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Posts posted by dharmabm

  1. @flash77 and @OxfordWill

    That is great.

    How about Thursday 9th October 19.00 in Soi 8?


    I think I can make that. @Cloggie, can you drag your ass up here that night?

    FYI, @urandom went back to France almost 2 years ago (you still listening frenchie?), and Soi8 bar has a different name now, but still the same ownership and atmosphere. I will try to find out the new name for those who never came to the old group, but it isn't hard to find... First nice bar on the left.

    @JohnnyJazz, you in?

    sent from my slimkat 1+ using tapatalk

  2. dammit, I just wrote a long detailed post which disappeared thanks to the incredibly spotty internet this weekend!

    Since others have made some of my points already, I will just say this - performance can be a bit frustrating at times but there are things you can do to improve it (lightweight skin, turn off RSS feeds, put system on a USB to avoid SDcard corruption, etc). Also, if your TV is CEC capable you can often just use your TV remote without any special configuration.

    I don't know about availability but I just heard about a new device called the bananapi, which is basically a slightly more powerful device which uses very similar hardware. Don't know of anyone porting any XBMC builds yet though. Also, i bought a cubox-4i a few months ago which might be worth looking into, although it took forever to ship here from Israel.

  3. ^ I'm like you. A while ago I posted an offer in this forum to start a club where like minded people can meet and learn from each others. No reply so far.

    I don't recall seeing this, but we had a Linux users group a few years ago that met monthly for a year or 2 until a number of members left the country and interest petered out. I have tried a few times since to stimulate some interest again but didn't get enough response to warrant taking the trip into town. Maybe now is a good time to try again? Seems like we're seeing quite a few new faces here of late.

    Sent from my SlimKat OnePlus using Tapatalk

  4. I think this is a really useful way of helping people frame their problems with Linux and hopefully will help them get a quicker resolution

    For me (and here I expect to get some flack) the thing holding Linux back from from really getting into the mainstream is the reliance on the terminal

    To help support my folks (who are in their 70's) for most issues they if they have windoze or OS X I can say click here, click here and tell me what it says - easy for them

    I would love for them to run Linux but to find the same info I'd have to tell them open terminal, type this

    Anyone I support, from my 70 year old parents to my biggest enterprise clients, I always make sure I have ssh access. As long as they have internet, I can solve the problem!

    Sent from my One A0001 using Tapatalk

  5. Personally, I'm not a big fan of any 'just like windows' distros for Linux newbies... If you want to take the jump you need to be willing to get your hands a little dirty ;) try lubuntu, mint or if you really want the experience, crunchbang or archbang. All can be run from livecd or a virtual machine, and will quickly give you a taste for what to expect. Come over from the dark side and see what freedom really means! ;)

    Sent from my SlimKat OnePlus using Tapatalk

  6. the likes of The Following, The 100 and loads of other good stuff.

    Thanks for the heads-up! Downloading all now from TD!

    Enjoy smile.png

    Woo-hoo! w00t.gif Just noticed that Dichen Lachman is in "The 100"!

    She's one of those bit-part actresses that gets my juices going...


    You sure she's a she? [emoji41]

    Sent from my SlimKat OnePlus using Tapatalk

  7. ADSL is probably more secure in that you can utilize/manage your own modem; DOCSIS/VDSL modems can/will be accessed by True if needed.

    this interests (and concerns) me, if i change the password they should not be able to access the modem, or do they have a back door? doesn't really matter i suppose, as everything behind the modem should be secure (at least i would hope! ;>}), but i am curious nonetheless.

  8. thanks again to everyone for their input - just came from true and they do in fact still offer the 15/1.5 docsis plan which i just signed up for, and they are installing tomorrow! i almost did the 20/2 plan but it was almost twice as expensive, and i am sure would make little difference in actual speeds. i was told i would have to discuss the modem with the technician who is supposed to call me before he comes, so i will be sure and tell him i don't want the thompson and get the login details from him during installation.

  9. Can you link to a page that gives adsl xdsl packages?

    What I see it True using the xDSL as an umbrella term for all DSL packages and then specifically referring to ADSL 10-16 mbps and VDSL 20-50 mbps.

    trueonline product-internet-xdsl

    I would say if they have an ADSL 13/1 and an XDSL 13/1, the later is a marketing goof.

    that was the page i was just going to link you to, and that's exactly what i thought. just wanted someone else to confirm as i seem to be very stupid lately blink.png

    the prices are the same as well, so i suppose there is no difference

  10. When I renewed mine a week ago there were Thais renewing there's we did not have to sit any question test it as we were only renewing our old licences however a lot of the Thais were struggling with the braking test you have to have your right foot on a pedal the light is green when it changes to red you have to move your foot to the brake pedal I was amazed how many of the Thais could not move quick enough by the time they had put there foot down on the brake the lights had gone above the permitted zone even after 6 attempts some were struggling and these are people who already have a licence !!,

    didn't you know? thai drivers brake with their left foot (and rest it there while on the motorway). why do you think the car in front of you in the right lane keeps having the brake light go on for no apparent reason?!

