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Everything posted by taninthai

  1. I spent a couple off weeks with a guy that smokes all day ,,smokes spliffs like cigarettes actually gets through 20 cigs a day in the spliffs.,,,constantly drinks coffee aswell. it was like it didn’t really effect him much……..no fits of laughter ,no banter ,,,,,he seemed just a bit clumsy. I don’t really get/understand the use of weed like this ,,,,I do have days where I’m not busy and will just think f it I’m going to smoke all day today,obviously no,plans to go out and about.
  2. Correct……I have usufruct think house not even built when got my usufruct …..one day immigration asking for rental contract,,,,,I told them my house I not pay rent ,,,,they ask for proof🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣this is when I discovered it goes by original building permit receipts etc etc………..now I just tell them ex wife’s house I stay for free🤣🤣🤣
  3. This was this guys reply to me 1 month ago 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🤣talk or act like this to the locals and see what happens. I would love to hear other guys story quote You're not really contributing anything to this thread, why don't you take your 30 years of smoking and .............
  4. Beware if you stay that hotel it is located real far back you think it’s closed but have to drive right to very back and it opens up ,,,,pretty bizarre place arriving at night. It’s easy drive chiang mai to there I didn’t leave chiang mai till 11 am was messing around few stops along way.
  5. Done trip a few times just done it last month ,,,try heading to this place I stayed here place is ok include breakfast 700 bht https://maps.app.goo.gl/2UUh4AXT6LtXEUPt8?g_st=ic then them roads will take you down to the west of bangkok 321 is one of the roads you head for. This is the route down through Nakhon pathom
  6. And what if all them shops are controlled/supplied by one main guy/group,,,,,,,,,this is how big boys make money take every sale.
  7. Travelling around last month run out made some random purchases from shops in middle of nowhere ranging from 220 to 300 bht,,,,,,very average weed obviously much better and cheaper available on line. back home got now got from regular supplier yesterday all at 140 a gram,,,other pic is the normal free Thai out door given away.
  8. Topic is actually cheapest good weed ,,,,emphasis being on good. several posts are being made here recomending weed and we can see 3 people have replied saying they tried these recommendations and were not happy. Some of us been smoking in excess off 30 years we are not interested in the type of weed some newbie smokes once a day before bedtime and claims it to be some super weed.
  9. Over the years had many views over this saliva/indica……most off the time we didn’t have a choice it’s illegal not readily available so you smoke what’s available. Sometimes I used to think they effect me the other way round than what there supposed to ,then I would think I like the taste sative but the buzz off indica (which would make me awkward customer), now conclusion is smoke a few off any strain and all I want to do is sit and chill,,,,,,,as other posters said I know I’m cooked when I open web browser and forget what website I wanted to look at in a matter of seconds🤣🤣🤣definately not wanting to do anything exerting a lot of effort. having said that I can smoke this 30 bht weed and feel fine as in not wanting to sit and relax not actually feeling much at all really,more feeling restless because the weed not really done much . cutting grass after smoking indica 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣for me I enjoy the buzz much more if I cut the grass first then sit down roll a fat one and sit smoking it admiring my excellent work Completely chilled knowing I have accomplished my days tasks……. generally they grow different shapes and buds so you can tell the difference the indica being a lot more dense .
  10. You will get used to it people with nothing to do post crap all day everyday one off them changes his mind every week been called out on it many times with pictures showing him talking crap,,,,,it gives them something to do and they harmless really,,,,, yes I get given this type off weed for free almost daily I could send it too these guys for free but they like hunting there little so callled bargain 10 bht a gram weed out.
  11. I have had the 30 bht stuff binned it …..2 different 100bht stuff …should be 30 bht not strong at all ……..and 180 bht stuff smells ok not smoked it yet.
  12. I have tried some off this 30 bht weed think it was blue cheese,,,,,I say I tried I ordered it arrived I wouldn’t really smoke it…..arrived last week just left it really not smoked. have some god father at 180 g don’t rate that but only smoked a little of it( 2 buds pictured) My current favourite and up there with some of best I had is guava bomb was advertised on my local Facebook group guy delivers ,,,,fresh as soon as you open jar whole house stinks like Amsterdam coffee shop👍👍👍👍love this stuff …150 a gram pic in jar.
  13. Yep this lot are dreamers…rich in kief🤣🤣🤣🤣……they shook that all of and sell it separately
  14. Wrong post looking dental section😁😁😁😁😁
  15. The ones that know good weed probably do👍👍👍
  16. This is easily some off the best I have found in thailand, I been smoking 30 years,fresh super sticky and smelly 200/250 bht a gram,,,recommend white truffle ,Gary Payton,mindmelter. igrowman………facebook
  17. Nice live a couple off hours away from there just never actually got round to going,,,,will defo have to check it out thanks for info… back to weed yeah used Siam seeds a fair bit …..looks like they got some nice stuff going on.
  18. Is that khanom beach the one down south past surathanni
  19. I sent you message 2 weeks ago got a 2 word reply with no info what so ever,,,,,,I can’t work out if your selling weed or not🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  20. Seems website been simplified,,there was no other tabs apart from passport bio pic and recent selfie……..just see guy on other thread got same visa same simple process ,,,,,,bit strange but all good.
  21. Nice👍👍👍….that clears that up I could have got that then easily ….but I am staying 4 month so metv does me at cost off £150.
  22. The problem to get this 3 month visa now it asks for 800,000 in a Thai bank,,,well it doesn’t actually say Thai bank🤣🤣🤣how can you show that from uk i just got a metv instead.
  23. U.K. letter from Thai friend saying I stay there house copy off elec bill in U.K. for proof of residence. screenshot off flight booking(flight wasn’t paid it was screenshot before payment page) And that was it nothing else every other visa I got they wanted bank statements and letter showing accounts as I self employed this time that not asked for applied Sunday visa issued Wednesday (yesterday).
  24. Just got a metv this week didn’t ask for any bank statements/financial proof at all also didn’t ask for anything to do with employment,was really easy this time round didn’t even have flights booked just sent screenshot off preview screen off flight booking.
  25. ????????????????????????????I’m like this all the time????re thinking things making new plans????????????
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