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Posts posted by lazurus

  1. The Yellow shirts should really shut the hel_l up because they started all that mess in the first place. They have no right to argue about anything right now. They are no better than the Red shirts.

    They have as much right to argue as the reds do. And right now under the law neither side has the right to do what they have been. Bring back law and order for the people who's wardrobe isn't politically motivated.

  2. What about the PM continual statement that he wants to handle this to international standards

    Is Greece not on the Thai Map of the world

    they solved the matter in 1 day according to the news

    That's what happens when your police do their jobs, even if it is a tough one. The Greek protests started with about 50,000 people, turned violent and then the police sorted them out in a hurry. The government there didn't have to beg for a deal with those lawbreakers.

    I was in Cambodia yesterday, if the reds want a civil war that will ruin the country and leave it looking like their neighbors to the east they should think again. The Thai people have a much brighter future if they work together and bring back law and order.

  3. Next week the PM won't have to worry about children at the protest site, they'll all be in school. On second thought the reds won't let them go home and study, they prefer their supporters to be uneducated and easily manipulated.

    a very good thought ! then we wait a week after the children back to school !

    not a reason the reds do allow their own kids back to school !

    ( remarks : sadly, many of those kids are actually no schooling in up country )

    School opens the week after next.

    Not around Ratchasaprong if the Reds are still there.

  4. As you all know I sympathise with many of the reds issues - BUT - enough really is enough - we have the elections this year. A major achievement - it REALLY is time to pack up and go home - and time for Abhisit to declare the dates and stick to them - no matter who agrees or disagrees - even his own 'team yellow' want him out now (farcical really). This is his last play.

    I agree, this IS a REAL achievement. Why do I sense that the reds just don't want to go home yet ?

    There is no reason for them to stay - unless there is a hidden agenda.

    Of course there is. Democracy was only a smoke screen in the first place. Now that elections are scheduled they have to come up with minor flaws in the plan to hide the fact that they weren't there to force an election anyway. The reds need to call their boss and get a real list of demands so that the PM and the Thai people know what they are really up to. Giving into these thugs is a mistake, they'll only ask for more without ever living up to their end of the bargain.

  5. Since Thais eat the parts of animals westerns would normally discard, hearts, livers, feet etc, what is left to go into Thai sausages?

  6. At middle of the road English language programs the management have no idea whether the teachers are good or not. They don't really care. If they can get enough foreign bodies in the classrooms that is their main objective. Sometimes the management doesn't speak english themselves, but usually they are interested in making money and finding teachers willing to work for relatively low wages.

    I've known teachers that were totally incompetent, some that were total frauds, and some whose sanity was questionable. Others had no business being anywhere near children. In 2007 a man who was the subject of a world wide search by authorities for child abuse had no problem obtaining employment at a Thai School.

  7. @RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

    How many days of SomTam are left at Ratchaprasong? Reds from Pathum Thani will surely come to their aid firing baskets of sticky rice over the police lines using slingshots. Fountains in front of Central world are being converted into rice paddies as we speak in preparation for the coming siege. Smugglers from the Golden Triangle will descend on Bangkok to cash in on the now lucrative Kai Yang cartels. Are we meant to take this plan seriously?

  8. If the PM's plan to starve the reds out is put into action it will raise the stakes again for the reds. Either they will have to give in, not something they show the ability to do, or they will have to fight just to get food and water. They will of course call on other reds to come to their aid and they will try to break police lines with violence if necessary. They are now more likely to break into malls and stores for new supplies. Fortunately for them the police are totally incompetent and unable to implement such a blockade.

  9. Considering how the red and yellow TV stations use their freedoms it could be argued that a free press in Thailand isn't a good thing. Brainwashing and propaganda are not appropriate uses of the press. Thais however should be given greater freedom to discuss issues that affect their lives in an open and respectful way.

