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Everything posted by taninthai

  1. Trying new guys 3g order white truffle and lava cake 200 bht per g……will report back
  2. I have never grinded weed in my life I like to pull buds apart and drop them in the spliff get weed with heavy tricholmes love just dropping them straight in a spliff???????????? decisions decision go for 7 g order from usual suppliers or go for some random I never tried before……..
  3. Problem with your advertising is every time I go look for these prices they are not there unless I want to order 7,14 or 28 g. my price point now is 250 bht a gram and I only order 1 gram testers of stuff I not tried or heard off before…..so that puts you guys and prikpot out of reach for me,would have thought as forum sponsors and wanting the users to support you you would have some incentives for us but appears not. I don’t doubt the quality off your weed it looks nice????
  4. Anyone tried these guys got 2 suppliers but fancy trying something different or any other recommendations. Got to be hard dense smelly and sticky buds.
  5. Thanks for clearing that up as I thought it’s seed companies hyping it up.
  6. I admit I’m confused mystified by some off this purple thai is a hybrid a cross of two plants so how can it also be one off the oldest natural breeds in thailand. why have we been smoking brick weed for the last 20 years. anyone care to explain enlighten me. just using this purple thai as an example as we been discussing it today.
  7. Really I never heard off it until today ,not seen it for sale anywhere. purple skunk and purple kush yes but purple thai never
  8. In the video above Interesting comments about the hybrids not being what they actually say they are same with the effects ,not being what they say they are……ties in with what I been thinking the last couple of years that for me the sativa seems to indica effects on me.
  9. Interesting video about all the different names and strains ,,more about marketing and sales obviously. agree with what the guy says they need to calm down a bit
  10. Purple Thai another one I never heard off and yet when you google it apparently one of the oldest native strains in thailand……..how come you never heard off or seen it it for 30 years then.
  11. Back in the day we use to eat a bit off raw solid ,,don’t really know why and don’t know if it ever affected me as always smoking too. never really heard of anyone just eating raw flowers,,why would you want to must taste pretty rank.
  12. Yeah they were invented in a stranger form as far back as 1960,then started appearing early 2000 more development 2010 and then the current range we know of now blue tooth etc started around 2016.
  13. Really ………wireless head phones come available 2016 so if you got very first pair released they be 7 years old. my senheisser had battery problems within 18 months they just replaced them with newer model at no cost
  14. It’s not a favorable exchange rate though????????????
  15. You’re smoking too much ????????????it was a comparison for the guy living in America who keeps posting irrelevant things on a Thai forum……..it’s about 10,000 rubles Russian anyway????????????
  16. It’s actually you doing the insulting though I am complaing about constant wrong info posted ,,,,,people told you you don’t store weed for 2 years and you insulted them and asked them to tell you how to store it instead of keep telling everyone they wrong. Then go onto claim you getting through ridiculous amounts 100 gram a week 250gram a month I seen you post????????as said that is proof of how bad quality the weed is,,,,,it’s not an insult it’s fact.
  17. No big deal we got this thailand around 130/140 dollar 28g
  18. The conversations on here are ridiculous you are now talking about buying cheapest lowest quality weed with virtually no thc and storing it for 2 years???????????????????????? And as for smoking or eating 10grams a day I call bs on that,that is not what weed is about no way is that much needed and it just shows the poor quality weed giving virtually no effect,very inexperienced and probably just getting placebo effect????????????. I would recommend go see someone maybe you have addiction if need that much. off coarse you take everything with a pinch of salt on here due to the amount of hero’s and experts
  19. Generally you wouldn’t store it for 1 or 2 years for the reason it will be rubbish after this time the idea is grow sell smoke keep it fresh,same with most products do you see users of fruit and veg buying multiple kg of product,no because over time lose freshness and quality of product. all this is regularly pointed out on here yet others still think they know better.
  20. I’m running out off cigarettes and rolling tobacco ,,anyone got good price on 1kg rolling Tabacco???????????? so much incorrect info on this forum it’s unreal ,,,, why does everyone seems to think there an expert and post incorrect info.
  21. Who knows why anyone wants that much,,,,,,,,maybe it make them feel like the bad boy drug dealer????????????????,you could show me 1 kg of the best weed there is and I still wouldn’t buy it yes for the reason you want a change and would rather have fresh batches????????
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