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Posts posted by lilkitty

  1. Are you having a problem with a direct question. You are diverting. Abhisit did not wait for 4 years. A military coup did just fine.

    Believe it or not I am not a red supporter but the ludicrous spewing is difficult to take. A reality check would do you good.

    You have a very good point. Neither did Abhisit wait for 4 years, after he lost the previous election to Samak.

  2. Guys,

    I think that is what we could very well see. The Thai government really puts it to these guys to give up Thaksin or face the hangman. They testify that he was behind it all. The government also has financial transactions. They go after those people. Same deal. They put it all on Thaksin. They dissolve the Peau Thai Party. Then they make it known that any future "Red Shirt Leaders" who claim to be willing to die better be prepared to actually do so.

    Then, perhaps, with the help of the US/UK, they are able to extradite Thaksin from one of these nations (This will probably be harder as long as the international press keeps backing him up) and that is the end of the Thaksin era.

    One thing I find a bit unbelievable in this whole story. Supposedly the government found hundreds of millions of Baht in the accounts of the red shirt leaders. Several red shirt leaders visited Thaksin in Dubai. Don't you think they would have opened accounts offshore and put the money there? Thaksin's money in Thailand was already confiscated, I don't think he would have put any more money on Thai accounts, and surely the red shirt leaders wouldn't have either.

    Your argument is hard to believe, for one thing it is illegal to take money out of the country without declaring it. These measures apply to Thais precisely to prevent corruption and illegal payments of this kind. It would be impossible for several of the leaders to do this without detection.

    I said nothing about taking money out of Thailand. Thaksin is in Dubai, so clearly any money used to fund the red shirts would have come into Thailand. The money I'm talking about is the money that the red shirt leaders allegedly received from Thaksin as payment. It's just hard to believe they would keep it in Thai bank accounts, since Thaksin's accounts were frozen and they must have surely known about the government keeping an eye on all their accounts.

  3. Yes, 100% as I have full confidence that authorities are not arresting Monks without cause just as they were not targeting reporters with snipers ... neither would serve any purpose and would only hurt their cause.

    Oh, and beyond your friend ... any link to prove your statement they were taken from the Temple?

    No doubt we will know more about what went on inside the temple when the smoke clears. There is at least one report that suggests this may turn out to be quite significant.


    I have no way of knowing whether this is true, but the story is going to have plenty of resonance in Baan Nok, especially when the wounded and the bodies are returned to the NE.

    Interesting article, thank you. No doubt stories like these will spread like wildfire in the North and North East.

  4. Guys,

    I think that is what we could very well see. The Thai government really puts it to these guys to give up Thaksin or face the hangman. They testify that he was behind it all. The government also has financial transactions. They go after those people. Same deal. They put it all on Thaksin. They dissolve the Peau Thai Party. Then they make it known that any future "Red Shirt Leaders" who claim to be willing to die better be prepared to actually do so.

    Then, perhaps, with the help of the US/UK, they are able to extradite Thaksin from one of these nations (This will probably be harder as long as the international press keeps backing him up) and that is the end of the Thaksin era.

    One thing I find a bit unbelievable in this whole story. Supposedly the government found hundreds of millions of Baht in the accounts of the red shirt leaders. Several red shirt leaders visited Thaksin in Dubai. Don't you think they would have opened accounts offshore and put the money there? Thaksin's money in Thailand was already confiscated, I don't think he would have put any more money on Thai accounts, and surely the red shirt leaders wouldn't have either.

    I am sure they all have o/s accounts, but the money over here was to fund operations and pay these scum bags on a day by day basis.

    A lot cheaper and more convenient than having every guy hop on airplane every few days to visit the paymaster in whatever country he is in. :)

    Possible, but there's also a problem with that. Arisman, Jatuporn, Weng or Veera couldn't just walk away from the rally site to make a withdrawal for 30 million Baht per day (what the rally supposedly cost per day) at the nearest ATM. And all bank branches were closed nearby. They most likely had the money somewhere in cash.

  5. As others have said ,last night seemingly pre-planned attack have brought the reasons for last two months activities into focus. With Arisman wanting to burn down Muslim mosques ( ethnic cleansing ) Thaksins aims have become clearer, to create a Thai version of Burma with Arisman as Minister of Culture , Weng as Information Minister, Jatuporn as Foreign Minister and Nattawut as Chief Creep and Thaksin as El Presidente for life.

