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Posts posted by dharmabm

  1. Good, it`s about time these measures were put into place and now that the types of security of Thailand is being scrutinised by the International communities, means these new rules are here to stay.

    This will make it much more difficult for criminals and possible terrorists to use Thailand as a bolt hole and a base for them to stay uncover, plus it will cut down the amounts of those of little wealth that have to hassle here to gain incomes and the undesirables.

    We can expect to see a lot less undesirable farangs that have no legitimate reasons to remain here long term in the future and Thailand will be a safer country for it.

    wow, oh really? well aren't you mister so high and mighty? and just how desirable do you find yourself, if you don't mind my asking?

    • Like 2
  2. i can only speak for zoneminder - depends on how old it is, but yes (to the first question). put as much memory in it as it will take (i would recommend at least 4gb, but i have run it on as little as 512mb), and you'll need a large disk if you want to keep alert events for any length of time. graphics card doesn't really matter if using IP cams. p4 or better is also a good idea but not strictly necessary. it really depends on how many cameras you plan to monitor. i have 16 old fashioned coax cameras running off 2 video capture cards on an intel core 2 model 15 (2.13ghz) with 4mb RAM and it gets to be a dog on occasion, but zoneminder can be tuned not to overtax minimal resources.

  3. First of all, if you are looking for similar jobs as you had in Korea, you will be paid half what you were earning. If you are looking into International schools ignore all posters above and your girlfriend. The best International schools hire at job fairs and from overseas. However since your degree isn't subject speficic, you won't have much luck for the best schools. Your Korean EFL experience will not be considered for international schools. Depending on the area you will live in Thailand, your pay will be between 30-40k baht. You will work the same kind of schedules you did in Korea. Teaching in Thailand pretty much sucks.

    You are a little old to have no future plan and to make whimsical choices to appease a girlfriend that you don't actually live with.

    Teaching in Thailand is a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Those claiming to have no degree and 80k baht a month salary are either FOS or extremely lucky. That is not by any stretch the norm.

    Your 6k USD savings will last you about 6 months and then you are SOL. Start up living costs are quite high.

    Build for a future or live a whirlwind life, that is a personal choice, but you don't really want to be 50 years old with nothing and a few years of fun experiences that will amount to nothing getting you a good job when you are spit out of Thailand.

    Come to Thailand with a plan and not by whim.

    just about everything in this post is inaccurate - first of all, i believe the minimum salary to be legally paid to a foreigner is 60-65k in order to obtain a work permit. the rest i am not going to bother to address.

    have a look at http://www.isat.or.th/schools , the thai school term is starting soon but most international schools are still trying to fill positions for next school year (if they have vacancies) which starts in late august. the 'best' do hire most from job fairs, but if you already live here they do not have to pay for relocation, and there are dozens if not more of international schools to choose from.

  4. +1 for hostgator, used them for years for several sites and never had any issues. 24 hour customer support via web chat and great service. they had been getting a pit pushy with trying to sell new services lately, but that seems to have eased off recently after they did a customer satisfaction survey.

  5. heartbleed was discovered because the source is open and anyone is able to review the code. there is no way on earth to know what proprietary SSL vendors like symantec are doing with your data, or what backdoors they have provided for themselves or government security agencies. coffee1.gif

  6. i'm not interested in debating this any further either, but to say it really doesn't have anything to do with being free (as in free beer) but free as in freedom, or free speech - you have FULL control over everything and FULL access to all source code - how do you know blueiris isn't forwarding all your security videos to the NSA? w00t.gif

  7. Blue iris costs 49$, I have posted a link where a free trial can be downloaded. I don't know zoneminder, but I know that Blue iris is very complete, and has apps for all platforms.

    1.Take a look on the forums related to homesecurity and they all advice blue iris.

    2.Which are the requirements that blue iris doesn't fulfill ?

    Edit : had a quick glance at zoneminder.

    3.Runs on linux only. Means needs separate server

    4.No android app

    5.Supports Mpeg, but seemingly not H.264 so needs about 10 times as much HDD space.

    6.I think if free zoneminder was the top, the forums wouldn't recommend a paid software.wink.png

    1. source(s)?

