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Posts posted by lilkitty

  1. Here is another interesting article:

    Abhisit's dad spends B300,000 a month on security for his son

    * Published: 3/02/2010 at 12:00 AM

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's father is spending about 300,000 baht a month from his own pocket to protect his son and his family from attack.

    The government provides funds for the protection of the government leader, but Mr Abhisit's father Atthasit, a former Mahidol University dean, has spent his own money on security, a source close to the prime minister said yesterday.

    Dr Atthasit has spent about 300,000 baht on security protection for his son every month since the prime minister became the subject of a string of threats, including Monday's incident in which excrement was thrown into his house compound.

    How does a simple medical doctor he claims to be have the money to spend 300,000 Baht per month only on security? Surely his retirement funds must soon be completely gone. That's 3.6 million Baht (over $100,000+) spent on security per year.

  2. Was Sudarat on the list? She has been churning out the money, her BKK mafia and killers on a daily basis

    If you are right, I would expect some Dems to start leaking all kind of stuff starting right now just to rile their supporters and Bangkokians. Any talks will favour Jatuporn etc and not the Dems and I would expect them to make it well known

    How about including in the list that Abhisit's father served on the board of directors of one of the heaviest PAD-financing companies? By supporting the PAD with money for their demonstrations, he eventually paved the way for his son to become Prime Minister.

    Interesting fact. Can you name the company? I was under the impression his father was a medical doctor (his mother, too).

    Charoen Pokphand Foods, part of Charoen Pokphand Group. Does "CP" or "CP Group" ring a bell? It must ring a bell to anyone that lives in Thailand. Interestingly, a meeting with CP Group was one of the first things Abhisit did after becoming Prime Minister.

  3. Was Sudarat on the list? She has been churning out the money, her BKK mafia and killers on a daily basis

    If you are right, I would expect some Dems to start leaking all kind of stuff starting right now just to rile their supporters and Bangkokians. Any talks will favour Jatuporn etc and not the Dems and I would expect them to make it well known

    How about including in the list that Abhisit's father served on the board of directors of one of the heaviest PAD-financing companies? By supporting the PAD with money for their demonstrations, he eventually paved the way for his son to become Prime Minister.

  4. Update: Govt may soon leak financial info of some red leaders that could make many jaws drop. /via @tulsathit

    What I would like to see is the government stating on live TV how Abhisit's father served on the board of directors of one of the biggest companies financing the yellow PAD, which then resulted in his son becomign Prime Minister.


  5. Here is some red propaganda for you to bash.

    "The current government did not come to power through a "normal democratic process". The party currently in power boycotted an election they knew they would lose as a first step in their rejection of democracy. Next the elected government was overthrown in a military coup, then the junta re-wrote the constitution and used the new law retroactively to dissolve the country's most popular party and ban senior politicians who had not even been accused (let alone convicted) of any crime. With their new law and institutions in place, the junta braved elections but when the result again went against them they used their legal code and control of the judiciary to eject a sitting prime minister for appearing to profit from a cooking show, then again dissolved the countries most popular party; and after thus laying waste to the opposition (all politicians elected through a normal democratic process) they were finally able to cobble together a coalition that included Newin's party, who, although banned for previous activities, was somehow allowed to continue as leader of his party as long as he switched sides.

    I would hardly call that a normal democratic process.

    This history may explain, in part, the reds doubting the sincerity of Abhisit's quickly withdrawn offer of elections in November."

    Exceptionally well written post.

  6. Thai TV now showing red shirt who shot soldier after other reds pulled from truck

    I watched this video, it is revolting!

    The soldier pulled from the truck was unarmed, removed his hat, waied everyone before being beaten and shot!!!

    Explain that, Lilkitty!

    Was he really shot? There was no army death or injury reported in the area of Din Daeng on the day this happened. This didn't happen today or yesterday. The video is several days old. Why didn't the army, who are always keeping everyone up to date with army deaths and injuries, report this? In my opinion, the soldier simply "played dead". That's just my opinion. Please feel free to give an explanation though on why the army didn't report this until today. The video has been on YouTube for nearly a week.

    But if he is "only" dangerous injured, you defend the action?

    No, of course I don't. I don't support violence from either side. All I'm saying is that there has been no injury reported from the army in this area on that day, and neither the next day, until today when the clip was shown. And it has been on YouTube for nearly a week.

