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Posts posted by wump

  1. 13 minutes ago, Chivas said:

    yes but you cant gulp valium/diazapam indefinately and not taper them off or you'll end up wobbling even more from withdrawal symptoms

    The valiums only help so far... I need to get to the root of the problem.

  2. I really don't have any alcohol problem. The problem is anxiety which needs to go away. Give me millions of Valiums or a bottle of gin or cocaine or whatever.. But I'd rather get to the source of the problem which is why I asked for a therapist.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Chivas said:

    Been there got the ticket when I had serious problems in the past.....need a tapering off dose of diazapam and when the alcohol withdrawal symptons are gone (because thats what it is) have a rethink why you're hitting the booze so much in the first place

    I could have written that OP myself and what we did to address it

    I got a couple of Valiums in here but right now it's much worse than in the past. I am not sure if I can do it myself.


    Where does the shortness of breath come from? Only from me hyperventilating?

  4. I have been a little too hard on the liquor lately. I keep waking up with anxiety and severe shortness of breath which only goes away after drinking alcohol. Anyone know any good doctors? I'm a bit reluctant to go to Bangkok Hospital due to the overcharging... It's not so much about the money, I just want to get a proper diagnosis. Any help is sincerely appreciated.

  5. With all the congestion right now I think it won't be too long before we see elevated roadways all over Pattaya, starting with Pattaya Klang between 3rd road and the Big C Extra intersection, that horrible intersection at Tony's Gym at Pattaya Tai and eventually the intersection between 2nd road and Pattaya Tai... or make that the whole single-lane road per direction from Pratamnak to Pattaya Tai... what a nightmare after 6 pm.


    It's crazy that I have to spend the last 30-40 minutes in a traffic jam in Pattaya when coming from the airport which technically would only be a <90 minute ride.

  6. 1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    it is a good step forward and will help traffic flow through pattaya with one less stop start to deal with. just hope they actually do the other 2 tunnels. they look far better than elevated roadways.

    Who cares about looks? Bangkok shows that elevated roadways can be done cheaply and quickly. I support the other poster's suggestion of just extending highway 7 via an elevated road. Now with the tolls starting they'd have some money flowing in an could do the elevated road as far as Ambassador Hotel. But then again, too logical.

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