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Posts posted by lilkitty

  1. - We have seen people call for Seh Daeng to be arrested or shot and claim that violence will stop when it happens.

    - He got shot and it got much worse.

    - We have seen people call for red shirt leaders to be arrested or shot and claim that everything will end.

    - They were arrested and it got much worse.

    - Now we're seeing people calling for Thaksin to be shot or extradited.

    It won't end simply because Seh Daeng, the red shirt leaders or Thaksin are gone. This has moved beyond them. Everyone that was angry at the government or at those that support them has found their way to voice that anger, and some of them have even put it into violent actions, unfortunately.

    Thailand needs a change in government, even if it means giving power to one of the smaller parties. The wounds are too deep. They won't heal with the current government in power. It will just get much worse.

  2. I'm kind of wondering why the fire extinguishers in Central World didn't work. Possibly because the government turned off the water?

    It wouldn't have burned down unless someone set a fire. Duh!

    Of course, that's obvious. But insurance companies will surely be looking into why the sprinklers didn't work. And if it was because the water was turned off, I smell a lawsuit coming.

  3. Not to step on anybody's feet, but I actually asked myself the same question. Does Central World not have a sprinkle system? If it does, and I think it must have one, why did it not work? Now I won't blame the government for it, but the question why the fire extinguishers in Central World didn't work sounds reasonable to me.

    Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about the firefighters, but they DO have sprinklers inside the building. There's one like every few feet. It might have been because the water was switched off. Great planning whoever did it.

  4. I just got the same and it's a bit concerning. Not that I cant live without FB, but info control under any circumstances is a slippery slope. Skyping my friend in China to see how to skirt the block, but not sure if I can be bothered...I guess the reds and Taksin cronies dont tweet? Twitter is still up and running...

    Some solutions:



    Google for proxy server

    It's illegal in Thailand and punishable by jail. Welcome to Democracy.

  5. I still can't believe some posters are still blaming the government for this disaster.

    Bangkok was a pretty happy and normal place before the reds came and screwed everything up until the end of March.

    All they had to do was go home and wait six months for new elections. But no, they just wanted to screw up the place.

    Instead of arson or burning places up with their free time because of envy, jealousy or anger why don't these people actually try and get a job and work like the remaining millions of Bangkokians.

    I think its some kind of P.R OR trolling as most of these people have joined thai visa in the last few days either that or Glenn Beck is reporting the story on fox news. :)

    You may be correct about some Trolling (on each side, I'd wager).

    But don't assume that all those who disagree with your opinions (because that's all they are.....opinions) are Trolls or even, dare I say it, incorrect.

    Some of us believe ourselves capable of looking at a situation, weighing up the evidence and then reaching something approaching a conclusion based upon our observations.

    I'm not Thai (although I do have an interest in the welfare of Thailand - as do many or most of we who post here), but I can still have an opinion (which may be correct or otherwise). My opinion is that democracy = an elected Government (an elected leader would be nice, too).

    If the current Thai Government really believe themselves to be legitimate, why not prove it and ask the people to democratically elect them?

    Yesterday's protester is often tomorrow's terrorist if he is not negotiated with.

    The Thai Government risk making matters far, far worse (there goes my opinion again) by their rubbish handling of this situation.

    100,000 red-shirted protesters, out in the open, are easier to deal (and negotiate) with than 100 terrorists planting bombs, shooting members of authority and performing other acts aimed at crippling or, at least, denting the country's economy.

    You would have assumed the Thai PM, an English born and bred chap, educated at Oxbridge would have been capable of holding a conversation now, wouldn't you?

    Well, his reason for not calling immediate election was that chaos would erupt. Oh wait, we have that now anyways. Doh!!!! :D:D

  6. I took these shots at Ratchayothin junction, about 3 hours before the curfew started.





    Yes I have seen this type of thing at many Tesco even before today, but it would seem they are boycotting the cp brand wieners today. :) I am glad I don't eat meat, I would die if that was all that was left. Why don't they have an express lane? This is Bangkok right? :D

    Does that mean people are supporting the red shirts then? Because CP brand are yellow-shirt supporters. Abhisit's father served or still serves on the board of directors of CP.

  7. Time to call in the big time high priced BOUNTY HUNTERS.. Have Gun Will Travel..

    Raise the Bounty on his head to 1 million+{Dollars} and then maybe someone would go after him. I am sure there are many People in Bangkok that would be happy to pitch in, and the pot would probably grow into the millions. {Dead or alive}

    I'm pretty sure supporting and planning assassinations is not only against the forum rules, but also against the law.

  8. Terrorism charges will do wonders for national reconciliation. :)

    It actually should do wonders in terms of starting to show what a corrupt evil little man he is and help the feeble minded who fell for the BS of putting him in a higher light than the average man. Basically to a status of being worshiped. They need to be woken from their sleep and see this man for what he is and how he used them for his own gains.

    It will stir up more violent red shirts, but what will it do for national reconciliation? Nothing.