  7. Thai TV now showing red shirt who shot soldier after other reds pulled from truck

    I watched this video, it is revolting!

    The soldier pulled from the truck was unarmed, removed his hat, waied everyone before being beaten and shot!!!

    Explain that, Lilkitty!

    Was he really shot? There was no army death or injury reported in the area of Din Daeng on the day this happened. This didn't happen today or yesterday. The video is several days old. Why didn't the army, who are always keeping everyone up to date with army deaths and injuries, report this? In my opinion, the soldier simply "played dead". That's just my opinion. Please feel free to give an explanation though on why the army didn't report this until today. The video has been on YouTube for nearly a week.

  8. That baby shouldn't be there in the first place, you're right. But also:

    Nobody shooting at the baby = baby not human shield.

    OMG - did you just say that unless someone actually physically shots the baby it is not a human shield?

    Sorry, should have said:

    Nobody pointing a gun at the baby = baby not human shield.

    I really hope you're not going to execute me for my mistake.

  9. Ok, here's another:

    Lots of question have been asked how it was that for a couple of days, no army personnel were killed, but red shirt protesters were killed.

    I didn't see a post that said well, the red shirt protesters are out there in shorts and a t-shirt, while the army guys are out there in full kit - decent helmets (not the 360 baht Tesco eggshells), full flak jackets, and so on. So if an army guy gets hit in the flak jacket, he goes down, but isn't killed; and other than a fair amount of ache for a couple of days, he really isn't injured badly at all.

    I don't know, of course...just another thought.

    (Warning: Heavy sarcasm ahead)

    You're absolutely wrong there have been absolutely no civilian casualties. Only army personnel have been killed so far. All the deaths are from the red shirts either shooting themselves, or the red shirts shooting the army. The army is taking the utmost care not to shoot any civilians, even though its pitch dark and they're shooting without seeing anything, they are still not hitting civilians, which is very admirable.

  10. AFP: "I stand with my countrymen in this terrible hour in our history," Thaksin said in a statement.

    AFP: "The pictures that I have seen go beyond any nightmares that could have been envisaged." said Thaksin

    AFP: "I have no choice but to state resolutely the need for all sides to step back from this terrible abyss." Said Thaksin

    AFP: "Seek to begin a new, genuine and sincere dialogue between the parties," he said.

    AFP "The present action of the government dishonour our history and will forever weaken our institutions and democracy." Said Thaksin.

    now for some retail therapy as I've come over all emotional

    Marie Claire team spotted REAL Thaksin Shinawatra at Louis Vuitton Champ Elysee on Sat May 15th


    the man is as shallow as he is conniving - certainly looks like he is truly grieving.

    Where is Kasit telling us that Thailand is doing everything it can to track him down and that he has been barred from everywhere in the world. Seems like if he is on the Champs Elysees that the Europeans really don't have too much of an issue with him being there at all.

    Don't worry, I'm sure Kasit is summoning the French Ambassador as we type for a heavy spanking for allowing Thaksin to go for shopping in Paris. That will teach the French!

  11. Map showing new Red Shirt Rally Stage in Khlong Toei http://bit.ly/cBideG - 1000's of Reds there already! /via @richardBarrow

    Is it me or is the army not really making any progress? Instead of just having a stage at Rajprasong, they now have 2 stages, another one set-up at Klong Toei, also with thousands of red shirts, probably also being fortified with bamboo sticks and tyres. It looks like the attempt to make them "smaller" has just "expanded" them.

  12. The yellow shirts and especially their leaders committed acts of terrorism, by leading their followers to take over a government building and hold it hostage for nearly a year,

    It is nearly a year now that the yellows did these things? Wow. The further away an event is, the further distorted is the truth...

    It's where it all started. So it is relevant.

    No Pussy, it started with a convicted fraudster, pocketing millions of dollars & the deaths of hundreds of innocents with his so-called 'war on drugs'.

    He's a very naughty boy.

    Might have even started a bit earlier, when Sondhi brought Thaksin to power and called him "the best PM Thailand ever had". Something must have happened that these 2 aren't friends anymore. If they could make up and make out again ( :) ) I'm sure things would generally improve in Thailand.

  13. AFP: "I stand with my countrymen in this terrible hour in our history," Thaksin said in a statement.

    AFP: "The pictures that I have seen go beyond any nightmares that could have been envisaged." said Thaksin

    AFP: "I have no choice but to state resolutely the need for all sides to step back from this terrible abyss." Said Thaksin

    AFP: "Seek to begin a new, genuine and sincere dialogue between the parties," he said.

