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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. I hope this isn't too simplistic but what's the use of a court at the airport ?

    How many arriving passengers will have a Thai related complaint to make and I mean in general not the airline ?

    If departing passengers wait to complain at the airport I would suggest they've left it far too late.

    Seems like another publicity seeking dog and pony show but would welcome suggsetions as to what I may be missing.

    Yep, just another headline. It seem like any "Powers That Be" are all seeking headlines to appear to be doing something. And in the end nothing gets done by any of them. Especially the governing party of this country.

  2. Any Gov't in any country must keep an ear to the ground. The voice of People is the voice of God.

    But it is also true that the voice of People is far too often taken over by a small group. Than the loudest group is more heard.

    'Nation' - self-appointed voice of the People for the whole 3 years is one of the examples.

    "Taking heed" is for dogs. Gov't must be the leading force. Whether it leads in a right direction is another question.

    Is your Gov't in your country leads your People in a right direction? Everybody must ask this question.

    Any Nation deserves the Gov't it has. Just as any Gov't finds its country in a situation created by this very Gov't.

    And so it goes till it blows. I don't want to be near the blow-up area. It's never pretty.

    Time for a cuppa...coffee1.gif

    And that's what the PM is doing now. Having a cuppa with her brother in Montenegro.

  3. Switzerland was never bothered when most of the world was fighting against the Axis tyranny.

    Why should they care about Thailand's?

    Another uninformed comment about Switzerland. At the beginning of WW2 the Swiss had outdated weaponry, 5 tanks, three of which were being repaired. You bet they cared about what was happening outside their frontiers, they were completely surrounded by fascists. The plan was to stand and die basically, most Swiss were convinced that this was what was going to happen.

    Do some reading


  4. These cowardly scum should be hunted down, have their genitals removed, and kept a live in a Thai prison for as long as possible. A quick shot in the head is to good for people who kill others "in the name of God." The heck with peace, you cant talk logically with illogical people.

    p.s. this goes for members of other religions as well though lately there has only been one that are doing these types of things on the regular.

    Well said!

    • Like 1
  5. The Pitbull's corner of the ring must be flat broke otherwise the "Waitress" would never have arrived in court.

    I will get flamed to death for the following statement. But I will make it nonetheless.

    The real issue here is not MMA wannbe nut jobs like Aldhouse. I see dozens of his brethren every time I vist Patong, Chalong or Rawai.

    These blokes are just "symptoms". The actual disease is the free availability of steroids and other mood altering drugs here in Thailand.

    I was in a Pharmacy the other day and there were two very large farang lads in front of me in the register cue who purchased 20,000 THB worth of testosterone injections.

    They are on another Thai new blog everyday wanting to know where to get Steroids, how much to take. How much you can drink and so on. Sounds to me like they took the wrong drugs off the counter.

  6. It may be true about pay your way and admittance by family name, but Harvard and Cambridge are still really good schools.

    I think they are being extremely generous including them anywhere near the top 800 let alone top 300. I wonder if they include such things as being able to pay your way to an "A" or admittance by family name.

    But at least with those two schools once you are in you will get a good education. Your scores will reflect the quality of your workmanship not the size of Mommy and Daddy wallet.

    When you get a diploma from them you will have a degree recognized around the world as a quality education.

    And here you get a picture of your class in from of a poster they painted with Hitler on it. To show everyone how much you actually learned.

  7. DrDoom6996

    Sounds a bit far fetched. First of all I doubt that many of the ministers wives even talk to each other, let alone socialize. It's not in their nature to be nice to anyone else, they just tolerate them when required. I would summate that King Power, one of the wealthiest family businesses in Thailand is feeling the pinch at the retail level, due to the low quality of tourists arriving, as in the Chinese, Russians and Middle Easterners that make up the bulk of the tourist arrivals do not buy luxury goods. Rich Thais, who can usually get duty free products in the country anyway, are still finding the prices too high, so there is some heavy lobbying going on to make some changes before some peoples livelihoods are jeopardized.

    I'm sure of one thing. Sarcasm can not be used on Thai Visa, in any way as no one understand what you are trying to say using sarcasm as a form of communication.

  8. Never mind the bikers, what about the gangs of 'golfers' who go on the rampage regularly, standing around blinding people with their outrageously LOUD clothing and vast frames. They congregate in 'golf clubs' and are frequently seen talking about their latest 'wedge' or 'driver' which cause extreme boredom to any outsider. Rarely do you see these 'golfers' without their 'gin and tonic' in hand. Most of these 'golfers' are so-called 'businessmen' who avoid taxes, drive over the speed limit and wear offensive 'after shave' with impunity. Their main objective is to destroy as much pleasant countryside by setting up their 'golf clubs' in inappropriate places and terrorising the locals with their aggressive driving and putting. A lot of these 'golfers' like to think they are well connected with the local authoritarian figures and many even dabble in 'masonry', to increase their inflated egos.

