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Everything posted by himmel

  1. Not over, it was as said 122
  2. Well got the blood test done today,,I'm not diebetic blood over sugar 122, now I'm going to have to decided whether to peruse this further, I'm 80 in three months and I don't want to be sitting around in hospitals for hours, all my symptoms point to PAD so for now I will just do what I've been doing for the last 18 months, I thank you all for time and input, I will update if any change.
  3. Thanks for the replies, we will go to Buriram Private Hospital tomorrow, ask for blood tests for diabetes, get the ankle x-rayed and any other tests that are done for PAD.
  4. Hi, I've been suffering from this for the last 18 months without any real problems, just aching calf's and numbness in the feet, I've just been taking one aspirin a day for blood thinning, but now the symptom's have escalated to swelling of my left foot and ankle with pain in my Achilles heel, with a little difficulty walking, I've been doing leg and foot exercises 3/4 times a day while lying on the sofa for over a year, I've also started using my treadmill again after a layoff for a few months, (tedious) now using twice a day for 15 minute's, painful for the first 5, then eases up. Now I'm seeking advice as to treatment for this (I know its not curable) could there be a doctor at Buriram Gov Hospital that treats Vascular problems. Thanks. 0
  5. Well ill not be going to my home country GB, in the future, not sure id trust anyone in Thailand with 5-6 mil. I'm just gunna have to make a English will, I have Thai one, but at 79.5 i must do it sooner than later Well I'm not gunna be going to my home country GB in the near future,, so I guess ill just have to make an English Will here in Thailand, I already have a Thai one, at 79.5 years old, guess Ill have to do sooner than later.
  6. Hi KhunLA, would care to elaborate, ie, trust fund. Easy enough to set up, How, Where. Thanks.
  7. Yes, 6 times to no avail, I uninstalled prime, to try and rectify the problem, then had job reinstalling, a red triangle with a warning in Thai and English that Prime had been suspended, I have a snapshot but don't know how to upload, at least I managed to reinstall.
  8. Hi, I'm having the same problem, in catch -up I have all the sports ch, but only BBC 2, 4 UK, and ITV 1, all the other 10 or so ch are gone
  9. Please could you tell me what Telegram is, where do I find It, I'm not very computer savvy at nearly eighty years old. Thanks
  10. Hi, this post is 4 months old now, are there any updates, there was a Glitch about a week ago, and several of my channels from TV Guide, Catch-up disappeared, I've tried to get them back into TV Guide with no avail, I've e-mailed HD Prime six times but no response, I've also noticed several channels on my laptop have no Catch-up, any one out there with similar problems . the Hi was for testing, I wrote this post earlier, submitted but didn't
  11. Hi
  12. Update. All went well for the operation, she was given a full medical before the OP, then we had the agonizing wait for 10 days for the biopsy report, well that was yesterday and the result was negative, and there were no problems found on the medical report, we are over the moon. We would like you for your support, and encouragement, Thanks Sheryl, Mike, and others that contributed.
  13. Thanks, Mike.
  14. Thanks Sheryl, your correct, the cost 70,000 Baht all in.
  15. We had an appointment with the Surgeon today, the decision was to remove the right thyroid gland, then after a biopsy on that, decide what course to take, the operation we take place on Saturday.
  16. Sheryl, could we now go back to Lampliamat Hospital with the paper work we now have and ask for a referral with not having to wait 3.5 hours to see a Doctor, it would be nice if we could show Dr Preeyapat and the Surgeon some of the reply's here, but I think that would be inappropriate.
  17. Mike, I can not thank you enough for all the information you have shared with us, gives us a great insight into what procedures we can expected in the coming days/weeks, may I have the audacity to ask if you was in Government or Private Hospital, if Private what was the cost for everything in those five days,
  18. Sorry here is some more information, IMPRESSION; 1. Enlargement right thyroid gland. 2. Right thyroid mass(4.0x. 1.7.9cm) with internal hypoechoic and punctate calcification in inferolateral aspect. about 1.6x0.8cm:TI-RADS 5. 3.Two TI-RADS3 nodule in right upper pole (1.8cm) and left upper pole(0.5)cm OVERALL TI-RADS 5: Highly suspicious, FNA is suggested if size :1.0cm.
  19. I thank you for your reassuring post.
  20. We had an appointment with the Doctor today, the blood test came back as normal, but not good news on the ultrasound. Ti- rads 5. although the Doctor said 20to 30%Cancer, I google it, and it said 85%, will be seeing the Consultant Surgeon on Wednesday
  21. Ok after reading all the reply's and given a rough idea of the cost, we didn't know one could go to a private and get referred back to a gov hospital, with the Doc at the gov hospital not losing face, Khon Kaen is to far, we are willing to go to Korat, although my wife is worried now I've read all reply's to her, because after going to Lampliamat hospital and being told there were no abnormality's she is thinking the worst now, She wasn't given any medication, We wait for your reply as to the next move, so the tests would be for the Thyroid, Liver, and Kidneys, can this all be done in one day. Thanks all for your reply's.
  22. I apricate your concern, it is a little confusing but we will stick the system for now, It was a different Doc this time. As for going private we would want to know the cost in writing before we would consider It.
  23. Went for the result of the blood test today, Doc said no abnormality's show, wife said she mentioned Goiter, my wife also has a slight yellowing of her eyes, so Doc made an appointment for two weeks time for further blood tests, on the Thyroid, Liver, and Kidneys.
  24. She says not really, but she can feel there's something there.
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