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Posts posted by Rucharee

  1. Red-shirt terrorist suspect arrested in Lop Buri

    Police have arrested red-shirt guard Surachai "Rang" Thewarit, wanted for terrorism charge, in Lop Buri and will hand him over to the Department of Special Investigation this afternoon.

    DSI director general Tharit Pengdit on Thursday confirmed the arrest of Surachai, who has a warrant out for involving in the firing of M-79 grenade launchers to attack the BTS station in Saladaeng and the police checkpoint near Lumpini Park during the red-shirt rally.

    The attacks caused two dea

    ths, including a policeman, and a number of injuries.

    Deputy national police chief General Panupong Singhara na Anyutthaya said following his arrest, Surachai admitted his involvement in the M-79 attacks. He also told police some useful informations about the men in black, believed to belong to the armed unit of the red shirts.

    The Nation



    One by one, arrest them all.

  2. Sad to say, the Abhisit government has changed nothing in that respect because every politician seems to think the same way: If you keep telling the same stories, day in day out, on TV and radio, the people will think they are true.

    Now, the yellow, red and blue stations are all following the Channel 11 model: Give them nothing else but your version of the story. Do it long enough and they won't watch or listen to anything else.

    Need not say more.

  3. The Cambodian Government must be planning something un-popular on Thursday ...A diversion is required to focus attention elsewhere!.

    Someone, has his thinking cap on. wink.gif


    I have a 'day of anger against Thailand' everytime I get cheated here (daily) or when I hear 'me no money' or when I see government officials in nice suits and posh cars, talking about slums and beggars !

    Evolution is taking a step back I fear, with the 'flat noses'

    P.S. If you think calling them flat noses is racist, think again, unless you have never been ripped off because you are white (charged 10 times more than Abhisit to enter Zoo, even if you're a cleaner at McDonalds)

    Some words used here, like w*****, is not very polite.


    If it was your daughter, she'd get a second chance

    By Tulsathit Taptim

    Men and women are equal. Discrimination resulting from differences of origins, nationalities, languages, genders, ages, health or physical conditions, individual status, social or financial status, religious beliefs, constitutional political beliefs or education is prohibited. All citizens are entitled to support, assistance and promotion from the state when it comes to their liberty and rights. Thailand's 2007 Constitution

    Did you have sex in high school or university? Be honest, because your answer may go a long way to helping society debate arguably the most controversial bill of all time. Personally, I don't think the "Juno Bill", being mooted by some people at the Public Health Ministry, to give pregnant students a second chance, will live to see daylight, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't give the issue real thought.

    Tens of thousands of female students have to drop out of school or university every year due to pregnancy - either unwanted or unexpected. The bill seeks to allow them maternity leave, meaning they will no longer have to be forced out of their institutions of learning and end up languishing in informal schooling (if they still have the will to resume studying at all, that is).

    The dilemma is obvious. Will a bill that is intended to salvage the futures of tens of thousands of "misled" girls lure numerous others into committing the very same mistake? The number of teens with unwanted pregnancies are already staggering despite the shame heaped upon them, so what will happen if the social barriers are lowered? If we make it easier for young people to buy cigarettes and liquor, naturally all we'll get will be an increase in the number of smokers and drinkers.

    A subtle difference is, while lowering the drinking age will encourage young people to drink, allowing maternity leave is unlikely to make girls think, "Good, I should get pregnant". Will they feel freer to have sex? Maybe. Will the bill make them want a baby? No.

    I don't know the real statistics but I guess most teen pregnancies are caused by carelessness or naivety. We can't really tell how many such girls are fun-loving ones who go about asking for trouble, or how many are the more innocent type who make just one mistake that proves to be more than enough. But it doesn't really matter. All girls, constitutionally, are equally entitled to assistance from the state.

    In what is obviously a revolutionary piece of legislation, its Article 5 states that every individual has reproductive health and sex rights, and the rights to access information, advice and reproductive health services from public health facilities. In the not-so-distant past, this wording would have given many people a heart-attack, not just in Thailand, but many other places.

    In today's world, this bill may be telling us to take another look at reality. Pre-marital sex has become an unspoken norm, and much of it is happening between students. If the annual statistic that 20 per cent of every 800,000 pregnant women are under 20 is anything to go by, we must have a fairly sexually active younger generation.

    Schools have their own rules, but whether Thailand's charter should be adjusted toward them or vice versa is a no-brainer. Morally, the debate can go on, but constitutionally the girls deserve the very same rights as the men who got them into trouble. In fact, the girls deserve the same rights as every other Thai citizen.

    No pun intended here, but the "Juno Bill" may be aborted. And don't get me wrong, the other side has valid points in its opposition to the bill. The big problem that I will have if the bill fails to materialise is the fact that we are a society that loves to forgive everyone else - real criminals, corrupt politicians and so on. Most of the time, genuine victims are left unprotected because, ironically, we don't want to let go of some moral "principles".