    Do you have a credible source for this statement? Or is that your opinion?

    Hi , some sources ,some opinion , I am an observer and a resident , I pay tax here but as a farang I cant be involved in the way we can in our own countries. I have met Thaksin, lunched with him and just a couple of other people. it does not make me an expert in any sense but I have some feeling about him.


    Re Mosques :Arisman -refer video clip in this posting,

    Re Burma: opinion but based on Thaksins statements about the Burmese Generals doing a good job and that democracy has different meanings

    If you have the time please read through this , interesting insight to Thaksin meaning about demecracy which might explain why none of the Red could ever define what they meant about democracy. It was in this context that T made comments about the Generals being what Burma needed.


    Other comments Arisman said he would be Culture Minister when asked by a reporter after the SC park escape, Same as SD said he would be head of the Army under new Gov. maybe loose talk or maybe part of the bonus plan.

    So, no real evidence then of Arisman saying he would be Culture Minister, etc.? Just "hear say"? That's fine.

  6. Guys,

    I think that is what we could very well see. The Thai government really puts it to these guys to give up Thaksin or face the hangman. They testify that he was behind it all. The government also has financial transactions. They go after those people. Same deal. They put it all on Thaksin. They dissolve the Peau Thai Party. Then they make it known that any future "Red Shirt Leaders" who claim to be willing to die better be prepared to actually do so.

    Then, perhaps, with the help of the US/UK, they are able to extradite Thaksin from one of these nations (This will probably be harder as long as the international press keeps backing him up) and that is the end of the Thaksin era.

    One thing I find a bit unbelievable in this whole story. Supposedly the government found hundreds of millions of Baht in the accounts of the red shirt leaders. Several red shirt leaders visited Thaksin in Dubai. Don't you think they would have opened accounts offshore and put the money there? Thaksin's money in Thailand was already confiscated, I don't think he would have put any more money on Thai accounts, and surely the red shirt leaders wouldn't have either.

  7. Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

    Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

    I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election. That would be a clear signal.

    Next election! When?

    A timely election is precisely what would have prevented this.

    Unfortunately, some elements above the red shirt movement prevented this as they wanted their own conditions added. The red shirt movement is a "complicated mix" of people who want to see real change (the rural poor), one person that found an opportunity to direct them to his benefit (Thaksin), and bad people that got attached for their own personal interests (thugs and Bangkok's mafia groups).

    Abhisit now has a chance to steer the country into the right direction and fix at least some of the deep divisions in Thailand, by calling an election before his time in office is up in 2011, and hopefully be able to put to rest the concerns of the rural poor. We'll see if he does.

  8. Here's somebody predicting it a few days earlier:

    I'm lost for words too.

    Anyone here know that idiot? I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like 5 minutes alone with him.

    Thanks for posting and agreed, totally left speechless by this guy.

    Here's a screen capture shot of the offender:


    Is that the same guy as I captured in this photo here - look at the lower left:


    Could be, but it's hard to tell. The tattoos on his arm are certainly there, but the watch is missing. Doesn't mean anything, though. In my opinion, it's a 90% chance it's him.

  9. Is anyone in prison from the riots last year?

    Well, Newin is effectively the blue shirts leader. The red shirts leader are in prison because there were armed red shirts running around. And clearly last year there were armed blue shirts running around. But Newin is still part of the coalition government. Without the "Friends of Newin", Abhisit wouldn't even be PM as he didn't have the majority. So maybe that's why? Amazing Thailand.

  10. You've posted the same thing twice on different threads, so same question - that was over a year ago. You support the arson and looting, will you at least say you are against arsonists trying to kill fireman trying to put out the fires?

    Why do you keep saying I support arson and looting? You're a liar, simple as that. I never said that. Please find where I said that and then quote me. Otherwise you're a liar, sorry. But you apparently have no answer to the fact that Newin is running his own private armed army without the legal consequences. So you have to make up lies to divert. Nice try.

  11. Abhisit is unquestionably an honest leader and I believe he is on the path to proving himself to become one of the greatest PM's Thailand has ever had.

    Edit: I am so looking forward to his getting a chance to make that trip to the US and allow him and Obama to get together. I have no doubt they are going to hit it off great and we are going to see an ever stronger relationship between the two countries.

    Unquestionably honest as in ..when he said on BBC that he would step down for the good of the country if the situation would "get worse" in Thailand? That was when the protesters were only blocking Rajprasong and there was no civil war yet in Thailand. Thankfully it didn't get any worse from there. :)

    Things are looking dam_n GOOD for the country right now ... just not looking too good for lawless violent law breakers.