  11. first, thanks for all the replies so far. so the jogging of my memory was not that there is an issue with DDNS, but that you do not have access or control over your modem with docsis? ie. any changes to the modem have to be done by true and you cannot even set your own access password? if so, that is a definite no-go.

    @richcor, i am well aware of the technical aspects of xDSL, my question was specific to what true means by the difference between adsl and xdsl packages, from what i can read on their website it appears that an xdsl package from 10-16Mbps is adsl while 20-50Mbps is vdsl, so how does the xdsl 13Mbps package differ (if at all) from the standard adsl 13Mbps package? i'm not going above 13 anyways, as i would think that is just flushing baht down the toilet, but i am just curious as to why they differentiate between the 2.

    if my assumptions are correct i think i will just stick with my 13/1 adsl package for now, unless someone has any convincing reason why i should do otherwise. (BTW, my primary concern is with better upload speeds, not download)

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Is there anywhere you can buy or download an English version of the questions? What would be the Highway Code" in UK.

    Haven't found the questions yet but here is the Land Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (1979). Don't know if there is a more current version.

    Thanks Tywais. This should be pinned somewhere.

    i seem to recall when i came here some 7 years ago that i read or was told the rules are identical to those in the UK so that manual should be sufficient. no evidence to back that up, but that's what i remember. i don't think i took a written test (and definitely didn't take a driving test), just gave them my US walking ID (which they assumed was a foreign driver's license even though it said clearly on the front "THIS IS NOT A DRIVING LICENSE"), took the peripheral vision test, and away i went!

  13. I know this subject has been beaten to death, but I have a few very specific questions... I am moving to a new apartment and although I have been relatively satisfied with my True ADSL 13/1 service I am considering the possibility of switching to cable.

    I recall reading in one recent thread something about difficulties with DDNS using the cable modems, am I remembering correctly and if so what is the issue? DDNS is absolutely critical to my home network, so that would be a no-go if true.

    Are there any noticeable speed or reliability issues with one or the other (aside from the usual instability inherent in the entire backbone) when using comparable plans of the same relative speeds?

    Finally, can anyone shed some light on the xDSL packages? Technically, ADSL is a form of xDSL so I don't understand what they are differentiating and the website is incomprehensible.

    Finally, I do not want any routing or wireless, only a gateway. I prefer to do all my internal networking myself and have all the necessary equipment.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  14. According to the NetMarketShare website for May 14, Linux has a 1.62% market share of operating systems in use worldwide. The Windows market share consisting of the various versions (i.e., Win 7, XP, Win 8, Vista, etc) is 91%. Various Mac OS versions is the remaining approx 6%. If you are a hacker, you are probably going to concentrate your criminal talent towards the largest market share.

    See this NetMarkerShare Link for a May 14 OS market share breakdown.

    note this is DESKTOP market share, does not include the 10's (if not 100's) of thousands of servers running the backbone of the internet

  15. The only reason Mac and Linux get less infected is that less PC's run those operating systems, but in fact they are as vulnerable as Windows. It has nothing to do with better quality.

    In fact Open source OS is the most vulnerable of all, but it would affect the least people, so why bother

    The point is that the culprits who create the malware try to affect as much operating systems as possible with their treats, hence they write it for most widespread operating system.

    This post is such utter nonsense that it doesn't even warrant a response, except that TV members should be aware that he hasn't the slightest clue what he is talking about!

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus SlimKat using Tapatalk

    Strangely enough he is spot on. The criminals want the best bang for their buck so they target the msot common OS's.

    The Open Source bit is controversial subject; some think everyone seeing the source code makes it easier to write exploits, others say that the fact that everyone can see the source code makes it easier to spot them.

    But it is definitely less of a target than MS operating systems.

    So if his post is "utter nonsense" perhaps you'd care to share your opinion with us as to why?

    You are right Sir, in my haste to reply from my phone I did not edit properly - the first and third statements are valid enough, it is the second which is utter nonsense. This isn't the first time he has made such claims without any evidence to back it up. Regarding points 1 and 3 though, this only applies to desktop systems, let's not forget that only about 25% (if that) of the internet backbone is made up of Microsoft systems

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus SlimKat using Tapatalk

  16. The only reason Mac and Linux get less infected is that less PC's run those operating systems, but in fact they are as vulnerable as Windows. It has nothing to do with better quality.

    In fact Open source OS is the most vulnerable of all, but it would affect the least people, so why bother

    The point is that the culprits who create the malware try to affect as much operating systems as possible with their treats, hence they write it for most widespread operating system.

    This post is such utter nonsense that it doesn't even warrant a response, except that TV members should be aware that he hasn't the slightest clue what he is talking about!

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus SlimKat using Tapatalk

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