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Posts posted by Bakseeda

  1. So what..? It does not affect Farangs no matter who the hell is in government... We still cannot buy land... We can still come and go as we like... Nothing changes for us lot..! Girls are still 1000bahts for a night of pleasure..... $30.00 for Christs sake... 60bahts for a Big Leo... 80bahts for a pack of ciggs..... $100,00 a week for a furnished apartment..... Right lads.., we don't like this Junta, pack up and lets go home... Rock on General..... stay for another 10 years . We love Ya..!! rolleyes.gif

  2. "...The Foreign Ministry will find out whether these attempts have paid off when the UN General Assembly votes in October 2016..."

    cheesy.gif Not a chance in hell.

    I'll make a bet right now. There will be no elections in Thailand in 2016.

    Of course there Will be elections.... we are just about to vote a new committee for our pool league... That's an election, sure there will be no General Election for Thai peoples but there will be many "elections" and the UN General Assembly" will certainly vote in October 2016. Please TV, ask posters to take a little IQ test before allowing just anyone to post here....... wub.png

  3. Talking the market up,

    He goes on about airport numbers and carefully avoids any talk about his hotel business.

    37% Chinese, 14% Russian, that's clearly the classy end of the market.

    With 30% of the Chinese stock market suspended from trading this week, I wouldn't be pinning much hopes on them.

    And the Russian currency falling to less than 50% of it's previous value, most of them won't be back for a while.

    Should I mention the Euro has dropped 40% in the last 5 years, and the Australian and NZ dollar down 20% this year.

    Thailand is becoming very expensive for many foreigners.

    And oppressive military regimes aren't all that popular a holiday destination for the masses who believe in Democracy.

    How about a non-oppressive military regime that does believe in Democracy.... Seems to me that the Thai peoples have got much better than they deserve.. selling votes for 500 baht in their masses... violently banning certain potential MPs from canvassing in their chosen seats of government... Politicians betraying the trust of their people... About time the Thai people got their back-side paddled... Lucky they got Prayuth, Lucky they got someone who cares.. For Gods sake give the guy a chance... Thailand has problems, and those problems cannot be solved overnight..

    If you have a better idea... come on , let us all in on this new-found path to righteousness...wai2.gif Righteousness

  4. ,or some people are topped by others like a fellow countryman of mine found hanged in his garden in Pattaya hands tied togheter with tie wraps and a plastic bag over his head and the will and suicide note stuck to his body with duck tape,and his Thai wife of many years was apparently up country visiting family when al this happened.

    And that fantastic local police farce concluded it was suicide......

    Is that 100% accurate? What nationality was the dead bloke? I would have thought that one email to the embassy for most countries would mean one email from the ambassador and all of a sudden a cop can't do enough and someone's been arrested. If you're a Brit, for example, the idea that the Thai state will suit a random Thai - who they'd be minded to hammer just on general principles - rather than curry favour with the UK is pretty fanciful.

    I hate to be the one to inform you of this Craig, but the British Embassy will take nothing at all to do with a matter such as this... NOTHING...! unless the man had hung himself inside the Embassy grounds,,, wai2.gif

  5. Pattaya isnt Thailand to me, I have never lived in Pattaya although visited the place a few times, I don't like it all... I wouldn't really call it 'proper Thailand'

    Seems to me your friends need to experience Thailand for real and not just some scummy seedy area sat on a bar stool supping beer with bar girls, that's not a dig by the way. How about trying somewhere else out in Thailand away from the tourist zones?

    I have lived in Thailand for 3 years and since moving up NE Thailand I am much more happy and relaxed with my wife and son, I don't think I could stay in Pattaya etc for more than a week, I also hate the seedy places in BKK. Up here I have met so many proper friends Thai and non Thai who are genuine.


    But , come on Ryan..... anywhere is better than 'ull... !

  6. Bannum opinions.... Say what you mean mate... stop hiding your banter with colourful words... and don't forget to wipe your mouth with some soft tissue paper.... everyone is entitled to their own opinion, But you.. you are just a wind-up merchant... If these peoples are guilty as charged it will be a pleasure to watch them all being marched off to prison...