  10. @RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

    ... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

    This is their plan? How is that going to work? Red has moved freely around the city and the police have not even attempted to stop them. People move in and out of the protest zone all day long. People live and work in the protest area, will they be relocated? If the protesters can not get food brought in you can expect looting of Big C and other stores in the area. Unless the police are willing to arrest individuals entering or leaving the area I can't see this having any success, or making any significant difference. Small groups of protesters are still at Thaicom in Nonthaburi, they haven't been dispersed or arrested.

    Containment relies on police doing their job. Since they won't it can't succeed. The protesters have not been forced back to the intersection that Suthep demanded on Saturday, what about his claims that the police or army would enforce that decree? No plan, strategy, or idea floated by the PM has yet to actually be implemented on the ground. This is just more hot air to buy more time to wait out the reds.

  11. [

    You think they are above signing a contract with Lucifer, several times during these protests they have performed various black magic rituals, for example on March 12 this report was published about the activities of protesters leaving Nonthaburi to join the protests.

    "The pro-Thaksin protest began with a black magic ritual, including burning chili and salt, and prayers for success at the provincial city's shrine."

    or when the donated blood to curse the government:

    "A purported Brahmin priest in ceremonial robes performed an unorthodox black magic ritual on behalf of the red shirts."

    They do a fine job of making themselves look pretty bad if people were paying attention.

    Not like those sophisticated Bangkok progressives who, only two or three years ago, burnt sanitary napkins at Victory Monument to attest to their affirmation of the scientific method.

    But WAIT...

    WHOA- did I just read you right- a 'contract with Lucifer'- ????

    Yes in response to a previous post that used that phrase, which you did not include in your post. Another person said "How could anything make them look worse? I guess they could hold a public signing of a contract with Lucifer". I'm simply stating that they have been reported to have used black magic. So if they If a group is invoking Black Magic, what exactly are their intentions, and with whom? In western culture black magic is usually linked with lucifer, but I'd be happy to hear an explanation from a Thai perspective on which deity or force they hope to exploit.

  12. That just makes them look worse.

    Unable to understand the electoral system in Thailand.

    Incitement to violence.

    Publication of magazines that preach hate, killing, homophobia, armed revolution and attack the monarchy.

    Attack on a gay pride event.

    Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers.

    Forming an armed militia.

    Training a secret army.

    Encouraging protestors to go to Bangkok with bottles that will be filled with petrol for Molatov cocktails.

    Killing security personel.

    Taking of soldiers as hostages.

    Beating injured soldiers in hospital/ambulances.

    Kidnapping CEO of CAT.

    Kidnapping 2 policemen.

    Defending hate media as freedom of speech.

    Grenade attack on opposing protestors.

    Intimidation of opposing protestors' leader and defending that intimidation.

    Intimidation of the judiciary in red publications.

    Grenade attack on politician's house.

    Grenade attack on banks.

    Grenade attack on aviation fuel silo.

    Attempted sabotage of electricty pylon.

    Creation of illegal state in Bangkok.

    Ruining the economy.

    Beating of Czech translator who objected to illegal search.

    Threatening civil war.

    Rampaging through hospital.

    Kidnapping of builders.

    Defending the rampaging through hospital.

    How could anything make them look worse? I guess they could hold a public signing of a contract with Lucifer, but I suspect that he wouldn't want his reputation damaged by being associated with the redshirts.

    For those who haven't worked it out yet, the red leadership consists of evil people who would seize power, restrict freedom of speech, suppress any oposition, conduct inquisition style purges of those who had opposed them in the past, repress minorities, enrich themselves at everyone else's expense and generally act like filth. In fact they have already done almost all those things in the past.

    You think they are above signing a contract with Lucifer, several times during these protests they have performed various black magic rituals, for example on March 12 this report was published about the activities of protesters leaving Nonthaburi to join the protests.

    "The pro-Thaksin protest began with a black magic ritual, including burning chili and salt, and prayers for success at the provincial city's shrine."

    or when the donated blood to curse the government:

    "A purported Brahmin priest in ceremonial robes performed an unorthodox black magic ritual on behalf of the red shirts."

