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Posts posted by enginerevision

  1. If it's a temporary stay for a few years to have fun and make memories, sure. If the plan is to have a family, raise kids, and retire here. I would be wary. I won't say it can't be done.

    Remember, everyone here has a different standard of living. 200k/month might be extravagant for some and barely making it for others. Location also comes into play, much cheaper in Chiang Mai than Bangkok.

    200.000 Baht a month? What palace you live in ? !

    Only 200,000 baht? Gawd, is that all? I use more than that just to start up my yacht's diesels. :)


    Yup, the babyboomers did just fine :D

  2. Reply to OP only:

    Good article and it gives a sound basic explanation for a western audience that doesn't know Thailand from Taiwan.

    I disagree with ICG and think Abhisit is giving the Reds enough rope to hang themselves. And it's working. It's the Reds who are stuck on a path to unpopularity in messy and imperfect democracy. The upcoming elections need to be focused on.

    Elected civilian control of the military is prime and I hope the courts think the same.

    I hope you are wrong.

    The elected officials are not responsible enough to have direct control of the military. Thaksin trying to do this is what kicked off this whole mess. There is nothing wrong with the current system. If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.

    Thailand needs a somewhat independent military as a guiding hand for when the corrupt civilian government gets too far out of line. The military is corrupt also, but doesn't have any desire to try and rule the day to day activities of the Kingdom thus making them a little more responsible. You may not like this particular balance of power, but it is working. The military is slowly giving up its monopoly hold on various industries to the civilian establishment. This trend will continue. Give it time. I hope this whole ugly mess simply fades into the background and things go back to the status quo.

    In several decades after the education system has been improved and people have learned how to think independently and learned the meaning of responsibility, maybe we can try it your way. For now, Thais are like children and the military is the only parent we've got. I hate to think what this country would become if you took that discipline away.

    I don't want to run that experiment.

    You mean Sondhi :)

  3. it is common sense:

    Anybody entering uninvited a locked house at night signs his death warrant.

    The tenant cannot for sure see if the intruder is armed or not.

    The safest is to shoot to kill, especially if wife and children are in the house.

    Even more so if there are several intruders. If you just wound one, he could become a problem while you take care of the others.

    As far as I know, if an intruder forced entry, the Law (it could also be the criminal procedure code) automatically grants the Tenant the benefit of assumed self defense.


  4. It's easier to swap to a performance variator then, don't know if Polini or Malossi or any other brand might deliver them... It's Italian so might be hard to get in Thailand. Maybe look for something local.

    If the Polini was available off the shelf in Thailand then maybe it would be easier. There are three Polini dealers/stockists in Bangkok but they cater for vespa and Lambretta scooters. Getting a Polini kit for the PCX would be a special order.

    What we're trying to do is make use of original Honda parts that we know are garanteed to fit and are available from any and all Honda dealers and only need a small amount of modification to get the best performance.

    Where using Polini does have benefits is quality. It's factory making the kits to definite specifications every single time. Using your local tuning or Honda shop to do the work could prove hit and miss.

    If there is enough demand we may put a variator kit together specifically for the PCX using modified genuine Honda parts.

    Prob the best option :) . But you can't change the fact that performance variators have a different drive face angle, as well as the roller patterns and the ramplate , and the drive face is a little bit bigger.

  5. If it's a temporary stay for a few years to have fun and make memories, sure. If the plan is to have a family, raise kids, and retire here. I would be wary. I won't say it can't be done.

    Remember, everyone here has a different standard of living. 200k/month might be extravagant for some and barely making it for others. Location also comes into play, much cheaper in Chiang Mai than Bangkok.

    200.000 Baht a month? What palace you live in ? !

  6. Published: 26/04/2010 at 12:00 AM

    Newspaper section: News

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has emerged to deny rumours that he is dead.

    Rumours have swept the internet in recent days that Thaksin, who has been living in self-exile, mainly in Dubai, is suffering from terminal stage cancer.

    One version said he died during a chemotherapy session on Friday.

    Panthongtae, his eldest son, earlier denied on his Twitter page that that his father had died, but that failed to persuade some people.

    "I'm sorry [for those who invent the rumours], but I'm fine. I'm not sick. No doctors have treated me for anything," Thaksin said in his own Twitter page around 3am yesterday.

    He said he had rarely addressed the red shirt rally recently because he wanted to distance himself from the red shirt movement, to make it clear that the demonstration was purely for democracy and not for him.

    Thaksin lashed out at the Abhisit Vejjajiva government for turning down the red-shirted United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship demand that he dissolve the House in 30 days.

    Earlier, the UDD demanded an immediate dissolution, but on Saturday softened its stance, saying it was concerned about public safety.

    Mr Abhisit turned down the 30-day dissolution demand, however, saying it was merely a face-saving measure.

  7. Thaksins comments regarding the Tak Bai massare.

    "I regret the loss of lives in a way that should not have happened, due to suffocation. I will order a committee to be set up to investigate the situation,"

    Thaksin Shinawatra

    "There are some who died because they were fasting, and they were crammed in tight,"

    It's a matter of their bodies becoming weak."

    Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Compared to Thaksin Abihist is a compassionate caring man.

    No need to compare, just get rid of Abhisit, NOW!

    And fill it up with more fascists like Thaksin, chavalit and you???

    you will bring the whole continent down with your nonsence

    You forgot how many refugees Abhisit dumped on boats in the ocean, beaten up and to die right? Offcourse that's not in the newspapers. :)

  8. Girl in the pizza shop spok very good english to me the other day. I asked her where she learned today when paying my bill. She was Squirming with embarassment until she finally confessed she had lived in Australia. Why so ashamed? I mean, maybe she got a scholarship to read for her PHD at a university there. Why should I automatically assume she shagged her way there and came back with enough cash for the cheeky little Vios she drives around in.

    ANother "woman" there has just got a new (red plate) mazda 2. One doesn't have to guess too hard as to how she paid for it. Obviously it was from serving pizza. in our quiet little village.

    Big assumptions, and not very nice ones.

    If you see a black man driving a Benz, do you assume he's a drug dealer? - some people do.

    If he wears a golden watch yes

  9. If you are bored, go live upcountry and work in the field or get a farm or something. Or do some volunteering work, plenty to help the poor people yo!

    But dont forget you need a work permit...

    Alot of volunteering or other " help poor people " programs will offer you a work permit.

    and a lot dont.. :)

    Agreed. Well he should get of his ass and do something if he's bored ! Some people prefer filling their own pockets over other people's backs. Some prefer to help the poor, without becoming rich themselves for a minimum wage. " Up to you ".

    There's alot of things to do, and it doesn't have to be for free at all...

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