  7. Black beans are good for you. In fact they are one of the best foods on the plane. Nothing else delivers as much bang per gram as Mr. Black Bean. It's great for the colon. You really do need the black bean experience.

    Did you know that we should as a minimum be consuming 3 cups of cooked legumes per week, or 1/2 cup serving six days per week? Black Beans deliver more fiber and more nutrients than lentils, and they are better tasting too. 15 grams of fiber per cup. So eat up and get as much black beans into you as you can!! (Hint, Prepare your own and you can reduce your sodium intake. Canned beans have way too much unnecessary sodium.)

    I like black beans and had them in my salad today, along with lentils. A bit of garlic, dill, balsamic vinegar, onion powder and wham, bam you just pleasured your intestine. Avoid the ice cream. Unnecessary sugar, saturated fat, additives and chemical concoctions.

    Suppository salad...? you just pleasured your prostate...clap2.gif wham bam........

  8. Just beats me why so many Thai bashers care to live in this wonderful country.... surely we live here Because of all its faults..! blink.png

    The carnage on the roads is a huge major fault, that you have to confront every time you step out the door and effects everyone,

    which is what we are discussing. sad.png

    Seems you can easily ignore posts that make you go blink.png and move on to things you want to discuss.wink.png

    But you've contributed nothing more than a lame and veiled "if you dont like it, why dont you go home". facepalm.gif

    First of all kaorop, is it a huge fault, or a major fault.... seems you cannot make up your mind .. and my post does not mention "if you don't like it go home", or even suggest it.

    Anyone who lives any amount of time in Thailand knows these roads are dangerous.. we don't need you to tell us.

    We all know Thai ladies are even more dangerous..... But , will we stop driving or will we stop getting involved ? Thailand is the way it is, but maybe better for you if you don't step outside your door.. and maybe better for us...thumbsup.gif

    Is this lame and veiled enough for you..?bah.gif

  9. The strange thing is that none of those high quality counterfeits is produced in Thailand, but they all come from neighboring countries, merely because no Thai is able to produce something of quality.

    Now would those countries produce those counterfeits for Thailand only? I doubt that.

    Thailand produces many high quality products exported around the world. Cars and motorcycles come first to mind.

    What prompts you to write such derogatory rubbish?

    And Halloween, Don't forget the lovely Thai girls produced here in their hundreds....giggle.gif

  10. If it is true and these students are being backed by political parties, they should be punished to the full extent of the law, especially if they are getting paid..! If they are genuine and protesting from the heart, first they should ask their own countrymen why they sold their very valuable votes for 500 bahts. They should try to teach the older folks what democracy really means....

    They should organise a strong student body and take up talks with the present government .

    But no, they look for publicity... who is the publicity for..! A certain man in Dubai maybe..

    There will be free and fair elections within the next 2 years... patience young men..! Get your education first .. wai2.gif

  11. This is actually the routine Run to Singapore like the Heir to the Red Bull fortune did a runner. Vorayuth Yoovidhya, remember him . He killed a cop and ran to Singapore before they

    could get their hands on him

    Now hes in hiding hoping they will forget about it . I will not forget it and I suspect she will do the same Run from the authorities And to think that the Prime Minister has a real opportunity to show

    just how Thailand is changing and request that Singapore hand him over to Thai Authorities. This is easy so why don't they do it ? Show they will not tolerate a cop killer

    The Red Bull guy is back living in Thailand since his grand-daddy died.. everyone got paid off... the policeman is dead, cannot bring him back... Better result all round... We all make mistakes especially when we were young... lucky he is rich..! RIP the dead policemen.

  12. Not going to be very nice for him back in Saudi..."Which hand do you open your computer with??"

    He will NOT be going to Saudi, .... Read the article, He is from Switzerland so will be deported to his home country when he finishes his jail time...... He did not commit a crime in Saudi.. clap2.gif

  13. The envelope must have been addressed by the same fresh out of college bubble headed bleach blond airhead dimwit that waited on me that last time I had the misfortune of having to get a document notarized. She asked me sarcastically what on earth is a person from Kentucky doing living in Thailand. I replied what on earth is a person with an IQ of 30 doing working at the American Embassy.

    Yes, when she could have been running as an American Presidential candidate.... cheesy.gif

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