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Posts posted by haveaniceday

  1. My in laws place that was well established, had some issues.

    A block of land, about half a Rai next door that was vacant was rented out for 1500 a month to a guy who cut red stone bricks that you sometimes see fences made out of.

    From Dawn till about 5pm, 6 days a week, stone cutting that was so loud, you could not talk out side and struggled with a phone call inside.

    Due to this asshol_e, they have since abandoned their home, and renting a real dump, waiting for the rock cutting biz to move on one day. They got as many people as they could to try and help, and no one was interested.

    I thought the problem may have gone away with some accidents, but nope.

  2. It has reached a point that the insurance companies have got together, I read in a news story and now they are forming a private escort navy that will have very different rules of engagement in protecting them selves and their ship than the national navies who's hands are tied the story was saying.

    I personally don't know much about the subject and who can legally sink who though.

    If up to me, the pirates should have what they give given back to them, fatally.

  3. "Truth be told - the jury is still out on the subject of organic versus conventional."

    I am not arguing either way, but do not compare western 'convential' and Thai conventional in the same level. Many chemicals that would get you jail time in some western countries, are used widely here still.

    Only a opinion, but I think the statement I read in this thread below, is good advice.

    "My wife will NOT buy leafy vegetables unless they have bug holes in the leaves. She says if the bugs won't eat them we shouldn't eat them either. "

  4. The South African feed is no longer in Asia.

    Get used to this form oz network, it is a licensing issue.

    It is on "Super Sport 6"

    Can't get it in Thailand at all.

    Astro doesn't have SS6 only SS, SS2 & SS3.

    If anyone finds a way, pls share !!!!

  5. Utterlyuless is claiming 1,850,000.000 flights per year. One billion eight hundred and fifty million. Also some really misinformed other ideas as well. I have been away for a couple of days and can't believe this is still a active thread.

    Looking at the industry benchmark OAG Frequency and Capacity Trend Statistics for September 2010, Frequency, the number of scheduled commercial flights grew 6%, to a total 2.55 million flights, an increase of 151,257 monthly flights. Air service growth is reflected in every region of the world, again in September.

    My math is 2.55 X 12 months = 30.6 million flights per year.

    Out of interest in Sept 2010 Worldwide, seat capacity increased 8% in September to 319.48 million seats, an increase of 22.56 million seats on August.

    I could break down regions and each country, but no need.

    Utterlyusess , if you are so useful, how about you invent a way of detecting turbulence that can be installed in the aircraft. Ok Troll off.

    In re reading this thread, your concepts are simply flawed, nothing personal, it takes all for the world to go round. Misinformation is simply wrong though. I can not let those numbers you made up not be corrected with fact :whistling:

  6. CAT = Clear Air Turbulence

    One of the common places most pronounced is with Jet Streams that run West East around the world like a "straw" of very fast moving air and where this fast moving air meets the relatively slow air, friction and turbulence is induced. Note: this is not a definition, or really that accurate but a general comment to simplify my reference to CAT in the post above.

    A simple analogy, you in the mountain bush walking, a narrow but fast moving stream is in your path you walk through, when you put a foot in the stream one leg has forces the other does not, hence a jerk. In all fairness, it is not a clear cut science detecting them, looking for some pretty old fashioned indicators with temp change etc.

    Every pilot I know that I have seen while traveling in the back, have seat belt loose even when laying down sleeping.

    Still have no idea why this news item is even here though !!!!

  7. sorry not buying this seatbelt argument at all....this is just an attempt by the airlines to cover up pilot error combined with some political correctness and fear of lawsuits.....I suspect that the chances of hitting severe turbulence are .00000001%....blame the passnegers, it's cheaper!

    I am actually not sure why this is Thai related, not even a neighboring country, but scary aviation stories sell news and gets hits on tabloid news websites and front pages of tabloid trash news papers. This CAT incident has only made a mere mention on any of the decent industry publications, not as a news story, just as a mention and people in the industry have not followed up on the main forums either. Maybe it flew through Thai airspace !!!!!!!!:whistling:

    This comment above and all the crap this idiot posting has raved on about is utter trash. With extremely limit knowledge of the incident, it appears to be another CAT encounter, it is part of operating this machinery.

    'Utterly usexxx' I would love to have taken you on a delivery ferry flight and 'explore' some jet streams, but then again, learning is clearly above your standard. After many thousands of hours dealing with jet streams and the associated CAT, I feel I am qualified to say you are an idiot.

    So why don't you go live on this web site, put up a pic of a young Thai lady next to your name and join the others to race to be the first post reply to every item, you may even win :jap:

  8. Tigs, No problem !!!!

    The 1-2 Go accident, yes pilot error is some of the blame, I think his biggest error was not to quite that company after he realised the disgusting safety culture there.

    I personally put much more of the blame on to Orient Thai management, owner, and the Thai Authorities who encouraged them over a long time.

    Re the VN flight, Clear Air Turbulence happens, a bit different if they deliberately went into a Thunderstorm cell out of incompetence or pressure from the company to save time. No real evidence of his. To me a non issue. Buckle Up.

  9. Tigs, I agree some of the maths posted is, well, "out there with the fairies"

    One slight thing, Orient Thai / 1-2 Go dodgy brothers, the Phuket Accident is an Accident, not an Incident.

    Tigs:"I am well aware of the entire occurrences surrounding the One-2-Go incident"

    Not saying you don't know your stuff, but lecturing to me as a guest speaker t

  10. Late last year a bulk carrier of Thai Rice was rejected in Australia for 8.6 (eight decimal six) times the MAXIMUM level for human consumption of DDT.

    So the Thai new the standard ti had to meet, my mind boggles how much poison is consumed domestically.

    Maybe the Thai thought the rice could be a cheap rat bait to kill rats !!!!

  11. I am after advise from experienced English teachers. I am retired in Thailand and have 2 kids here that of course speak Eng-rish. Their English teach at a Thai Gov school is at best only described as shocking. I could not communicate with her in English that she was the schools English teacher, not embarrassed one little bit, actually she is very proud of her English. Everything done from text book and CD by the sounds of it.

    My kids are the only Half Farlang in the school and by far have the best English skills in the school. Things like hitting daughter hard enough to leave marks for pronouncing “ph” and in phone or phantom as “p” as in pan as the incompetent bitch of a teacher thinks it is. Fact is our kids can speak much better English than their English teacher. Teacher has a problem. Anyway, next year they are moving schools, I am not asking about that.

    I wish to do much more English with our kids at home, I have no teacher training, and think it best to start with a home course from start to cover many things I have never thought of. Grammar was never a strong point at school all those years ago ! It appears to me that Oxford University Press (OUP) has many series of books that look good for me to use. I have been looking at them online and in the “SE-ED” book shop chain.

    Looking at “Let’s GO” and “Get Set Go” published by OUP. Does anyone have any recommendations in this area?

    I saw in one book shop a series of flash cards at over 2000b for ‘Let’s Go’ (I think it was by memory). I have never seen any teachers book in any of the stores. In Thailand’s obsession on being the hub of censorship have they banned them as to much information in them ?

    Would the teachers book be very helpful for me as I have never seen one?

    I see a huge amount of work sheets and stuff for free online which is great, any suggestions would be great thanks.


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