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Posts posted by Bakseeda

  1. I sincerely hope that no one is thinking that every person from Nigeria, with a population in excess of 170 million, is involved in narcotic trafficking, a few bad apples..

    Every Nigerian that received their visa from the Thai Embassy in Nigeria has had to provide the clearance letter from the National Drug Law Agency, this is a document that the Nigerian government clearly instructs the Thai Embassy to check before issuing a visa to the Nigerian.

    Even a recommendation to issue a visa from the Thai Ministry of Interior, to the Thai Embassy in Nigeria, will not override that requirement.

    Easy to get around when you are black and come from Africa... I can go to Ghana and pay $300 US for a new passport, a real passport which says I am from Ghana... They have no trouble coming here on a 30 day visa exemption. And it is Nigerian people who work in the Thai Embassy in Nigeria.. a few quid in the right pocket and you are on your way.. Money makes the world go round and its those same stupid rules and regulations that put more corruption moneys in the trough..

    And we know full well that NOT all Nigerians are involved in the drug trade.... many are full time scammers also.. wanna clean up some black dollars ..???

  2. WoW.... Just Great news if this is the right guy... should have all those RTP slaters eating their words now... Let us all hope this is the bomber and he gets what's coming his way...! Should be an interesting story of his tracking down and capture.

  3. "A proposed amnesty sparked another series of street protests, which led to the latest political crisis and ultimately the coup on May 22, 2014"

    A classic example of rewriting history according to one's own spin. And many people believe it.

    There was no political crisis that an election wouldn't have fixed....It is why they cancelled it. The PDRC wanted to fabricate political dysfunction for their sole objective of avoiding elections and achieve a more favorable coup.

    To suggest it was this issue or that which spurred them on, is ridiculous. They cycled through a number of issues hoping to gain traction for their real objective.

    It just emphasizes the point of how much the media is in their pocket...That they would characterize the drive to a coup as being issue focused.

    It had nothing to do with issues, and everything to do with being coup-driven for obvious self-serving reasons.

    HuH..... Those self serving reasons you talk about were self serving for the whole nation .... and another election would have most probably have returned the same rampant corruption that the Yinluck government are now going to pay the price for.

    Do you really think that every person born in a country deserves a vote. When that person has absolutely no education. When that person has NEVER paid tax and contributed something to the well being of the other peoples and to this Nation. When that person still believes Thaksin to be some sort of Messiah because he gave them a thirty baht doctor appointment.. And that same person cares so little about his/her vote that they will sell it to the highest bidder. Yes, go ahead and call for an election... The peoples of this country deserve this Junta... they need to get their asses paddled sometimes.. Prayuth has a thankless job which I am sure he wants to pass on ASAP. But thank God for Thailand that someone somewhere DOES care ... I am farang and it has nothing to do with me, but as I see it, REFORMS must come first.... Wake-Up Thailand... wai2.gif Please...

  4. I'm sorry to say that he is right.

    The cornerstone of democracy is that the people elected by the government are people of the highest morale fiber who will put the needs of the people in their constituency and the country above their own. More than that : if they do not then the people have the power to remove them from office.

    The 310:0 amnesty disgrace was a tragedy with implications far beyond whether the bogeyman comes back or not. It showed just how dishonest and corrupt every single member of the government was.

    A democracy cannot function when the people will elect representatives like that. Thailand needs something else - where naughty officials can get spanked for stealing. Long prison terms and lifetime bans would be a start : the rules as they are now have clearly been written by politicians with an eye to protecting themselves should they end up being the one under the spotlight.

    You are dead right..... nail right on the head etc....... But, Thailand does not have one politician of the highest moral fiber .. sorry, not one.. If the Thai people knew just how many Multi millions of dollars consecutive Thai prime ministers have been paid by the government of Singapore NOT to build a canal from just south of Chumpon only 48 Kilometres to the canal at La-un and straight out to sea at Ranong.. Just this one continuous bribe has cost the people of Thailand dearly.. Singapore would have been finished years ago.. Completely finished, And that canal would have become more important than the Suez canal... But Thai politicians think more about their personal bank accounts than they do of their own peoples... and their own countries... Remember they are almost all Thai-Chinese .. same as Singapore... Lee Kuan Yew was the man..!