    So, what about these guys? That's Newin and his own private army, running around with weapons in Pattaya last year. Why aren't they in prison as well? Or does he have a special permit to run his own army of armed thugs without facing legal consequences? If so, where can you apply for this special permit?




  12. Can someone tell me why Newin is still part of the coalition government, after directing his own little private army of "blue shirts" during last year's Pattaya riots? The first picture is Newin on a motorbike, the other photos are self-explaining (note the blue shirts are armed):

    Just deflecting from the real criminals- that was over a year ago. we're talking about NOW. You obviously support the arson and looting, but how do you defend trying to kill fireman trying to put out fires?

    No, I don't. But if it was 1 year ago, why is he still part of the coalition government? Obviously Newin also has his own armed private army. Can I have my own army too? Or is that a "special privilege"? As far as I know, the red shirts were labeled terrorists because they were armed and not "peaceful protesters". What about Newin's armed thugs?

  13. "Bangkok govornor: Bt100 million needed to restore and renovate the city. /via @veen_NT

    TAN: INN: Education Minister will hold a meeting 2 evaluate situ to consider whether opening of school terms in Bkk needed to be postponed "

    I know the Baht is strong at the moment, but Bt100 million wouldn't restore much

    100 million Baht? Roughly 3 million USD? Thank god we have a governor that knows so much about finances. All my worries are put to rest now.

  14. Abhisit is unquestionably an honest leader and I believe he is on the path to proving himself to become one of the greatest PM's Thailand has ever had.

    Edit: I am so looking forward to his getting a chance to make that trip to the US and allow him and Obama to get together. I have no doubt they are going to hit it off great and we are going to see an ever stronger relationship between the two countries.

    Unquestionably honest as in ..when he said on BBC that he would step down for the good of the country if the situation would "get worse" in Thailand? That was when the protesters were only blocking Rajprasong and there was no civil war yet in Thailand. Thankfully it didn't get any worse from there. :)

  15. Evidently from this TAN News tidbit; the 'peaceful protestors' in front of the red-rabble stage at Rachaprasong were a little heavy handed after Central World started burning, and filled their pockets before they reported for the government's free bus ride back to Nakhon Nowhere.
    TAN: Luxury items found on some red shirt protesters returning home on buses. Some valued over 10,000 THB

    Oh, before the ever present foreign sock-puppet red apologists weigh in with their 2 satang's worth; here's a correction. They're probably 'fake reds' :D , or yellows dressed as reds :D , or ninja warriors dressed as reds :D , or maybe monks dressed as reds :D (Red apologists pick one), what is apparent that they are NOT is the 'dark blue shirt evil doers' as alleged by one of the red leaders when asked if reds were looting. Why would 'dark-blue-shirt-evil-doers' take the free bus home to Nakhon Nowhere?

    Just maybe they're nothing more than plain rank-n-file sheep-like red protestors who didn't get their last pay check before their 'party was crashed' and decided to 'settle up' how ever they could.. :D

    A truly magnificent post :D

    I think some people didn't quite understand the "hint at blue" from one of the red shirt leaders. Remember during the riots in Pattaya last year? Newin was spotted there driving on a motorbike, directing his thugs, while wearing blue. Every Thai knows that "blue" stands for Newin just as much as "red" and "yellow" stand for the other 2 groups.


    Newin also has his own little private army of "blue shirts":



    Ooops...are they armed? :D Can you spot the handgun? This was last year in Pattaya by the way. How come these armed terrorists are not arrested? :)

    Here are even some videos of them in Pattaya last year:

    Can someone explain to me why Newin is still part of the coalition government?

  16. ^ From what I hear the reputation of monks right now is in severe disrepute.

    Wasn't one caught on camera doing the hospital raid?

    I don't know about that. But religion and something else are usually the top 2 priorities of any Thai. They seem to lose respect for their religion, and of the other thing surprisingly we haven't even heard a beep.

    If these Monks are breaking the law and breaking the rules of the Monk then it is sad "they seem to lose respect for their religion"

    but I will wait for official reports before believing your friend, lol

    You probably won't ever seen an official report on this. It'll get sweeped under the carpet. Remember the Rohingya incident, when the army pulled boats full of refugees onto the open ocean without food, water or gas? Abhisit promised an investigation on that. We never heard anything about it anymore since. It's in the UN Human Rights Watch report on Thailand if you want to know more about it.

