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Posts posted by enginerevision

  1. I attach a photo taken of dogs in cages that are 'going to market' on the back of a truck in a SE Asian country that shall remain un-named...the dogs by the road barked wildly as the truck passed; maybe the scent of so many dogs or maybe they just knew that the dogs on the truck were already dead, in distress or otherwise doomed...

    a distressing photo...and I don't like dogs that much...


    Nam? They like dogs there

  2. Seriously are all you folks that stupid. Reds where not payed 500 a day, mostly all interviews holded with red shirt protestors as well as written stories say they where not payed and some even selled their own stuff to go to Bangkok. Thaksin only financed the leaders... and stuff on protest site, like toilets, stages, stuff, food etc.

    The Thai gov is pressing the 500 baht scheme trough, all thai newspapers expect a few in the north and northeast are negatif, everything red shirt -> bad bad bad, terrorist, terrorist and terrorist, stupid rural low educated people, That's only they have to say.

  3. Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

    We know for a fact that the Red supporters were paid on a daily basis in cash as well as given food and their transport provided down to Bangkok for the drivers were paid. So this woman has been given time to air a fabrication and perhaps paid for it as well. Journalists not all but some need to create a storm or keep the water boiling. We need reconciliation before the thought of a Civil War becomes a reality. Those out of work will not find work in the North or North East so there lies the question where will they go and what will they do? Abhisit has worked tirelessly to sort the mess out especially with the divisions of loyalty some for the Reds and others for the Yellows if one can separate them so neatly. I believe in Abhisit and I feel that if not for him the old routine will just keep rolling on and the International Community would not be so comfortable in seeing another Myanmar appear. Try and look for the big picture, a harmonious Thailand that brought us here in the first place.

    Saisunee meanwhile helped prepare food for the Red Shirts, and she said she sold her motorcycle, television set and a sewing machine to raise the money she needed to afford travel to the capital.

    "I miss my friends who slept with me on the roads in Bangkok. It was hard and hot. But we were all equal. We ate the same food, we laughed and we shared our political views. It was rough and tough," she said.

  4. I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

    Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

    Smells a bit fishy.

    They were used- haven't you seen the videos and pictures of armed red shirts and "black" shirts firing on soldiers, journalists and civilians? What a relief that Abhisit finally cracked down on these terrorists. Peaceful protest? Yeah right!

    So basically you'r supporting a murderer? :)

    Muderer. harsh words, my dear fellow. Would you use the same on K. Thaksin?

    85 " official deaths " and over 1800 wounded I call murderer. I believe his nickname was " Mr.Clean and Mr.Polite " ?

  5. Furthermore, I doubt burning down Central World represents an act of terrorism, irrespective of how bad their conduct has been.

    That is simply foolish, I really hope you misspoke!

    How about seizing an airport? Anyone arrested yet? Oh, forgot, they are the government now. At least the food and music was good... :D

    Shirt colors are silly. I agree.

    What I disagree about is that you're comparing that to absolute war and terrorism of natives by natives.

    ...thanks for some Chiang Mai red propaganda, but no one is buying it. Just watch the videos and listen to the leaders.

    Yellows where so peacefull :) Sondhi is lucky he's still alive yo !





  6. I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

    Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

    Smells a bit fishy.

    They were used- haven't you seen the videos and pictures of armed red shirts and "black" shirts firing on soldiers, journalists and civilians? What a relief that Abhisit finally cracked down on these terrorists. Peaceful protest? Yeah right!

    So basically you'r supporting a murderer? :)

  7. Well the way i look at it , Thailand is retreating from the path of democracy

    and becoming like North Korea , except on the ideology of course .

    Well one can always think of a retreat , as an advance in another direction . :D

    Ah, I see the REDS are democracy in action? It looked like anarchy in action, to me. You seem to think democracy is a mob insisting new elections, strange point of view. Weng, was the former head of the Thai Communist Party and is still wanting socialism, not democracy. Thailand is a Constitutional Monarchy, not a democracy. The law of the land is the "law", unless you payoff someone. I think, Thaksin tried that with a box of "treats" sent through his lawyers to the Supreme Court of Thailand. I guess it doesn't work all the time! Are you advocating The Kingdom of Thailand should become; The Peoples Republic of Thailand? Interesting viewpoint you've presented in your diatribe I have been reading... :)

    Yup :D

  8. I am very annoyed at some schools where I am in Issan have closed for the week because the teachers want to go to Ubon to destroy. Can you make sense of that? No thoughts for the future generations. Hop on the bandwagon and hope to be paid at the end of the day. All those teachers who have taken the next few days off should be fired my the MOE and never be hired again.

    I have been teaching my village kids all day and will do so tommorow.. and the funny thing is that they all want to learn

    Yes..but since you are restricted to certain rules from the Thai Goverment on what you may learn them, what's the use if you can't tell the truth huh? :)

  9. quote Lanna rebirth "That is not true. The current government was formed by a coalition of MP's each of whom was democratically elected. "

    How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

    Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

    This is the meaning of democracy.

    Every line of thought should have its chance - be it for better or worse.

    This is democracy

    Free speech is another thing

    The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

    This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions..

    There are other things too but i think the above points are enough and prove that the current gov is not democratic.

    Do not waste your time talking to the anti Reds.

    This group here is never going to make sense or change.

    They called for the attack and now are still calling for killing.

    All Bangkok can burn down and they will still be saying the attack was a good idea.


  10. Question is will Mr Abhisit have the balls to admit he ordered killing?

    I doubt it bloody yellow skirt! yellow belly.

    Probably try and fob it off on someone else.

    So I assume with your vitriol and accusations that you have evidence of any sort whatsoever that Abhisit ordered the killing of Seh Daeng.

    How very stupid! Who else do you think is responsible for this Somchai from the 7/11 down the road? Grow up man.

    With the attached avatar your impolite and ignorant post ridicules yourself

    Have respect for the Dalai Lama

    PS; A man, by definition is already grown up.

    ( How very stupid ! )

    Stupid move to kill seh daeng, since thaksin loved him. It seems Abhisit wants to wake up the lion more

  11. <br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

    Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

    Congratulations thai goverment, for starting a civil war by ignoring a coup is illegal and not what people want :)

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