    These scum are heavily involved in the slavery trade, paying peanuts for local women known as 'caddies' who have is to carry around the collection of weaponry these reprobates all have.

    These people are dangerous and should be avoided. Its no use complaining to the authorities as most of them are up to their necks in 'playing golf', sometimes even when they should be at work.

    The problem of golfers is well known in places like the US, Australia and the UK where they are allowed to run free and go round in gangs talking loudly about how important they are. One particular gang can be identified by their uniform of Pringle sweaters, beige trousers and ridiculous shoes.

    If you value your sanity you should keep well away from these gangs. Their addiction to 'golf' costs them a lot of money but they have to have their daily 'round' or they may suffer extreme withdrawal symptoms known as 'being slightly interesting'.

    The situation will only get worse unless these golfing scum are prosecuted and deported for ruining society.

    You have been warned.

    Most of these people don't understand that Sarcasm is a form of communication to.

  9. Frankly, the OP is a moron. I've been riding motorcycles since I was 8 years old. What, I should stop because I live in Thailand now and am over 50 and the OP is a whiny bitch ? F* him and his ignorant attitude. I've been a member of a local Motorcycle CLUB (MC) for 5 years now and have ridden to dozens of Bike Week events in different parts of the country, because that is mostly what we do. A bunch of FRIENDS and FAMILY get together, hop on their bikes and ride around the country.

    Shock !!! And in all that time, and on all those rides, NONE of us has engaged in any "illegal business activities, such as money extortion, drug pushing, pimping etc". What a load of crap. Maybe the OP should get his head out of his (or someone else's) anal orifice and spend some time in reality, and actually check some FACTS first before posting such a load of utter sh*t again.

    More shocking ! MOST of the CLUBs I know of are made up of Thais, with a few foreigners scattered around for flavor. There are a FEW clubs that are mostly foreigners, usually because of the language/culture. Many clubs are formed because a group FRIENDS with common interests get together and create a common identity (for example, one club I know is made up (mostly) of local Thai business owners, including hotel, restaurant and jewelry shop owners).

    Even more shocking ! MOST of the CLUBs not only get along with each other just fine, they OFTEN spend considerable amounts of time and money on charity events (like the 16th Annual Jesters Care For Kids Children's Fair that was held today for example).

    But apparently the OP thinks he knows more about the subject than the people who are actually in the various clubs. The fact that he calls Harley's "pathetic bikes" and says things like "low-incomed farangs who spend there pitiful pension to buy a useless toys" maybe gives a clue about where the OP is coming from.

    What happened, did your 250 baht bar-fine decide to go home with some farang on a Harley instead of with you ? Is little snookums upset because he is the one trying to scrape by on his pension and is jealous of the "low-income farangs" with the "most expensive (and most ugly) motorcycle, cloths,".

    For your information, not that I particularly GAF what you think, I am not "low-income" by any means, my Harley isn't the "most expensive" (but is the sexiest !) motorcycle, my clothes are not "expensive", the ONE, TINY tattoo I have ('DOC') is something I acquired during a night of drinking in basic training over 30 years ago and oh yeah, I am quite happy with my life and have absolutely no need to prove anything, to anyone.

    So take you pathetic stereotyping and moronic attitude and stick them back up that @ss your head apparently spends most of it's time residing in.

    (ps: ANYONE who uses Myanmar as a shining example of a country with "no western problems" should do humanity a favor and seriously consider trying to win the next annual Darwin Award.)

    Well said

  10. The Jesters MC had their annual "Care for Kid" Children's Fair today. It was an overwhelming success. They actually donate 100% of the proceeds to charity. Not even a take of gas is taken out of the kids money. The good they do for this community is an assert. The BS I have read in this thread like, I heard, someone told me, they must have. Do you really know anything. Again you people speak with no knowledge of what you speak of. Please use your google search engine and learn instead of talking out of turn.

    • Like 1
  11. Since we have so many Sherlock wannabe's here, I have a theory for you to ponder.

    The FM's wife gets together with other MP's wives and women MP's and tell the FM that their toiletries are to expensive and they want to go to Singapore. The FM and his MP friends decide to get together at a resort and have a thinking session (I know I'm presuming they can think). They can bill the resort bill to the government. While trying to figure it all out, one of them says "what would Taksin do?". One of the others says, "get rid of the damned taxes". The price comes down and the wives stay home. Brilliant, thinking session over, drinking session to begin. And don't forget to bill the government.

    What do you think of my therory?

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