    And it won't help either to extradite Thaksin.

  9. It is a true shame that Thaksin is such a corrupt self serving individual and apparently now he's a terrorist. For he is truly a master of the political game. If he had only directed that political skill at the social ills of this country instead of at his families' fortune.

    That he could master mind this tragedy from Europe and still find time to flaunt his ability to shop at a high end Paris boutique while the Bangkok elite are banned from the same ability by his own thugs, and now will be for some time. The symbolism in that one photo that was "captured" by someone in Paris that recognized Thaksin, is interesting.

    This incredibly inept self serving government had ample opportunity to prevent or minimize the bloodshed. Were they able to do it; did they want to do it? No, they wandered into the well laid traps of his ambush as if compelled by their own arrogance and greed for power. Even after countless signs were put up on the trail prior to the ambush. "All these thugs want are bloodshed!" "They are not really negotiating, they are just dragging it out!" "These people don't want new elections. They just want to flaunt the government!" Thaksin knew that if his men taunted, challenged, and made them lose face he would get his bloodshed. You knew watching Ahibisit, on TV last week, that they were successful and that today was inevitable.It is interesting that after all this time, as soon as the government does a full on attack of the protesters (April 10 wasn't bad enough) the Red leaders throw up their hands and surrender. Now they will lawyer up, money up, and plead that their protests were entirely peaceful as they have been doing from the beginning. Claim that they were not associated with the men in black.

    The men in black, I wonder how they will be tied to this, oh yea, Seh Deang. But he's dead.

    Now the red shirts or what ever they re-incarnate themselves as in the next election, if this government can bring itself to have another election, will be using the images of this bloody crack down to entice the votes out of the poor ignorant red rabble that supports Thaksin and have won 3 elections already for him and his party. They won't even have to buy the votes. But I'm sure they will, just to be sure.

    I don't want anyone to think that I admire Thaksin, I just don't think the current government is much different. They call Thaksin the number 1 criminal, only because he is so much better at it then the rest of the political leadership of this country. This attempt at placing a Terrorism label on him will be just as ineffectual as their handling of the "RED CRISIS!"

    I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their "share" off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

    Excellent post :)

    The most amazing thing is that Thaksin can apparently control the entire chaos in Bangkok while shopping at Louis Vuitton in Paris, but the government can't control the troops and bring the chaos to an end, actually being in Bangkok. Whatever he's using, iPhone or Blackberry, the government must get one of those immediately. I remember watching in the news, during the volcanic ash airport closures, the Norwegian PM said that he was running the country from his iPad while stuck at the airport.

  10. Terrorism charges will do wonders for national reconciliation. :)

    The crackdown did wonders, didn't it? Things have really improved since. :D

    I'm still firm on my belief that keeping the protesters at Rajprasong while keeping the negotiations going would have been a lot better for Thailand. Before it was just Rajprasong. Now it's still Rajprasong AND the entire country on top.

    Just wondering why the Democrat senators that went to negotiate last night weren't given a chance. After all they had agreed on tri-party (government, senators & red shirts) negotiations in the morning.

  11. Update: ATM machines to shut down nationwide during curfew period.

    A few hours ago, bank officials said that ATM machines would remain up and running. Telling people not to panic.

    Freaking liars. :)

    This cat came out, where is the pig of the earth? No more salary? and you don't stop? Your friends are burning Thailand, and you still open your mouth?

    Why exactly are you insulting me? Please find where I said that I supported burning down Thailand. I never said that. Either you got me confused with someone else or you've lost your marbles.

  12. Are you guys SERIOUSLY still staying faithful to the line that all this happens merely because people got paid a couple baht? Surely it's time to open your eyes to the wider issues in the country?

    (Don't let me stop you though if you're happy in your bubble, enjoy it while it lasts. )

    Of course. Someone got a 500 Baht bill and then he ran off with it straight towards Central World and started burning it down. Only in Amazing Thailand you can find someone to burn down Asia's 2nd largest shopping mall for less money than my last car wash cost.

  13. The reds showing their true colors, yet again. Not fake reds. REAL reds. For any remaining red terror sympathizers, what will it take to make you see the light? This movement is PURE EVIL.

    The red shirts in Bangkok. The absolute WORST house guests in the history of the world! We said you could crash on the sofa, not burn down the city!

    Probably 90% of redare ashamed what is happening. Do not forget that moderate reds wanted to accept the road. Reds basically had legitimate requests and the best it could happen in the future is that politicians LISTEN and HEAR what 90% of Thai people (reds) have to say. All reds are not violent.

    NO! I don't accept that answer and either will the majority in Thailand. If it was true why didn't these so called mainstream reds KICK OUT all violent people and leaders after Black Songkran? They didn't even denounce the terrorism then. You aren't fooling anyone. This is a violent movement and it won't change, no matter how much money Thaksin spends on shyster lawyers.

    Looks like 40% of Thais are violent people then. Shocking statistic!

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