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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. Who grassed to the police,where when and date.The question for the police it,s legal now what do we do with it.Without getting caught out after
  2. 1 Time maybe 2 the message would be clear,not 8 times lucky for a ladyboy or group.You hear the news and you understand don,t lose your gold chain in pattaya.If insurance is claimed back home then the companies would be saying sorry we can not cover it now,possible scam we will look into it
  3. I,am sure it could happen many times over,offer a visa service pay up front.Then the visa service will do a runner or not provide what they say
  4. My thai friend is very happy,he was inside for this offence.Now legal and he can grow it and smoke it without looking over his shoulder
  5. From my experience asians thais will wear a mask if the air is bad.CNX is a good example when the burning is on.Some farangs will do the same.All over asia they wear a mask if the air is poor quality.Covid made it worse for a time
  6. Someone said something,not enough brown envelopes or someone very upset.That was a well run place and it looked like it.One of many probadly,make them legal the gov win and rich thais will not need to go to borders in cambodia.How many illegal casino,s they want,I knew one in cnx,controlled by the mafia and the pay offs to let it remain open.That was yrs ago and always full of local thais,it did close in time,but the gov needs to wake up with what other parts of the world do with gambling.
  7. I know the wires in some areas are low,I can Imagine he was was not looking at the time.No helmet as well,look ahead when riding the bike,at lest he is allright
  8. How many is that now with indians in pattaya.They will learn or the insurance will not pay out soon
  9. Making it legal to smoke or grow is just a step.The gov can tax a shop to sell it.The only thing is the brown envelope will dissappear for minor matters now.
  10. You have to be very careful when riding a bicycle anywhere thailand is no different.respect the bigger vehicle anywhere do that and you will be ok
  11. Amercia or some states make it legal and it works out well.tax for the state and business make money.People i know smoke it in thailand,so make it legal is not a big thing.Their choice to smoke or not
  12. I imagine if he did the crime why did he stay in thailand,hiding in pattaya was not the smart thing to do.Now caught if guilty years in the bangkok hilton
  13. If legal then u can imagine the party.It will be some wild party from now one
  14. Unless he is still in thailand,then he will be found.Otherwise he has left the country to escape this issue
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