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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. That is no surprise to anybody.he had a deal and waited.Now back in hospital not well.once the pardon is signed off,he will make a amazing recovery that no one can believe.No time in prison and he should be sent free because he behaved himself.What is the saying Amazing thailand or grease enough palms and we can help you
  2. He seemed fine before the trip a doctors checked him.A party with hung seng all was good.Now in thailand in the 5 star hospital wing.It has all gone down hill since he arrived that seems strange only
  3. I can just imagine the size of the brown envelopes that are given out now to get these favours.The end result is still unknown
  4. A while back they was hilter type uniforms or a restaurant wearing them.People got upset then now this
  5. Coming from first place to second,not what the thais voted for.They are smiling but i think somehow they are not happy
  6. Private plane arrived Thaksim locked up straight away.Private plane leaves very soon after.Now i think he is the suite where the previous king was I think.Looks like that is where he will stay now in a 5 star hotel room pretty much.Was all that planned it seems like but we can only guess really
  7. I know thai people who had a vote but they vote means nothing now.Now they will have a new pm that was not the people choice.I,am the guest here so I don,t what will happen,but 1 thing is what can they do and their are not happy
  8. I will wait and see if that is true,and why would he return to spend 8yrs inside.Maybe freedom abroad but here goal
  9. From what i have read over the years he has many passports and thai is not one of them.Whether he got no visa on entry i don,t know.I read the plane took off after it landed and thaksim was locked up so if his plane he put it safe somewhere.So many stories will come out of this and we will never know what is the truth
  10. Shut down facebook or Meta somehow i think why and what will all those bars and people who work in them do without facebook.selfies and anything else they will all be lost.
  11. It will be interesting to see what happens now,we see what the result of the last election is now.Thaksim back with a long goal term is not what is he wanted so they must be some showing off then the deal is announced I suppose.All u can do is wait and see what happens next with Thaksim
  12. When I read the story I thought a ferrari,but only a mustang.but a gun is good reason to walk away,as a previous comment a wheel clamp or tow truck would have been better to take it
  13. The only reason a deal has being done with whoever is in control.Plus on his return no prison time or anything else.Something the thai people did not vote for in the recent election.Will the thai people ever know the truth
  14. If he was 16 at the time was he in thailand,if not a DNA test is very easy to prove or a passport stamp of entry
  15. Something not right close to the shops quicker to walk than drive.wife saying be careful and maybe drunk as he just arrived day before.Many questions needing answers
  16. One thing you never do is assault or upset the law in a airport.Only brings you problems and told to leave or arrested
  17. Had the opp and found out his leg is shorter than the other.The hospital should fix the mistake if something went wrong.Now he is going on go fund me for help to sort it,he must think people are idiots here and will donate for his new bike to get around.Because if the hospital made the mistake they should do it and no money involved
  18. They both know they are safe in cambodia,For sure they friends in thailand went to cambodia too see them.yinglink and thaksim should be locked up but they know the risk if they touch thai soil
  19. What a surprise,thaksim not returning,because no deal on the table.Meaning the sister stays where they are too
  20. This has gone round in circles for decades or many years.he escaped along with the sister too.Neither will return to thailand unless they is no goal time at all.No matter what the press or people say this is the only way he will or both will return
  21. My friend did it in cnx arrested and put in the silly farm later released when his brother come over.he was not 100 percent.This is what will happen with this man arrested examined and released to a family member and back to their country
  22. Cambodia has the chinese down sth,no one wants to go there and leave for other parts.Phuket is heading the same who wants to go there if it is all russian control,just more expensive when it happens
  23. He will not return unless he will not be arrested locked up on arrival.The party is dreaming still with the sister too if they want to return.They did escape justice as everyone knows.If they stayed they would have being being free by now instead it still waits for them
  24. The last time i went was the night safari cnx.had a thai license so i paid 50 baht. The farang price 500.So i refuse to enter after that and pay the price they ask.20 baht for thais ten times the price is the farang price so very unfair and thais know and have a private laugh about it
  25. Somehow i don,t think he will return to be locked up straight away.He is waiting for the all clear,then he will attempt it like the sister who did a runner too
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