    If I had a daughter, you could ask if I would want her to study in an environment where pregnant friends sit next to her or where "Juno mothers" may easily become a trend. The answer would be "No". Yet, it seems at least to me that the Juno Bill does not seek to address that question primarily.

    The real question, I think, is if "Juno" was my daughter, I would want her to have a second chance, whether I would not want her to walk alone. And since my answer would be "Yes", I can't see why it has to be different when it comes to somebody else's daughter.


    -- The Nation 2010-07-14

    So N.I.M.B.Y's have come to Thailand!

    The author/journalist does not want her "daughter" to be discrimated against if she "makes a mistake" but with the previous breath does not want others who have made a similar "mistake" to sit next to her daughter.

    T.I.T.W. (The World!) :unsure:

    "Tens of thousands of female students have to drop out of school or university every year due to pregnancy - either unwanted or unexpected."

    Is this a fact?

    A dozen or so is more likely, and I mean for the whole of Thailand.

  5. Instead of coming up with whitewash attempts and lame excuses the Democrats should prove that they are the morally better and welcome and applaud the dissolution and ban of its leaders as the consequences they have to face, even if there is only a doubt that they are not 110% clean. Good politicians don't come under suspicion by the EC for nothing.

    They should also request much harsher penalties and punishment as the law actually demands. As everybody knows a dissolution and a ban is actually not a solution nor keeps the culprits off.

    How about voluntary to agree to be be resettled to a permanent live firing zone? Contribute and re-paying to the society with wearing some bright colored shirts in an area where the countries best peace keeping snipers can practice and improve their work?

    That would definitely bring any discussion about double standards to end, for ever.

    You mean "LIFE FIRING ZONE"?

  6. I recon this guy has been setup. I have had three or four Thai police want to 'help and get to know me'. We warned, they are not after your friendship, they are looking for an opportunity to fleece you. A bit like the motoring offence but on a bigger scale with the backing of the Thai legal system. Once you are convicted by the legal system (whether you were correctly convicted is irrelevant), it does not matter; now you are a criminal. Once that happens there is not much chance of rewinding things.

    My tip: remain a tourist, don't tell anyone you have any money, don't throw your money around buying property, etc. Enjoy your time here but don't commit to anything. Leave when any trouble starts brewing.

    I think he is set up too.

    Because i have never met a musician who is gay.

    Especially a Russian one.

    You make a funny joke, comrade.

    post-37101-032196800 1279042396_thumb.jpTchaikovsky


    It is, in the South of Thailand.

    But not in Pattaya, fortunately for him.

  7. we can only hope they do stop causing more damage to thailand

    Not only hope.

    We can force them to stop causing more damage to Thailand.

    By increase tax on the poor (increase VAT to 10%), and reduce income/corporate tax for the rich.

    And arrest all the red-shirts activities and farmers.

  8. Any idea what the comparison with Romania means?

    :whistling: Huge price difference, also the South African Air Force paid $24 m. per plane but the Thais are spending an outrageous $74 m. per plane !

    The Thai plane have full option that include use automatic gear, sun roof, reverse sensors, DVD player, electric leather seat, central lock and matching tail fin color.

    The South African is the basic one. It did not even have air-condition for the back pilot.

    That's why the price different.

  9. I'm not into Thai bashing..in fact most of the people I know who think all Thais are stupid are thick as two short planks, talk absolute garbage and to me are total toss pots who should bog off back home if they think the place is that bad.

    However at the risk of being a total toss pot myself I have to confess this 10K fine with regards to tourist feeding Mr Chan is nuts.

    The ones who should be penalized are the cops on duty who failed to notice this 8,000 pound monster strolling up the road from Surin to Soi Cowboy at 2 mph.

    For me if 1 single tourist is fined in central Bangkok then the police and their failure to do their duty have a lot of explaining to do.

    Thank you for this reasoned post. I must confess, the post from chantorn just incensed me so much. This is the worst kind of attitude and unfortunately exactly the type of response I would expect from the average uneducated Thai. And yet, this person can read and write English well enough, so that in itself makes me wonder.

    Of course Thai's are not all stupid, and from some educted Thai's I have spoken to, they are very often as frustrated with their own people as Westerners are.


    I see as utterly worthless the comment "if you don't like it go home" it's another symptom of this culture that critism, even positive critism is not allowed, and yet this is the reason why nothing changes for the better.

    The subject is supposed to be the plight of the poor elephant and the need to stop the needless suffering of this poor animal, but as usual, and we know this from years of experience, it will be turned into a money making scam by the BIB, I think that deserves critisism. Thank you

    If Faransg don't feed the elephants, the elephant men will have no income and will not come to the city.

    In conclusion, Farangs are the source of the problem.

    Stop the Farangs, and it will stop the elephants.

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