    AFP "The present action of the government dishonour our history and will forever weaken our institutions and democracy." Said Thaksin.

    now for some retail therapy as I've come over all emotional

    Marie Claire team spotted REAL Thaksin Shinawatra at Louis Vuitton Champ Elysee on Sat May 15th


    the man is as shallow as he is conniving - certainly looks like he is truly grieving.

    So glad to see Abhisit and Suthep on the contrary are out on the streets fighting with their soldiers. Aren't you?

  14. Personally, I'm not concerned about the armed red shirts getting shot at. They have weapons to defend themselves, so it's a somewhat fair fight. What I'm worried about is the thousands of elderly, women and children, that have no way to defend themselves and are basically facing execution. And yes, feel free to say they can leave and all that, but they're not leaving. That doesn't mean that they should be killed. That's no excuse, period.

  15. First they are not terrorists

    Second they dont have machine guns .

    Third if they had machine guns you would see tens of soldiers killed

    Please dont alter the truth . Thank you

    PS : Or if they have machine guns they dont use them , which comes to the same

    as not having them

    They don't need machine guns - they have M79 grenade launchers! Terrorists!

    Don't have machine guns? repeat that after watching this

    red shirt weapons

    This is about the 10th time you're posting the same link in this one single thread.

  16. The yellow shirts and especially their leaders committed acts of terrorism, by leading their followers to take over a government building and hold it hostage for nearly a year,

    It is nearly a year now that the yellows did these things? Wow. The further away an event is, the further distorted is the truth...

    It's where it all started. So it is relevant.

    I am talking about the fact that they did not take a building 'hostage' [sic] for nearly a year...

    26 Aug - 2 Dec = 3 months and 1 week.

    In Red Shirt eyes = nearly 1 year.

    J.H.C I am tired of this BS...

    And the government sent a very clear message by not bringing the yellow shirts to justice. The message is basically, you can take over the government house and hold the country hostage for 8 months, and take the international airports hostage, and get away with it. All you need to do is post bail and you'll be free in 30 minutes. You can do everything you want and you won't have to worry about being arrested or put in jail.

    Obviously,the red shirts got the message, so they set-up stage at Rajprasong and that's where we're at now.

  17. YES by any dictionaries definition THEY ARE TERRORISTS. You are the one altering the truth. No country in the world differentiates between waving machine guns at people and using them. THEY HAVE MACHINE GUNS and bombs and grenades and lots of other weapons. They are terrorists. As soon as you have an armed mob any country in the world would use force of equal weaponry to remove them and bring safety back to the city. What are you thinking?

    I agree with your statement.

    I simply dont accept that they there is anything equal about an ill-equipped mob and a trained and highly armed professional army.

    Thailand spends US$5bn a year on 300,000 military personel - if they cant handle these few protesters they might as well be disbanded. Lets hope they dont end up running the country.

    I always knew they should have bought that Zeppelin toy Airship:


  18. The yellow shirts and especially their leaders committed acts of terrorism, by leading their followers to take over a government building and hold it hostage for nearly a year,

    It is nearly a year now that the yellows did these things? Wow. The further away an event is, the further distorted is the truth...

    It's where it all started. So it is relevant.

  19. Abisit & the Govt need to hire the high powered PR firms that Thaksin has hired to turn out the sound bites suitable for western audiences and usable by CNN, BBC etc. I know they shouldn't have to do this but it's time to recognize that there is a media war being raged against the Govt somewhat orchestrated by ...... guess who & his money.

    Thaksin is doing everything that Abhisit should have done. He's missed every opportunity so far. Thaksin pulled the poor and less fortunate Thais over and is combining the 2 causes, his own and the call for equal justice and opportunity. Abhisit didn't listen to them, he missed the opportunity. Now the media, Abhisit again missed the ball. All the government is doing is trying to push the media away from covering what's really happening, saying they're photoshopping or showing edited videos, telling them to leave as they're under sniper fire, etc. These reporters have worked in far worse situations, many of them in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they know especially that when someone tells them to leave, that something interesting will be happening, so instead of leaving they will dig in and wait.

    Right or wrong, Thaksin is outplaying Abhisit and is forcing him to play the cards that Thaksin wants.

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