    2. home automation

    3. i run it in a VM, so technically not true
    4. 2 other very good apps i already mentioned, and several others available both free and paid
    5. h264 is supported, just takes a little more work
    6. well blueiris appears to only run on windows (so would need a separate server! thumbsup.gif), which rules it out for me (any many others). i'm not saying it isn't a great program, but when i was doing my research some time ago all the resources were putting iSpy up as the number 1 program for windows, maybe things have changed since then. i never said zoneminder was the best (although i think it is at least for my criteria), but it is free, easy and VERY flexible and configurable. all are free to make their own choices! wai.gif
  8. If you have the right software, Blueiris for example, it will send snapshots to you email account as soon as it detects any movement. You can enter in the settings how many and the timespan between each snapshot.

    So the pictures are in your email already when they reach your server.

    this isn't really the place to debate the merits of open source vs proprietary software, but whistling.gif

    how much does blueiris cost? (zoneminder is free)

    how configurable is blueiris, and can you write your own modules for it? (the OP stated he was not interested in proprietary systems)

    does blueiris manage home automation? (no, and the OP specifically said this was a wanted criteria)

    i'm sure the program works great for you, but it does not fulfill the requirements that were asked about (no offense intended)

  9. I use 4 D-Link wireless IP cams. They come with a D-Link remote access and I also hooked them to a surveillance system on our Synology home server. Basically all that moves is recorded.

    Problem only is that this is monitoring and not security, it will not prevent burglary or other incidents, therefore you will need active and passive security. Bars on windows, sirens, guards, etc.

    I've always wanted to ask this question:

    What do you do if the break in and steal your server, monitoring equipment, and/or recorder?

    i don't worry about breakins as i live in a relatively secure condo (if anyone broke in while i am away it would either be the maid, yams or their friends!), but zoneminder uploads all motion detection videos to an ftp server or other cloud storage, and is very easy to setup, so you would still have the evidence.

  10. I think it are indeed clones of the foscam, but you just said you paid 3000 Baht, that's not 100 extra but 800. The price of 2200 I mentioned is also for the outdoor type, the one on the left.

    No idea what the indoor version cost.

    By the way, you bought them in Thailand or online, always important in case of a warranty.

    that was a typo, i meant to write 1000 - but if you saw that i paid 3000 you also saw that i bought them locally from warf.com, who not only honor warranties but go far beyond - they gave me a free power supply when my 3 year old camera's got fried in a power surge. i do recall reading on a hacker forum though that the clones are actually unbranded foscams, so there is a chance that you could use foscam firmware on them but that is a chance i would not want to take. unless you are a teacher, if you are a foreigner living here then 1000 baht is insignificant to pay extra for a quality product, no? thumbsup.gif

  11. At the far left on the groundfloor of Phantip plaza is a guy who sells wireless/wired IP cameras at 2200 Baht. They are not the top of the range, but I have 9 of them installed for over 3 years now and no problem. The are day/night and have movement detection and come with free DDNS server account

    Enter Maygion in google for the firmware updates and some more information, they are some kind of open source.



    For surveillance software, have a look at BlueIris. It is simply the top. It will take video or snapshots and send them to your email or wherever you want. It has a lot of functions.It is available for windows, Android and Iphone


    that one on the right looks like a clone of the foscam i use - a great camera for the price, but i would probably advise spending the extra 100 baht for the genuine one, if for nothing less than the frequent firmware updates and support.

  12. Just a reminder, if you go the PC way, make sure you leave the PC/router turned on, and have a UPS for when the power fails, the other option of course is a proper alarm system, set up to text you if an alarm is triggered, No need to monitor any thing.

    Cameras dont stop crime and maybe not even help in catching perps.Grills on windows and secure door and alarm is the way to go.Just have escape route incase of fire.

    my cameras aren't so much for security but to keep an eye on my son and make sure our nanny/housekeeper isn't doing the bump and grind with her boyfriend while we are at work (which i did catch a few years ago)

  13. The only operating system is OSX, and all the great software that comes with it, beautifully packed in a Mac. A computer that a regular user can run for the next ten years. It's just amazing.

    Yes, but you can't file your FBAR with it

    Ah, another nonsense comment on Thaivisa...

    as was your original post! whistling.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

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