  5. They can give their other government jobs to their relatives, as that of course are the ones best qualified. NOT.

    Anthony, please can you back up your statement with some facts...which one do you know has given up their job to a relative...? Please DON'T post just for the sake of seeing your own avatar on TV. Better to keep quiet and let people think you are a fool, etc etc.......

  6. I think it is absolutely shameful to see this so called actress smiling at the widow as though

    all is forgiven. She should have been breathalysed at the scene there and then, and punished

    for speeding. But yes she was too good in 'hi so' to have that inconvenience!

    It was an accident, he should not have been parked there and she should not have been speeding.. stuff happens... RIP to the sleeping policeman, and sympathy for his family... next.

  7. Trump is a oddity in the political arena, the proverbial bull in the china shop if you like, sending all

    pundits to review what they know about political and presidential hopefuls in the race for the much

    coveted office, Trump will not last, once the curiosity wears off, the king with no cloths will be revealed

    for all to see and he will fade away into the place which he came from with a big grin on his face,,,

    Lets hope not, he gets my vote all the way..... Donald where's your troosers...!

  8. We are sitting on a bubble economy.

    1. Retirees invested their whole life savings in pension funds, mutual funds and in stock market and on holidays. All started collapsing now. No more holidays.

    2. Middle class working for big companies and invested their savings in shares and all plunged now. Most of their wealth have been wiped out.

    3. Giant capitalist invested on natural resources like oil, metal and rare earth commodities and waiting for the price going up depends on China's growing demand.

    The concept is how long the machines can produce things when humans have no money buy and no people to spend the money ? We are all sitting on a false economy with bundle of papers called currency.

    It is like everyone wanted to eat good and delicious food. But there is no one out there to work on fields to produce the food, and no one is ready to cook on hot stove but wanted to eat delicious food.

    One day we all have to go back to the fields and work hard for our food, rather than counting the papers and numbers on the screen.

    Wake up..!!!!!!

  9. So he probably carried both bombs to Erawan. left one there, blew it up, then dropped another under the pier and blew it up the next day?

    How far is it from the shrine to the pier?

    Its quite far from Thaksin Pier to Erewan Shrine, my guess is this was a second bomb just in case the first did not explode, and when the first exploded, this second bomber just dumped his bomb into the water... Does not look the same as the first bomber although also wearing glasses. He also looked very nervous while he was waiting for that call.... maybe there was another plan but once he knew the first bomb had exploded maybe he just bottled it.... Whatever lets all be thankful for no more deaths or injuries... One bomb like that was one bomb too many..! RIP all those unlucky people.... Go with God....

  10. His girlfriend aged 20 years oldgiggle.gif

    Could have made it sound better to say his step daughter or grand step daughterclap2.gif

    Why, lucky man and even more lucky girl....In case you did not know its why Farang men come to Thailand .... Oh , don't tell me you came to look at the Wats and temples ... and maybe brought your old Farang wife along for the ride...

    Rock on Darren....... (and sorry , no offence to your wife just poking fun ) wai.gif

  11. ahhh hahaha Thaksin is putting up more than the Junta, too funny. gigglem.gif

    Now we are getting in the realms of real interesting tea money. Everyone has a price here, lets hope the amount keeps rising until someone cracks.

    It's the taxpayers own money...... some of the profits from undervalued land that his wife bought on insider information..... scumbags every one.. bah.gif

  12. The guy in the photo fit pic certainly looks foreign. But if a foreigner did it for his own reason, why has he not claimed responsibility unless he is just a lunatic. The second bomb was almost certainly connected to this same guy. So far it seems he acted on his own. A pipe bomb such as this is not difficult to build. As someone already wrote, instructions can be found on-line . And the detonator most likely was a mobile phone which when activated by a call would have set off the detonator which in turn explodes the TNT , from which the shockwave and ball bearings cause the terrible damage we all saw. The TNT if civilian is different from military, as is the detonator. Someone somewhere knows this man.. Lets hope that person will come forward.. wai2.gif

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