies are safe.The biggest threat is getting drunk in the area then u can be at the mercy of the street after.I go to the area I,am the one who will be concerned i leave without be ripped off and pay the right price for the services provided
  7. What prison time except a 5 star hospital suite.Deal was done and no house arrest or real prison.I just wonder what the cost was before he returned
  8. My view like many don,t upset neighbours or thais,you never know what will happen
  9. Everyone knows accidents rates are high in thailand,motorbike cars buses.Will it change i don,t know the reason the bus crashed will have many factors.It will happen again and the 7 days of new year hell will start soon and those deaths will be huge compared to this bus.Just the statisic of thailand
  10. Just like bangkok and pattaya,the gov says they is no sex trade in thailand.Maybe bar girls in many bars but no sex trade.Who said they is a sex trade in thailand I,am shocked if true I thought only temples cinemas only
  11. Insurance company how u lose the gold chain,I was drunk and I was robbed.At lest different to be robbed in their hotel room.Someone was lucky again
  12. Don,t worry go fund me will work,we can beg and see what happens.Does not matter if he did not have health insurance.
  13. A prisoner I think is his title now in a 5 star VIP hospital room in bkk.No surprise there but will other inmates get the same treatment i think not.Paying for treatment prisoners do not,but not 5 star treatment.Probadly all part of his deal I imagine.I just wonder what thai people think of this
  14. A few question it is 2hrs from bkk was he asleep or not watching what or who was around him on the bus.If he was carrying all that cash and documents why not on his person in a bag.That is being silly not watching his things or on his body.Now he is well light on a few things for his short trip in thailand now
  15. Always wonder where they facts and figures come from,but they must come from somewhere and some person.Whether it is true we wait and see
  16. A postive thing that bars have the chance to open late,if no customers then they close without problems.If many customers then they are good in shape for the tourist season. But we know where the late night bars are anyway in thailand and the city u live in
  17. Hope the peeling knife was clean at lest before he tried to use it.
  18. So he declared the money under thai rules,Did you expect anything else,he is well off and that is no surprise along with many others
  19. They is nothing she can do,thailand has a high rate of bike accidents everywhere.Number1 in asia I believe.Complain but now just another number in road accidents now
  20. Why did he lose his share of the business in the first place.So now he wants to get revenge maybe they is more to this story we don,t know about
  21. Thai ladies can be very jealous and will fight.The reasons do not matter.I just wonder if his first visit or did not realise these things happen
  22. To be fair most places have safety and other things in place,just the odd drunk who gets into trouble including thais.When they leave the clubs then the trouble may start and the police will sort that out.All places have guards to make sure everything runs ok
  23. The truck was to heavy should have known that but he thought he is ok going over it.End result is they for all to see,in a uk city or many small roads or streets. How big trucks try they luck to deliver and get struck,they should have known better
  24. A farang tourist can not have a gun,lots of thais have a gun all not legal as well.Only the police are allowed but we know that is not true.Just like the bars and the sex trade does not exist.He knows if caught he is in trouble and he did not much you can say when u drop your gun in a club.They are going to say u dropped your gun here it is sir,OH thanks for that.
  25. Just from the uk leaving and arriving process.Check in passport checked boarding card given.Go to security Passport checked and boarding card then your body scanned.Thru out u are watched then u can travel.Arriving there maybe some visual checks of passports,the machines are they to scan them too and then customs.So they do alittle of both and everywhere is similar,every passport has a bar code or chip.The computer and machines check everything now so be prepared anywhere u go
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