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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. I kept my yellow book from my time in africa yellow fever a few others.i may have get a new stamp in it now
  2. The virus can be spread by people and air.Don,t know about drinking a beer or wine in a restaurant.Thailand have some funny laws about alcohol and voting and other events.I wonder who thinks up this rule or law.Another law is no advertising alcohol of the beer u sell,plan glasses too.also just as crazy
  3. I imagine both thais wanting to return and tourist who like to spend the winter there.not 2 week tourist but long term ones waiting to return.2 weeks tourist also would like to get there for holiday by the beach
  4. Oct maybe,I imagine dec or jan could be more like it.Many are waiting to return that is for sure
  5. It seems he done well in the police and his assets.i wonder how many brown evevnlopes he recieved during his time before being caught out
  6. I imagine his days are now in the bkk hilton,his police days and the brown evenlopes are long gone
  7. From previous news about this story you could write a movie about it.The brown evenlopes very large have gone round for years.The time limit must have gone now so nothing will happen with this story except the movie in the future
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