  17. This photo in particular is the most concerning to me. I asked one of my Thai friends if he knew anything more about it. And it seems these are not the "fake monks" that everyone has been talking about, but the actual monks of the temple that is near the protest site at Rajprasong. Apparently when the army came in, they were rounded up, thrown to the floor and cuffed until it could be determined that they were real monks. I saw another photo of them somewhere yesterday from a Thai newspaper, laying on the floor with their eyes blindfolded in front of the soldiers' feet. If you understand a little about Thai culture and the respect for monks, especially them laying at the feet of soldiers, I believe you understand where my concerns come from. I'll try and find the other photo again, as well.


    Regardless, they were breaking the law.

    Are you sure they were breaking the law? After all, they were in their temple. And from what I've seen they were sheltering women and children inside the temple and saving their lives.

  18. This photo in particular is the most concerning to me. I asked one of my Thai friends if he knew anything more about it. And it seems these are not the "fake monks" that everyone has been talking about, but the actual monks of the temple that is near the protest site at Rajprasong. Apparently when the army came in, they were rounded up, thrown to the floor and cuffed until it could be determined that they were real monks. I saw another photo of them somewhere yesterday from a Thai newspaper, laying on the floor with their eyes blindfolded in front of the soldiers' feet. If you understand a little about Thai culture and the respect for monks, especially them laying at the feet of soldiers, I believe you understand where my concerns come from. I'll try and find the other photo again, as well.


    Regardless, they were breaking the law.

    But be honest lilkitty, is this you dressed in black in this video? :)

    Can't stop with the silly accusations, huh? If you look at the video, I was posting on ThaiVisa when it was taken. Must have been you.

  19. ^ From what I hear the reputation of monks right now is in severe disrepute.

    Wasn't one caught on camera doing the hospital raid?

    I don't know about that. But religion and something else are usually the top 2 priorities of any Thai. They seem to lose respect for their religion, and of the other thing surprisingly we haven't even heard a beep.

  20. This photo in particular is the most concerning to me. I asked one of my Thai friends if he knew anything more about it. And it seems these are not the "fake monks" that everyone has been talking about, but the actual monks of the temple that is near the protest site at Rajprasong. Apparently when the army came in, they were rounded up, thrown to the floor and cuffed until it could be determined that they were real monks. I saw another photo of them somewhere yesterday from a Thai newspaper, laying on the floor with their eyes blindfolded in front of the soldiers' feet. If you understand a little about Thai culture and the respect for monks, especially them laying at the feet of soldiers, I believe you understand where my concerns come from. I'll try and find the other photo again, as well.


  21. CNN.doc Zeze Na Pombejra: Open Letter to CNN International

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    Recently, CNN Thailand Correspondents Dan Rivers and Sarah Snider have made me seriously reconsider your agency as a source for reliable and accurate unbiased news. As of this writing, over thousands of CNN's viewers have already begun to question the accuracy and dependability of its reporting as regards events in Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, etc., in addition to Bangkok.

    เร็วๆนี้ ผู้สื่อข่าว CNN ประจำ ประเทศไทย แดน ริเวอร์ และ ซาร่าห์ ซไนเดอร์ ทำให้ดิฉันต้องกลับมาพิจารณาอย่างจริงจังว่าข่าวของสำนักข่าวของคุณเป็น แหล่งข่าวที่เชื่อถือได้ มีความถูกต้อง และไม่เอนเอียงไปข้างใดข้างหนึ่งหรือไม่ ในขณะที่ดิฉันกำลังเขียนจดหมายฉบับนี้ มีผู้เสพข่าวของ CNN กำลัง ตั้งคำถามถึงความแม่นยำและแหล่งข่าวในการนำเสนอเหตุการณืที่เกิดขึ้นใน อาฟกานิสสถาน ไฮติ อิรัก อิหร่าน เป็นต้น .. เพิ่มเติมจากการเสนอข่าวในกรุงเทพมหานคร

    Now that is pure class...would love to CNN's reply

    p.s. Could you pls do another one and send it to the BBC...they were/are just as bad

    I edited it to apply to BBC, sent it to them on their official website requesting a reply. I instantly received a generic message saying they would reply. You guessed it. No reply.

    I wouldn't expect them to answer to such childish requests anyways. They have better things to do. So, don't be surprised if you don't get a response. :)

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