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Posts posted by Bakseeda

  1. Unluckily for all of us , the media are involved... Those guys make up stuff.... The Thai police, army and most of the public are trying to do everything they can to find the culprits. And of course the authorities are not going to release any information that may help the perpetrators escape. Which of course they may have already done. This was a very well planned bombing .... They may have had inside help .. until they are caught we will never know.... But let us all stop blaming the authorities.. The British could not stop the IRA. The London bombings of 2005... Iraq, Iran, Syria, South America, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, etc etc, so many atrocities in our world ... The bombers planned for confusion... and listening to the words of these Thaivisa posters which are so negative, seems the bombers are winning this fight. Why don't you all shut the fruk up... keep your negative view to yourselves , If it's so bad here, you know where the door is... And until we know better it may be that a previous prime minister is to blame... He is certainly high on the list of suspects.. I hope it is not him..... but he sure has friends in the police...

  2. Thailand is a wonderful example of thin to fat peoples... I came here first time in 1990. The peoples of Thailand were very slim and quite lovely peoples. They ate mostly rice, fish , lean meats and fresh vegetables which were plentiful. I still have videos I made in Bangkok and around many local markets and looking through those videos I can find almost no fat or chubby peoples. I cannot remember seeing one McDonalds or Burger King or Kentucky Fry.

    Now 2015, 25 years on from my first visit and I have now been living here for 14 years full time . Fast food chains are everywhere, western style supermarkets with western style foods are part of Thai life now. And the result..... fat Thai people are plentiful, fat Thai people are everywhere but especially in the cities. Fat Thai people seems to be the normal thing now..

    Oh well.... pass the hamburger and Chang please.........whistling.gif

  3. And someone should let them know that Mr Thaksin has NO problems at all saying one thing to his gullible audience whilst doing the opposite behind the scenes.

    I'm not taking sides, but the following could also be true:

    And someone should let them know that General Prayuth has NO problems at all saying one thing to his gullible audience whilst doing the opposite behind the scenes.

    Sorry Not to believe you Simon, but if you were NOT taking sides, you would not have posted this.... we are not all gullible to you either..! blink.png

  4. I hope the case is really progressing and does not end up bogged down in inefficiency,

    like so many other cases,many serious like murder,that just end up as cold cases.

    regards Worgeordie

    Worgeordie, I think this might just be a very serious murder case they are dealing with here..... whistling.gif

    Whoever is responsible, let's all pray the perpetrators are caught very quickly. And tortured very slowly...wai2.gif

  5. Now wholly in belief of what the red shirt activists were all about, there is no doubt in my mind that they are not responsible for such attacks c'mon it's about religion not politics.

    Get a grip of yourself.... Where did the explosion occur ? Right where the Red Shirts had their stage during the protests of 2010. And the day after "cycle for Mom" . Opposite the Wat where Red Shirt protesters were shot and killed... Red Shirts are still in prison, forgotten by Mr Thaksin, forgotten by PTP, forgotten by all..... NOT Forgotten now....

    It does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure this out.. wai2.gif Oh, I do not believe in coincidences.. they are for story books...

  6. The incident occurred adjacent to a shrine held sacred by both Buddhists and Hindus. This is unlikely to be linked with either main political faction in Thailand but rather the issues in the south. Having said that - too early to jump to conclusions.

    Jimbo, I don't know how long you have lived in Thailand But anyone who has lived in Thailand and especially in Bangkok , KNOWS just who are responsible for this bomb ... one day Cycle for Mom and the next day a bomb...... This has absolutely nothing to do with the southern insurgents , that is a local issue and the Thai Muslims know what would happen if they came to Bangkok. And the location of the bomb is Very significant ... This is communist(Red) through and through.... But let us all hope that the sick perpetrators are caught and shot ASAP..... RIP to all innocents...

    But, anyways nothing to do with us Farangs... there's the door....

  7. If I recall right in both Georgia and South Korea they kicked out the complete police force and started from zero.

    Replacing one corrupt with the next corrupt won't help. Considering that you only get promoted if you pay your superior everyone beside the lowest ranks is corrupt.