    They do a fine job of making themselves look pretty bad if people are paying attention. Their quest for "democracy" is infused with a lot of superstition, hocus pocus and religious symbols including a statue of King Taksin that the red leaders keep close at hand.

  13. The goverment was using the evacuation as a ploy to make the protesters look bad...

    This statement just goes to prove how delusional and backward this lot are. I really feel sorry for the good-hearted guys who have been drawn in by their propaganda BS as this whole 'RED' fiasco has stigmatised the lot of them, painting them and their pathetic apologists as a bunch of rancid baboons.

    How did they think they were looking prior to Chulagate? Did they really think they had everyone fooled into seeing them as freedom fighters? They've been looking bad starting with the videos of protesters accepting cash to go to Bangkok and getting uglier ever since.

    What I believe to be their five most self-discrediting acts in review:

    - Accepting cash to demonstrate (against the government, no less). Pretty pathetic, but ok. TiT.

    - Naming Thaksin and Democracy as their causes. To me, that's like fighting against racism in a nazi outfit.

    - Blaming & condemning others for their own actions (fake reds, the govt, the yellow, reds but no leaders, etc). Blatant hypocrites at work.

    - Searching people and their vehicles, even abducting on several occasions. Personally, I find this an extreme outrage.

    - The hospital stunt: even in times of war, this is a no-no. That is beyond ...well I don't really have a word for it.

    Doing something that outrages large portions of the population, flagrant disregard for the feelings of others, acting above the law with no regard for other's opinions, why not just say that the reds pulled a thaksin.

  14. Apologies to the Nation, then, and frowns upon the House of Tan. This is truly a BS story - anybody can go look for themselves if they don't believe me.

    What's the location if the McDonalds you walked past today ?

    There's at least 3 McDonalds in Silom - sure you didn't spot the wrong one ? You did mention you'd walked past 'the' Silom McDonalds - but there are several.

    I'm sure McDonalds had things cleaned up and new glass in by mid morning. Looking like the victim of terrorism doesn't make selling double fillet o fish any easier.

  15. PM to convene special Cabinet meeting Sunday

    Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said Saturday that Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva will convene a special Cabinet meeting Sunday.

    THE NATION: Princess is reportedly going unofficially. She also expressed her oncern on other patients. http://bit.ly/8YrGEP via Nation Chanel

    This was connected with the post about tomorrow's cabinet meeting, is it implying she is going to that, or is it referring to her trip to the hospital? Care to clarify?

  16. The Reds did not take weapons in.

    Another red shirts PR lies.

    A friend of mine was working at Chula that day. He's an eye-witness. He confirms me he saw them carrying (at least) sharpened bamboo sticks and makeshift bamboo-rocket in the hospital.

    And before you pretend it shouldn't be considered as weapons I'll tell you you don't need more to kill somebody on the spot and that's the purpose of these sticks.

    That's the definition of weapons.

    This red-shirt propaganda is sickening.

    Reds enter a hospital looking for soldiers and you think they would do it unarmed? That doesn't seem likely.

  17. Up to the invasion of the hospital maybe the most that the patients had to put up with was the noise from outside. Maybe they were reasonably safe. The hospital staff and patients family members have to pass through the protest zone each day. If the long awaited crackdown comes they will be in a dangerous area, not to mention the night time scuffles between rival protesters. It isn't fair to them to make them run the gauntlet on a daily basis to serve the public. Same goes for many businesses and embassies in the immediate area. Innocent people could be caught in the line of fire should things deteriorate. The patients at Chula are better off now in other facilities where they don't have to worry whether their doctors and nurses will arrive alive each day. For the sake of all other persons who have to navigate the surrounding streets each day I hope the protests end without violence, and soon.

  18. Gen Khattiya, now temporarily suspended from duty following his attacks on the army chief,

    Temporarily suspended? What a complete and utter joke. Is he still pulling a salary i wonder? What is it that makes sacking a person from the army or the police such an impossibility?

    from his duties as an aerobics instructor


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