    South Korea did not sack them all.... all over 35 yrs old were dismissed ...all training colleges were closed down and trainers sacked... all sacked policeman were banned from police stations and foreign trainers and policeman were brought in to teach and train new policeman . Many young soldiers became policeman. Government increased wages to something worthwhile and gave good pensions. That did the job very well. wai2.gif

  8. Its not rumours is it , they have admitted visiting his home. Does not matter what was said having people from the army turning up at your house to talk to you , would be intimidating in itself

    Only, ..... If you have something to hide.. Why did he not record the meeting.. I record all meetings. Its normal for someone like this ex-MP to do so.! PTP.... lies and more lies.. not one honest MP amongst them... bah.gif

  9. its like living in the 'Wild West''....

    ..or LA. NY, Ferguson and so on.

    I constantly read that Thailand is a 'Third World Country'. Why don't the writers go back to the 'First World' and to Mass shootings in Schools, Movie Theaters and inside homes etc? Are Magic Tattoos any different to Statues of a Man on a Cross, or so called 'Relics' or any other religious item. To each his own as long as they don't hurt you. Peace and Goodwill for everybody - please.

    Peace and Goodwill for everybody - please. Are you joking or smoking ? Have you not seen or heard of ISIS ?

    Try telling that to those ****wits..... The Boy Scouts had it right... "Always be prepared".. The tattooist was not..!wai.gif

  10. "The tycoon's family, however, suspects foul play in light of the fact that Banyin survived the crash unscathed and that a large volume of Chuwong's shares - worth nearly Bt300 million - was transferred to two women just days before his death without them knowing."

    ​This is the first time I have heard that the women were not aware shares were transferred to them...nice try to get them off the hook....

    I think that means , without the family knowing...

  11. And the backlash begins against Faux News... You know it's pretty bad when a pair of black women take to youtube to defend The Donald... Well worth the few minutes to watch their videos, for a bit of humor if for no other reason...


    If nothing else, the next 14 months leading up to the '16 elections will be very interesting...

    The best thing for all United States Americans is that Obama will be gone.... what a blessing for the world over.... But Hilary, wow, that's scary..! And , well, Donald (where's your troosers) Trump, well, his granny was Scottish , that's gotta be a bonus...

  12. Singapore is successful for one reason.... It is that Thai government after Thai government refuses to build a canal from Pak Phraek in the Gulf of Siam, across to Bang Kaeo , a distance of only 50 Kliks... Prime minister after prime minister has been paid millions of US $$$s to keep this project out of the light.... The old Thai/Chino connections. With a canal across Thailand , Singapore would lose its shipping and slowly disappear into history, because that's all it has... And it would be great for Thailand and Myanmar and super for the new deep sea port at Dawei..... The old Myanmar generals also held off this project as they ran all their moneys through Singapore, they also went to hospitals there and sent their kids out into the world from Singapore. Stronger connections than the Freemasons.... But something so valuable to Thailand and something that really makes sense .... well , it is Thailand.....wai2.gif

  13. Any Chinese i have encountered, do have a basic knowledge of english, more so than a ''Thai''

    Wrong RtB..... I have been to China many times and always have the same guide/translator waiting for me.... You can do nothing or go nowhere in China if you do not have one.. Almost no-one speaks English. From your first taxi, to the first time you eat... not a soul understands you. So I don,t know where you met your Chinese peoples except maybe in your local Chinese take-away... Stop posting for the sake of posting.. please wait until you have something of interest to share..!

  14. If the outgoing Police chief is the same person that refused a breathalyser test and tried to pull rank, and then later changed the rules, then good riddance.

    As hard as it is going to be to achieve, Thailand needs a police force that ACTUALLY enforces the laws. The local police box has a police officer on duty there Mon-Fri (except public holidays) every week. He is such a hard worker, NOT. He parks his motor bike on the footpath, sets up his layback chair, takes off his police shirt and just sits there all day doing nothing but eating, reading papers and like the majority of Asians, playing with his mobile phone. These cops need to be given daily quotas of official bookings to make so they can actually earn the wages. So many laws are broken right under his nose and he just sits there and ignores them. Thailand's finest hard at work.

    Where's the photo.. ?

  15. This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

    Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

    Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

    Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

    The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

    And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

    It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

    Mental !!!!

    Fat Haggis.....Why don't you say what you mean. ! Haha... But please...please check your grammar before you press the "POST" button... you give Celts a bad name...

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